Enviando mensajes de WhatsApp
- Antonio Linares
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- Posts: 37485
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Re: Enviando mensajes de WhatsApp
Escribo desde el iphone, has podido probar el metodo Message() ?
Escribo desde el iphone, has podido probar el metodo Message() ?
Re: Enviando mensajes de WhatsApp
No solo es un "prototipo" , para ir quitando código , nos faltan algunas funciones como la funcion pack() , unpack() , hex2str() ,etc.
He encontrado el codigo fuente de las funciones pack y unpack de php , pero me pierdo un poco ...
He añadido algunas funciones que nos faltaban pero aun falta las principales.
He encontrado el codigo fuente de las funciones pack y unpack de php , pero me pierdo un poco ...
He añadido algunas funciones que nos faltaban pero aun falta las principales.
- Daniel Garcia-Gil
- Posts: 2365
- Joined: Wed Nov 02, 2005 11:46 pm
- Location: Isla de Margarita
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Re: Enviando mensajes de WhatsApp
Aqui tengo una actualizacion que incluye informcion de la cuenta y el metodo Message, el problema es que no envia mensajes, no se porque, igual me sucede con el codigo original de PHP
Code: Select all
#include "FiveWin.ch"
#include "hbsocket.ch"
function Main()
local oWA := HB_WhatsApp():New( "tu codigo de pais y tu numero", hb_md5( StrRev( "tu IMEI" ) ), "tu nickname" )
? oWA:cAccount_status, oWA:cAccount_kind, oWA:cAccount_creation, oWA:cAccount_expiration
oWA:Message( Str( TS2Num() ), "codigo de pais y numero a enviar", "testing" )
return nil
DATA cAccount_status, cAccount_kind, cAccount_creation, cAccount_expiration
DATA cNumber, cPassword, cNickname
DATA pSocket
DATA cServer INIT "s.whatsapp.net"
DATA cHost INIT "bin-short.whatsapp.net"
DATA cRealm INIT "s.whatsapp.net"
DATA nPort INIT 5222
DATA cQop INIT "auth"
DATA cDigest_Uri INIT "xmpp/s.whatsapp.net"
DATA aResArray
DATA _Incomplete_message
METHOD New( cNumber, cPassword, cNickname )
METHOD Connect()
METHOD Login()
METHOD Message(cMmsgid,cTo,cTtxt)
METHOD Send( cData )
METHOD _Authenticate( cNonce, cNC )
METHOD _Identify( cStr )
METHOD _Is_Full_Msg( cStr )
METHOD parse_account_info( msg )
METHOD New( cNumber, cPassword, cNickname ) CLASS HB_WhatsApp
::cIP = hb_socketGetHosts( ::cHost )[ 1 ]
::pSocket = hb_socketOpen()
::cNumber = cNumber
::cPassword = cPassword
::cNickname = cNickname
return self
METHOD Connect() CLASS HB_WhatsApp
return hb_socketConnect( ::pSocket, { HB_SOCKET_AF_INET, ::cIP, ::nPort } )
static function StrToHex( cStr )
local n, cHex := ""
for n = 1 to Len( cStr )
cHex += "0x" + PadL( hb_NumToHex( Asc( SubStr( cStr, n, 1 ) ) ), "0", 2 )
if n < Len( cStr )
cHex += ", "
return cHex
static function random_uuid()
return hb_strformat( "%04x%04x-%04x-%04x-%04x-%04x%04x%04x",;
hb_Random( 0, 0xffff ), hb_Random( 0, 0xffff ),;
hb_Random( 0, 0xffff ),;
