When I try to make fwh samples I get the following error file.
What do I have to do ?
Thanks Mike.
Type: C >>>xhb.exe -o"bigfold.c" -m -n -w -p -q -gc0 -I"C:\FWH\INCLUDE" -I"C:\fwh\include" -I"C:\xHB\include" -I"C:\xHB\include\w32" "bigfold.prg"<<<
xHarbour Compiler build 0.99.61 (SimpLex)
Copyright 1999-2006, http://www.xharbour.org http://www.harbour-project.org/
Generating object output to 'bigfold.obj'...
Type: C >>>xrc.exe -fo"bigfold.res" -i"C:\FWH\INCLUDE" -I"C:\xHB\c_include" -I"C:\xHB\c_include\win" "bigfold.rc"<<<
xRC: C:\xHB\include\wintypes.ch(19): warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'Ifndef'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\wintypes.ch(76): error: #endif with no #if.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\cstruct.ch(87): warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'xcommand'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\cstruct.ch(90): warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'xtranslate'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\cstruct.ch(91): warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'xtranslate'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\cstruct.ch(94): warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'xcommand'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\cstruct.ch(103): warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'xcommand'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\cstruct.ch(106): warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'xcommand'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\cstruct.ch(108): warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'xcommand'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\cstruct.ch(111): warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'xcommand'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\cstruct.ch(115): warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'xcommand'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\cstruct.ch(116): warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'xtranslate'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\cstruct.ch(117): warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'xtranslate'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\cstruct.ch(129): warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'xcommand'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\cstruct.ch(134): warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'xtranslate'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\cstruct.ch(135): warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'xtranslate'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\cstruct.ch(137): warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'xcommand'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\cstruct.ch(138): warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'xcommand'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\cstruct.ch(140): warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'xtranslate'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\cstruct.ch(141): warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'xtranslate'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\wintypes.ch(76): error: File not found: '#endif'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(1): error: File not found: 'from'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(1): error: File not found: 'hConvert.EXE'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(2): error: File not found: 'Wise'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(2): error: File not found: 'Wos'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(3): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(3): error: File not found: 'any'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(3): error: File not found: 'is'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(3): error: File not found: 'implied.'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4): error: File not found: 'recommended'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4): error: File not found: 'the'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4): error: File not found: 'the'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4): error: File not found: 'use.'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(1623): warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_OVERLAPPED'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(1625): warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_POPUP'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(1626): warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_CHILD'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(1627): warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_MINIMIZE'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(1628): warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_VISIBLE'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(1629): warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_DISABLED'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(1630): warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_CLIPSIBLINGS'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(1631): warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_CLIPCHILDREN'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(1632): warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_MAXIMIZE'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(1633): warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_CAPTION'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(1634): warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_BORDER'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(1635): warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_DLGFRAME'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(1636): warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_VSCROLL'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(1637): warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_HSCROLL'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(1638): warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_SYSMENU'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(1639): warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_THICKFRAME'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(1640): warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_GROUP'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(1641): warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_TABSTOP'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(1643): warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_MINIMIZEBOX'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(1644): warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_MAXIMIZEBOX'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(1655): warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(1662): warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_POPUPWINDOW'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(1666): warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_CHILDWINDOW'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(1671): warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_EX_DLGMODALFRAME'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(1672): warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_EX_NOPARENTNOTIFY'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(1673): warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_EX_TOPMOST'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(1674): warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_EX_ACCEPTFILES'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(1675): warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_EX_TRANSPARENT'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(1677): warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_EX_MDICHILD'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(1678): warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(1679): warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(1680): warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(1681): warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_EX_CONTEXTHELP'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(1683): warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_EX_RIGHT'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(1684): warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_EX_LEFT'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(1685): warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_EX_RTLREADING'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(1686): warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_EX_LTRREADING'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(1687): warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_EX_LEFTSCROLLBAR'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(1688): warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_EX_RIGHTSCROLLBAR'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(1690): warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(1691): warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_EX_STATICEDGE'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(1692): warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_EX_APPWINDOW'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(1695): warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_EX_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(1696): warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_EX_PALETTEWINDOW'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(1701): warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_EX_LAYERED'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(1706): warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_EX_NOINHERITLAYOUT'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(1707): warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(1711): warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_EX_NOACTIVATE'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(1656): error: Addition is not allowed.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(1657): error: Addition is not allowed.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(1658): error: Addition is not allowed.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(1659): error: Addition is not allowed.