A friend of mine still needed a Birthday-present for his Son.
I created a xBrowse-memory-game, because his Son likes this Game very much.
BRAINTRAINING ( not only for Kids )
The Computer-game gives more Fun than the Card-game, because of many extra Functions.
There is still some Finetuning needed, because it is a Game for Kids
and must be hard protected against Crashes.
Functions :
1. Up to 4 Players
There is a Counter for Trials and Goals.
Sample : Player 3 means to know Image-positions.
If he finds a Image-pair he gets a Goal, otherwise + 1 to the Trial-counter
2. Game-creator
change any of the 15 Images of a Game
3. Rearange Images in Preview- or Cover-mode
You can define the Rearange-preview ( Image hidden or shown )
The selected Status is saved to a INI
Hidden, without Preview is very difficult, because You don't know any Positions
after the Image-rearange.
4. Quick Game-changer from Mainscreen
There are 10 Quick-buttons, to change the Game.
Maybe You like it
The Overview :
I created 5 of 10 possible Games.
1. A Image-game

The Usage :
Find a pair of equal Images. Equal cards will stay visible, unequal cards
will be covered again with the next Player-selection :

2. A Brush-game

3. A Button-game ( very difficult, because You have to remember Color and Symbol )

4. Using Symbols

5. Also very difficult

The Game-creator

Best Regards