Suggestion to Antonio

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Suggestion to Antonio

Post by Otto »

Hello Antonio,
it is demotivating if one should develop “new UI Programming” applications if you always fall back into the discussions: PRO or CONS WINDOWS 8.
And it is a nonsense because only market will show.

As FiveMac and FiveLinux developers have an own section inside the forum I would beg you to open a section “new UI inspired programming” or whatever
we will call it to productively share our experiences with “new UI programming” style.
Touch.prg from the Fivewin samples is such a great source to start.

Best regards,
mod harbour - Vamos a la conquista de la Web

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Re: Suggestion to Antonio

Post by IBTC »

Otto wrote: I would beg you to open a section “new UI inspired programming” or whatever we will call it to productively share our experiences with “new UI programming” style.Touch.prg from the Fivewin samples is such a great source to start.
Good idea!
Best Regards,
Ruediger Alich

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Antonio Linares
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Re: Suggestion to Antonio

Post by Antonio Linares »

Dear Otto,

It is quite normal that we talk about Windows 8 as it means such important changes to the entire software industry. Lets not be afraid about exposing our ideas, thoughts, brain storming, etc. as we are adults and professionals so we can freely talk about it, respecting each others opinions :-)

I am learning true Windows 8 WinRT GUI programming and I don't mind to open a section for it, but once we have interesting stuff to share. FWH Touch is just FWH programming, with the look of the new UI concepts but does not follow WinRT programming rules.

In fact we have already started quite interesting threads about Windows 8: ... rt#p136590 ... rt#p135909 ... rt#p136101

I am in the process to publish some first apps in the Windows Store Apps (I am in the final stage) and I will share how it has been once it is ready (hopefully!) :-)
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: Suggestion to Antonio

Post by Antonio Linares »

regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: Suggestion to Antonio

Post by modicr »

Otto wrote: And it is a nonsense because only market will show.
But it is good to discuss about pluses and minuses. I don't see this as demotivating at all!
Otto wrote: As FiveMac and FiveLinux developers have an own section inside the forum I would beg you to open a section “new UI inspired programming” or whatever
IMHO we will probably get FiveRT section (a la FivePhone and FiveDroid) ...
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