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(1663): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(3977): warning: Macro redefinition of 'MF_INSERT'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(3978): warning: Macro redefinition of 'MF_CHANGE'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(3979): warning: Macro redefinition of 'MF_APPEND'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(3980): warning: Macro redefinition of 'MF_DELETE'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(3981): warning: Macro redefinition of 'MF_REMOVE'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(3983): warning: Macro redefinition of 'MF_BYCOMMAND'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(3984): warning: Macro redefinition of 'MF_BYPOSITION'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(3986): warning: Macro redefinition of 'MF_SEPARATOR'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(3988): warning: Macro redefinition of 'MF_ENABLED'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(3989): warning: Macro redefinition of 'MF_GRAYED'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(3990): warning: Macro redefinition of 'MF_DISABLED'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(3992): warning: Macro redefinition of 'MF_UNCHECKED'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(3993): warning: Macro redefinition of 'MF_CHECKED'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(3994): warning: Macro redefinition of 'MF_USECHECKBITMAPS'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(3996): warning: Macro redefinition of 'MF_STRING'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(3997): warning: Macro redefinition of 'MF_BITMAP'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(3998): warning: Macro redefinition of 'MF_OWNERDRAW'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4000): warning: Macro redefinition of 'MF_POPUP'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4001): warning: Macro redefinition of 'MF_MENUBARBREAK'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4002): warning: Macro redefinition of 'MF_MENUBREAK'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4004): warning: Macro redefinition of 'MF_UNHILITE'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4005): warning: Macro redefinition of 'MF_HILITE'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4008): warning: Macro redefinition of 'MF_DEFAULT'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4010): warning: Macro redefinition of 'MF_SYSMENU'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4011): warning: Macro redefinition of 'MF_HELP'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4013): warning: Macro redefinition of 'MF_RIGHTJUSTIFY'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4016): warning: Macro redefinition of 'MF_MOUSESELECT'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4018): warning: Macro redefinition of 'MF_END'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4028): warning: Macro redefinition of 'MFT_RADIOCHECK'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4030): warning: Macro redefinition of 'MFT_RIGHTORDER'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4034): warning: Macro redefinition of 'MFS_GRAYED'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4377): warning: Macro redefinition of 'ES_LEFT'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4378): warning: Macro redefinition of 'ES_CENTER'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4379): warning: Macro redefinition of 'ES_RIGHT'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4380): warning: Macro redefinition of 'ES_MULTILINE'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4381): warning: Macro redefinition of 'ES_UPPERCASE'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4382): warning: Macro redefinition of 'ES_LOWERCASE'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4383): warning: Macro redefinition of 'ES_PASSWORD'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4384): warning: Macro redefinition of 'ES_AUTOVSCROLL'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4385): warning: Macro redefinition of 'ES_AUTOHSCROLL'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4386): warning: Macro redefinition of 'ES_NOHIDESEL'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4387): warning: Macro redefinition of 'ES_OEMCONVERT'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4388): warning: Macro redefinition of 'ES_READONLY'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4389): warning: Macro redefinition of 'ES_WANTRETURN'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4391): warning: Macro redefinition of 'ES_NUMBER'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4493): warning: Macro redefinition of 'BS_PUSHBUTTON'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4494): warning: Macro redefinition of 'BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4495): warning: Macro redefinition of 'BS_CHECKBOX'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4496): warning: Macro redefinition of 'BS_AUTOCHECKBOX'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4497): warning: Macro redefinition of 'BS_RADIOBUTTON'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4498): warning: Macro redefinition of 'BS_3STATE'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4499): warning: Macro redefinition of 'BS_AUTO3STATE'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4500): warning: Macro redefinition of 'BS_GROUPBOX'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4501): warning: Macro redefinition of 'BS_USERBUTTON'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4502): warning: Macro redefinition of 'BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4503): warning: Macro redefinition of 'BS_OWNERDRAW'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4504): warning: Macro redefinition of 'BS_LEFTTEXT'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4506): warning: Macro redefinition of 'BS_TEXT'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4507): warning: Macro redefinition of 'BS_ICON'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4508): warning: Macro redefinition of 'BS_BITMAP'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4509): warning: Macro redefinition of 'BS_LEFT'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4510): warning: Macro redefinition of 'BS_RIGHT'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4511): warning: Macro redefinition of 'BS_CENTER'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4512): warning: Macro redefinition of 'BS_TOP'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4513): warning: Macro redefinition of 'BS_BOTTOM'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4514): warning: Macro redefinition of 'BS_VCENTER'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4515): warning: Macro redefinition of 'BS_PUSHLIKE'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4516): warning: Macro redefinition of 'BS_MULTILINE'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4517): warning: Macro redefinition of 'BS_NOTIFY'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4518): warning: Macro redefinition of 'BS_FLAT'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4562): warning: Macro redefinition of 'SS_LEFT'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4563): warning: Macro redefinition of 'SS_CENTER'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4564): warning: Macro redefinition of 'SS_RIGHT'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4565): warning: Macro redefinition of 'SS_ICON'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4566): warning: Macro redefinition of 'SS_BLACKRECT'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4567): warning: Macro redefinition of 'SS_GRAYRECT'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4568): warning: Macro redefinition of 'SS_WHITERECT'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4569): warning: Macro redefinition of 'SS_BLACKFRAME'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4570): warning: Macro redefinition of 'SS_GRAYFRAME'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4571): warning: Macro redefinition of 'SS_WHITEFRAME'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4572): warning: Macro redefinition of 'SS_USERITEM'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4573): warning: Macro redefinition of 'SS_SIMPLE'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4574): warning: Macro redefinition of 'SS_LEFTNOWORDWRAP'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4576): warning: Macro redefinition of 'SS_OWNERDRAW'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4577): warning: Macro redefinition of 'SS_BITMAP'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4578): warning: Macro redefinition of 'SS_ENHMETAFILE'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4579): warning: Macro redefinition of 'SS_ETCHEDHORZ'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4580): warning: Macro redefinition of 'SS_ETCHEDVERT'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4581): warning: Macro redefinition of 'SS_ETCHEDFRAME'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4582): warning: Macro redefinition of 'SS_TYPEMASK'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4584): warning: Macro redefinition of 'SS_NOPREFIX'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4586): warning: Macro redefinition of 'SS_NOTIFY'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4587): warning: Macro redefinition of 'SS_CENTERIMAGE'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4588): warning: Macro redefinition of 'SS_RIGHTJUST'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4589): warning: Macro redefinition of 'SS_REALSIZEIMAGE'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4590): warning: Macro redefinition of 'SS_SUNKEN'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4591): warning: Macro redefinition of 'SS_ENDELLIPSIS'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4592): warning: Macro redefinition of 'SS_PATHELLIPSIS'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4593): warning: Macro redefinition of 'SS_WORDELLIPSIS'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4594): warning: Macro redefinition of 'SS_ELLIPSISMASK'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4694): warning: Macro redefinition of 'DS_ABSALIGN'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4695): warning: Macro redefinition of 'DS_SYSMODAL'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4696): warning: Macro redefinition of 'DS_LOCALEDIT'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4697): warning: Macro redefinition of 'DS_SETFONT'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4698): warning: Macro redefinition of 'DS_MODALFRAME'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4699): warning: Macro redefinition of 'DS_NOIDLEMSG'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4700): warning: Macro redefinition of 'DS_SETFOREGROUND'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4704): warning: Macro redefinition of 'DS_3DLOOK'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4705): warning: Macro redefinition of 'DS_FIXEDSYS'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4706): warning: Macro redefinition of 'DS_NOFAILCREATE'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4707): warning: Macro redefinition of 'DS_CONTROL'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4708): warning: Macro redefinition of 'DS_CENTER'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4709): warning: Macro redefinition of 'DS_CENTERMOUSE'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4710): warning: Macro redefinition of 'DS_CONTEXTHELP'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4712): warning: Macro