Przemek keeps working very actively on the project, please review this recent changelog (just a portion of it):
2014-06-27 17:20 UTC+0200 Przemyslaw Czerpak (druzus/at/poczta.onet.pl)
* src/rdd/delim1.c
* src/rdd/sdf1.c
+ added support for importing TIME and TIMESTAMP fields
from SDF and DELIM RDDs
2014-06-27 14:53 UTC+0200 Przemyslaw Czerpak (druzus/at/poczta.onet.pl)
* contrib/hbwin/olecore.c
* added workaround for missing DISP_E_BUFFERTOOSMALL declaration
in some older C compilers i.e. BCC 5.5
2014-06-27 12:45 UTC+0200 Przemyslaw Czerpak (druzus/at/poczta.onet.pl)
* src/common/hbfopen.c
* use _wfopen() instead of fopen() in MS-Windows UNICODE builds of
hb_fopen(). It means that now hb_fopen() makes exactly the same file
name conversions as hb_fs*() Harbour RTL functions, i.e. hb_fsOpen()
In fact Vikthor and him are mutually cooperating even if Vikthor has created a fork (Przemek is pushing changes in Vikthor's fork and I am sure that Vikthor is paying very good attention to Przemek changes), surely for not to listen to Przemek (this is just a guess, I may be wrong)
Recently I have contacted the Harbour dev list to ask for tech support and also to report bugs, and I got an excellent response (quick and very respectfull) from Klas Engwall, Aleksander Czajczyński and others. As you can see those developers are new ones (or at least I was not aware of them) so the work on Harbour is intense and very much professional, so to me there is no concern at all. In fact Klas commented me this:
Maybe it was reserved for an upcoming stable release of 3.2 ... but it is probably time to jump to 4.0 when that happens anyway.
So they are considering in a near future to officially publish Harbour 4.0 and this is a very clear sign of the healthy and excellent progress that Harbour is doing. Honestly, I don't follow xHarbour changelogs (I saw you posted some changes recently) but to me, I must say (and hopefully Patrick Mast does not get ungry with me for saying this) that even Patrick Mast contacted me some time ago and explained me that he was even considering to drop xHarbour and move to Harbour. That does not need any extra comments, right ? (Patrick, I am sorry for telling a private conversation between you and me, but this is very important and should be known). Also I meet personally Ron Pinkas in Marbella (he came to the hospital and visited my father and me. This was very nice from him. He was very kind with me as we know each other personally since many years ago and we are good friends, even if we had our little disputes sometimes. And I really don't want to hurt them with these comments. I just want to help my users, its my must) and he told me that he does not longer do much coding, just some things for some private customers.
Now many of you will understand why I insist so much that you must migrate to Harbour, because I always support my users. I have been doing it for many years, many of you know that I am telling the truth as I use to do
Thats all