I have never had to sort an array before .. I have looked at the asort documentation and looked at some posts in this forum .. and the answer seems a bit 'blurry' to me.

I have a simple 4 element array with multiple rows and the last element is the row number assigned to the row when it was added ..
Code: Select all
nRow := oLbx:KeyNo()+1
aLine := { space(50),nRepairNumber,cInventoryId,nRow }
Aadd( aSerial, aLine )
aSort( aSerial, 4 ) // this does not work
2345 200001 x3456 3
5678 200001 x3456 1
4567 200001 x3486 2
I want to be able to sort this array by element 4 .. as you can see from my above 'feeble' attempt I need some basic array sorting help.
Any advice would be appreciated!
Rick Lipkin