redefinition of 'DS_SHELLFONT'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4836): warning: Macro redefinition of 'LBS_NOTIFY'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4837): warning: Macro redefinition of 'LBS_SORT'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4838): warning: Macro redefinition of 'LBS_NOREDRAW'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4839): warning: Macro redefinition of 'LBS_MULTIPLESEL'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4840): warning: Macro redefinition of 'LBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4841): warning: Macro redefinition of 'LBS_OWNERDRAWVARIABLE'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4842): warning: Macro redefinition of 'LBS_HASSTRINGS'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4843): warning: Macro redefinition of 'LBS_USETABSTOPS'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4844): warning: Macro redefinition of 'LBS_NOINTEGRALHEIGHT'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4845): warning: Macro redefinition of 'LBS_MULTICOLUMN'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4846): warning: Macro redefinition of 'LBS_WANTKEYBOARDINPUT'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4847): warning: Macro redefinition of 'LBS_EXTENDEDSEL'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4848): warning: Macro redefinition of 'LBS_DISABLENOSCROLL'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4849): warning: Macro redefinition of 'LBS_NODATA'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4851): warning: Macro redefinition of 'LBS_NOSEL'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4853): warning: Macro redefinition of 'LBS_STANDARD'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4886): warning: Macro redefinition of 'CBS_SIMPLE'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4887): warning: Macro redefinition of 'CBS_DROPDOWN'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4888): warning: Macro redefinition of 'CBS_DROPDOWNLIST'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4889): warning: Macro redefinition of 'CBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4890): warning: Macro redefinition of 'CBS_OWNERDRAWVARIABLE'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4891): warning: Macro redefinition of 'CBS_AUTOHSCROLL'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4892): warning: Macro redefinition of 'CBS_OEMCONVERT'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4893): warning: Macro redefinition of 'CBS_SORT'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4894): warning: Macro redefinition of 'CBS_HASSTRINGS'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4895): warning: Macro redefinition of 'CBS_NOINTEGRALHEIGHT'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4896): warning: Macro redefinition of 'CBS_DISABLENOSCROLL'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4898): warning: Macro redefinition of 'CBS_UPPERCASE'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4899): warning: Macro redefinition of 'CBS_LOWERCASE'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4963): warning: Macro redefinition of 'SBS_HORZ'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4964): warning: Macro redefinition of 'SBS_VERT'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4965): warning: Macro redefinition of 'SBS_TOPALIGN'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4966): warning: Macro redefinition of 'SBS_LEFTALIGN'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4967): warning: Macro redefinition of 'SBS_BOTTOMALIGN'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4968): warning: Macro redefinition of 'SBS_RIGHTALIGN'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4969): warning: Macro redefinition of 'SBS_SIZEBOXTOPLEFTALIGN'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4970): warning: Macro redefinition of 'SBS_SIZEBOXBOTTOMRIGHTALIGN'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\winuser.ch(4971): warning: Macro redefinition of 'SBS_SIZEBOX'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(9): warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'xcommand'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(13): warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'translate'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(14): warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'translate'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(15): warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'translate'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(9): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(13): error: File not found: 'ISNIL('.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(14): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(15): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(16): warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'translate'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(17): warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'translate'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(18): warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'translate'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(19): warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'translate'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(20): warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'translate'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(21): warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'translate'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(22): warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'translate'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(23): warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'translate'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(25): warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'translate'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(26): warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'translate'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(27): warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'translate'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(28): warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'translate'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(29): warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'translate'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(30): warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'translate'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(31): warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'translate'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(32): warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'translate'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(33): warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'translate'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(34): warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'translate'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(35): warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'translate'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(36): warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'translate'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(16): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(17): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(18): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(19): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(20): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(21): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(22): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(23): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(25): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(26): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(26): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(27): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(27): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(28): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(28): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(29): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(29): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(30): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(30): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(31): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(31): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(32): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(32): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(33): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(33): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(34): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(34): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(35): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(35): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(36): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(36): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(109): error: File not found: 'typedef'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(110): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(111): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(112): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(113): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(114): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(115): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(116): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(117): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(118): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(119): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(122): error: File not found: 'struct'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(123): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(124): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(125): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(128): error: File not found: 'struct'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(129): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(130): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(133): error: File not found: 'struct'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(134): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(135): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(136): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(137): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(138): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(139): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(142): error: File not found: 'struct'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(143): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(144): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(147): error: File not found: 