if you use cTempFile( cPath, 'DBF') to create temporary dbf file then the all numeric tempfile will cause an "illegal characters in alias" error when used.
I would use cNewFileName() but I need to create temp file using path.
Also I found that if you need a couple of temp files then you need to run cTempFile(), then create the actual file before you can get another temporary file with cTempFile().
This is especially true with cNewFileName()
I would like to change cTempFile so that it adds an alpha to the beginning of filename, or add path option to cNewFileName()
Something like:
function cTempFile( cPath, cExtension ) // returns a temporary filename
local cFileName
static cOldName
DEFAULT cPath := "", cExtension := ""
if ! "." $ cExtension .and. .not. empty( cExtension )
cExtension = "." + cExtension
// Added 'A' to filename but we could pass a cRootName also
while File( cFileName := ( cPath + 'A'+StrTran( Time(), ":", "" ) + cExtension ) ) .or. ;
cFileName == cOldName
cOldName = cFileName
return cFileName
// and / or
function cNewFileName( cRootName, cExt, cPath )
local cFileName := cRootName + "1"
local nId := 1
static cOldName
DEFAULT cPath := ""
if ! "." $ cExtension .and. .not. empty( cExtension )
cExtension = "." + cExtension
cFileName += cExtension
while File( cPath+cFileName ) .or. ;
cFileName == cOldName
cFileName = cRootName + ;
StrZero( ++nId, If( nId < 10, 1,;
If( nId < 100, 2, 3 ) ) ) + ;
cOldName = cFileName
return cFileName
cTempFile() -> bad alias
- James Bott
- Posts: 4654
- Joined: Fri Nov 18, 2005 4:52 pm
- Location: San Diego, California, USA
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The use of the static cOldName is of limited value. It only enables you to create 2 filenames before you have to open them. If you want to open 3 or more you still have the same problem. I think it is best to open each file before getting a new filename.
I suppose you could force the cTempFile() to wait one second at the end. This way you couldn't get the same filename for another 24hrs.
Or, you could just wait one second between calls to cTempFile().
cFile1:= cTempFile(...)
cFile2:= cTempFile(...)
The use of the static cOldName is of limited value. It only enables you to create 2 filenames before you have to open them. If you want to open 3 or more you still have the same problem. I think it is best to open each file before getting a new filename.
I suppose you could force the cTempFile() to wait one second at the end. This way you couldn't get the same filename for another 24hrs.
Or, you could just wait one second between calls to cTempFile().
cFile1:= cTempFile(...)
cFile2:= cTempFile(...)
Yes, the static was part of a mod I did in the past, but is not the real stopper.
After upgrading to latest xHarbour builder and FWH, I started getting alias errors. I remember a problem with clipper and alias names that were numeric.
So my real concern here is to return a filename that does not start with a number.
I would use cNewFileName() but it does not handle paths. So the mods to filename.prg could be made without the static but handle the issues concerning cTempFile and numeric filename and/or cNewFileName() and paths.
Thanks, Gale
Yes, the static was part of a mod I did in the past, but is not the real stopper.
After upgrading to latest xHarbour builder and FWH, I started getting alias errors. I remember a problem with clipper and alias names that were numeric.
So my real concern here is to return a filename that does not start with a number.
I would use cNewFileName() but it does not handle paths. So the mods to filename.prg could be made without the static but handle the issues concerning cTempFile and numeric filename and/or cNewFileName() and paths.
Thanks, Gale
- James Bott
- Posts: 4654
- Joined: Fri Nov 18, 2005 4:52 pm
- Location: San Diego, California, USA
- Contact:
>So the mods to filename.prg could be made without the static but handle the issues concerning cTempFile and numeric filename and/or cNewFileName() and paths.<
I have been using my own tempfile() function for many years. It has leading characters in the name.
>So the mods to filename.prg could be made without the static but handle the issues concerning cTempFile and numeric filename and/or cNewFileName() and paths.<
I have been using my own tempfile() function for many years. It has leading characters in the name.
Code: Select all
* Function : TEMPFILE()
* Purpose : To generate a unique name for a temporary file
* (needed on networks so you don't overwite someone
* else's temporary file).
* Comments : Generates name, checks for existance of file with
* generated name, if found generates a another name.
* Assumes : file is to go into current directory
* Syntax : TEMPFILE(expC1)
* Parameters : expC1 - extension of file (without the dot)
* Example : findex=tempfile("ntx")
* Returns : unique file name
* Author : James Bott, CIS 71706,551
* History : 09/27/93 Changed leading 3 chars from 000 to AAA
* because Clip 5.2 gave "Illegal characters in alias" mess
* 10/05/93 Found that between hours of 00:00 & 01:00 was
* getting spaces in name which also gave illegal char mess.
* Fixed this.
* 10/7/2004 Added optional cDir
function tempFile(extension,cDir)
local cFile
default cDir:=".\"
cDir:= if(right(cDir,1)!="\",cDir+"\",cDir)
// loop until you find a name that doesn't exist
do while .t.
cFile:=strtran(cFile," ","0") // fix for hours between 00:00 & 01:00
if .not. file( cDir + cFile )
return cFile
Here is my litle contribution, same like James its come with my from years ago.
The diferencie....mmmm...create the file when found a file-name who doenst exists.
The diferencie....mmmm...create the file when found a file-name who doenst exists.
Code: Select all
Function TEMPFILE( lInicio, cDefa )
Local file_name, counter, extension
Local hFile
Static cDirectorio
DEFAULT lInicio := .F. // inicializa dir temporal?
If lInicio
cDirectorio := cDefa // establece directorio temporal
Return NIL // retornar sin crear
file_name := ''
extension := 'DBF'
For counter := 1 TO 9999
file_name := 'TEMP' + PADL(counter, 4, '0') + '.' + extension
If !File( file_name )
If ( hFile := fCreate( cDirectorio+"\"+file_name ) ) <> -1
FClose( hFile )
Return Left( file_name, 8 )
Return NIL