'struct'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(148): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(149): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(150): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(151): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(152): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(153): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(154): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(155): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(156): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(157): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(158): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(159): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(160): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(161): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(162): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(163): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(164): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(165): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(166): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(167): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(170): error: File not found: 'struct'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(171): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(172): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(173): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(174): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(177): error: File not found: 'struct'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(178): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(179): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(180): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(181): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(182): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(183): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(186): error: File not found: 'struct'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(187): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(188): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(189): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(190): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(191): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(192): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(193): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(194): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(195): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(196): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(197): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(198): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(201): error: File not found: 'struct'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(202): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(203): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(204): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(205): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(206): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(207): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(208): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(209): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(210): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(211): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(212): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(215): error: File not found: 'struct'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(216): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(217): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(218): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(219): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(220): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(221): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(224): error: File not found: 'struct'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(225): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(226): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(227): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(228): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(229): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(230): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(231): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(232): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(233): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(234): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(235): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(236): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(237): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(238): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(241): error: File not found: 'struct'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(242): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(243): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(244): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(245): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(246): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(247): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(248): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(249): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(250): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(251): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(252): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(253): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(254): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(255): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(256): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(259): error: File not found: 'struct'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(260): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(261): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(262): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(263): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(264): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(265): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(266): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(267): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(268): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(271): error: File not found: 'struct'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(272): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(273): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(274): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(275): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(276): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(277): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(280): error: File not found: 'struct'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(281): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(282): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(283): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(284): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(285): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(286): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(287): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(288): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(289): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(290): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(293): error: File not found: 'struct'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(294): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(295): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(296): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(297): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(298): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(299): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(302): error: File not found: 'struct'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(303): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(304): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(305): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(308): error: File not found: 'struct'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(310): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(311): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(312): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(313): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(315): error: File not found: 'struct'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(317): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(318): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(319): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(320): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(321): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(322): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(323): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(324): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(325): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(326): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(327): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(328): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(329): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(330): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(331): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(332): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(333): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(334): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(335): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(336): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(339): error: File not found: 'struct'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(340): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(341): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(342): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(343): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(344): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(345): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(346): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(349): error: File not found: 'struct'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(350): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(351): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(352): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(353): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(354): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(355): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(356): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(357): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(358): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(359): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(360): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(361): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(362): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(363): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(366): error: File not found: 'struct'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(367): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(368): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(369): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(370): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(373): error: File not found: 'struct'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(374): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(375): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(376): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(377): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(378): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(379): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(380): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(381): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(384): error: File not found: 'struct'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(385): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(386): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(387): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(388): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(389): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(390): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(391): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(394): error: File not found: 'struct'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(395): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(396): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(397): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(398): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(399): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(400): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(401): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(404): error: File not found: 'struct'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(405): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(406): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(407): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(410): error: File not found: 'struct'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(411): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(412): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(415): error: File not found: 'struct'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(416): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(417): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(418): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(419): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(420): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(421): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(422): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(423): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(424): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(425): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(426): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(427): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(430): error: File not found: 'struct'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(431): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(432): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(433): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(434): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(435): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(438): error: File not found: 'struct'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(439): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(440): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(441): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(442): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(443): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(444): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(447): error: File not found: 'struct'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(448): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(449): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(450): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(451): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(452): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(453): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(456): error: File not found: 'struct'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(457): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(458): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(459): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(460): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(461): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(462): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(463): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(466): error: File not found: 'struct'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(467): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(468): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(469): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(470): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(471): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(472): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(473): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(474): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(475): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(476): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(477): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(478): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(481): error: File not found: 'struct'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(482): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(483): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(484): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(485): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(486): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(487): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(490): error: File not found: 'struct'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(491): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(492): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(493): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(494): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(495): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(498): error: File not found: 'struct'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(499): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(500): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(501): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(502): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(503): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(504): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(505): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(508): error: File not found: 'struct'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(509): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(510): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(513): error: File not found: 'struct'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(514): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(515): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(516): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(517): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(518): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(519): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(520): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(521): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(522): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(523): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(524): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(527): error: File not found: 'struct'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(528): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(529): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(530): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(534): error: File not found: 'struct'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(535): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(536): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(537): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(538): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(539): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(540): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(541): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(542): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(543): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(544): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(545): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(548): error: File not found: 'struct'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(549): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(550): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(551): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(552): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(553): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(554): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(555): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(556): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(557): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(558): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(561): error: File not found: 'struct'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(562): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(563): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(564): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(565): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(566): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(567): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(568): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(569): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(570): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(571): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(572): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(573): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(574): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(575): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(576): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(577): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(578): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(579): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(582): error: File not found: 'struct'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(583): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(584): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(585): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(586): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(589): error: File not found: 'struct'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(590): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(591): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(594): error: File not found: 'struct'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(595): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(596): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(597): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(598): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(599): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(600): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(601): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(604): error: File not found: 'struct'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(605): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(606): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(607): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(608): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(609): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(610): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(611): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(612): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(613): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(614): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(617): error: File not found: 'struct'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(618): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(619): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(620): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(621): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(622): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(623): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(624): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(625): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(626): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(627): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(628): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(631): error: File not found: 'struct'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(632): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(633): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(634): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(637): error: File not found: 'struct'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(638): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(639): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(640): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(641): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(642): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(645): error: File not found: 'struct'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(646): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(647): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(648): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(649): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(652): error: File not found: 'struct'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(653): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(654): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(655): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(658): error: File not found: 'struct'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(659): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(660): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(661): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(662): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(663): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(664): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(665): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(666): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(667): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(668): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(669): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(671): error: File not found: 'struct'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(672): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(673): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(674): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(675): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(676): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(677): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(678): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(679): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(682): error: File not found: 'struct'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(683): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(684): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(685): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(687): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(688): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(689): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(690): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(691): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(692): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(693): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(694): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(695): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(696): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(697): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(700): error: File not found: 'struct'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(701): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(702): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(703): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(704): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(707): error: File not found: 'struct'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(708): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(709): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(710): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(711): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(712): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(713): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(714): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(717): error: File not found: 'struct'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(718): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(719): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(720): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(721): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(722): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(723): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(724): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(725): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(726): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(727): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(728): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(729): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(730): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(731): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(732): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(733): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(734): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(735): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(736): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(737): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(740): error: File not found: 'struct'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(741): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(742): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(743): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(744): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(746): error: File not found: 'struct'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(747): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(748): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(749): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(750): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(751): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(752): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(755): error: File not found: 'struct'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(756): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(757): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(758): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(759): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(760): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(763): error: File not found: 'struct'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(764): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(765): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(766): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(767): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(768): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(769): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(772): error: File not found: 'struct'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(773): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(774): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(775): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(778): error: File not found: 'tagPOINTS'.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(779): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: C:\xHB\include\WinApi.ch(780): error: File not found: ''.
xRC: bigfold.rc(15): error: String literal expected.
xRC: bigfold.rc(22): error: Number expected.
xRC: bigfold.rc(23): error: Number expected.
xRC: bigfold.rc(23): error: Number expected.
xRC: bigfold.rc(23): error: Number expected.
xRC: bigfold.rc(23): error: Number expected.
xRC: bigfold.rc(23): error: Invalid syntax.
xRC: bigfold.rc(23): error: Invalid syntax.
xRC: bigfold.rc(23): error: Invalid syntax.
xRC: bigfold.rc(23): error: Invalid syntax.
xRC: bigfold.rc(23): error: Invalid syntax.
xRC: bigfold.rc(23): error: Invalid syntax.
xRC: bigfold.rc(23): error: Invalid syntax.
xRC: bigfold.rc(23): error: Invalid syntax.
xRC: bigfold.rc(25): error: Unknown keyword: 'BSS_HDIP'.
xRC: bigfold.rc(61): error: Unknown keyword: 'BSS_HDIP'.
Type: C >>>Couldn't build: bigfold.res<<<
Type: N >>> 1266<<<
xharbour from xharbour.com and fwh aug release Problems
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Now I get windows gpf with all sample programs
Do I need to recompile fivehmx.lib with xharbour ?
Thanks Mike
Thanks Mike
- Antonio Linares
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- cdmmaui
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FWH 8.05 and ADS error
I have upgrade FWH to 8.05 and I am receiving the following error when trying to connect to ADS 7.01
The oridinal 468 could not be located in the dynamic link library ACE32.DLL
Can anyone help?
The oridinal 468 could not be located in the dynamic link library ACE32.DLL
Can anyone help?
- Antonio Linares
- Site Admin
- Posts: 37485
- Joined: Thu Oct 06, 2005 5:47 pm
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