hb_BitOr( hb_Random( 0, 0x0fff ), 0x4000 ),;
hb_BitOr( hb_Random( 0, 0x3fff ), 0x8000 ),;
hb_Random( 0, 0xffff ), hb_Random( 0, 0xffff ), hb_Random( 0, 0xffff ) )
METHOD Login() CLASS HB_WhatsApp
local cBuffer, cResponse, aArrResponse, hAuthData, cValue, aResData, cResData
::Send( "WA" + Chr( 0x01 ) + Chr( 0 ) + Chr( 0 ) + ;
Chr( 0x19 ) + Chr( 0xF8 ) + Chr( 0x05 ) + Chr( 0x01 ) + ;
Chr( 0xA0 ) + Chr( 0x8A ) + Chr( 0x84 ) + Chr( 0xFC ) + ;
Chr( 0x11 ) + "iPhone-2.6.9-5222" + ;
Chr( 0 ) + Chr( 0x08 ) + Chr( 0xF8 ) + Chr( 0x02 ) + ;
Chr( 0x96 ) + Chr( 0xF8 ) + Chr( 0x01 ) + Chr( 0xF8 ) + ;
Chr( 0x01 ) + Chr( 0x7E ) + Chr( 0 ) + Chr( 0x07 ) + Chr( 0xF8 ) + ;
Chr( 0x05 ) + Chr( 0x0F ) + Chr( 0x5A ) + Chr( 0x2A ) + ;
Chr( 0xBD ) + Chr( 0xA7 ) )
cBuffer = ::Read()
cResponse = hb_base64decode( SubStr( cBuffer, 27 ) )
aArrResponse = HB_ATokens( cResponse, "," )
hAuthData = {=>}
for each cValue in aArrResponse
aResData = hb_ATokens( cValue, "=" )
hAuthData[ aResData[ 1 ] ] = StrTran( aResData[ 2 ], '"', "" )
cResData = ::_Authenticate( hAuthData[ "nonce" ] )
cResponse = Chr( 0x01 ) + Chr( 0x31 ) + Chr( 0xF8 ) + Chr( 0x04 ) + Chr( 0x86 ) + ;
Chr( 0xBD ) + Chr( 0xA7 ) + Chr( 0xFD ) + Chr( 0 ) + Chr( 1 ) + Chr( 0x28 ) + ;
hb_base64encode( cResData )
::Send( cResponse )
cBuffer = ::Read()
cResponse = Chr( 0 ) + Chr( 8 + Len( ::cNickname ) ) + Chr( 0xF8 ) + Chr( 5 ) + Chr( 0x74 ) + ;
Chr( 0xA2 ) + Chr( 0xA3 ) + Chr( 0x61 ) + Chr( 0xFC ) + Chr( Len( ::cNickName ) ) + ;
::cNickName + Chr( 0 ) + Chr( 0x15 ) + Chr( 0xF8 ) + Chr( 6 ) + Chr( 0x48 ) + ;
Chr( 0x43 ) + Chr( 5 ) + Chr( 0xA2 ) + Chr( 0x3A ) + Chr( 0xF8 ) + Chr( 1 ) + ;
Chr( 0xF8 ) + Chr( 4 ) + Chr( 0x7B ) + Chr( 0xBD ) + Chr( 0x4D ) + Chr( 0xF8 ) + ;
Chr( 1 ) + Chr( 0xF8 ) + Chr( 3 ) + Chr( 0x55 ) + Chr( 0x61 ) + Chr( 0x24 ) + ;
Chr( 0 ) + Chr( 0x12 ) + Chr( 0xF8 ) + Chr( 8 ) + Chr( 0x48 ) + Chr( 0x43 ) + ;
Chr( 0xFC ) + Chr( 1 ) + Chr( 0x32 ) + Chr( 0xA2 ) + Chr( 0x3A ) + Chr( 0xA0 ) + ;
Chr( 0x8A ) + Chr( 0xF8 ) + Chr( 1 ) + Chr( 0xF8 ) + Chr( 3 ) + Chr( 0x1F ) + ;
Chr( 0xBD ) + Chr( 0xB1 )
::Send( cResponse )
return nil
METHOD _Authenticate( cNonce, cNC ) CLASS HB_WhatsApp
local cCNonce := random_uuid()
local cA1 := hb_StrFormat( "%s:%s:%s", ::cNumber, ::cServer, ::cPassword )
local cA2, cPassword
if cNC == nil
cNC = "00000001"
cA1 = pack_h32( hb_md5( cA1 ) ) + ":" + cNonce + ":" + cCNonce
cA2 = "AUTHENTICATE:" + ::cDigest_Uri
cPassword = hb_md5( cA1 ) + ":" + cNonce + ":" + cNC + ":" + cCNonce + ":" + ::cQop + ;
":" + hb_md5( cA2 )
cPassword = hb_md5( cPassword )
return hb_StrFormat( 'username="%s",realm="%s",nonce="%s",cnonce="%s",nc=%s,qop=%s,digest-uri="%s",response=%s,charset=utf-8',;
::cNumber, ::cRealm, cNonce, cCnonce, cNC, ::cQop, ::cDigest_Uri, cPassword )
METHOD Message( cMsgid, cTo, cTxt ) CLASS HB_WhatsApp
local lLong_txt_bool := isShort( cTxt )
local cStream , cMsg
local cTo_length
local cMsgid_length
local cTotal_length
cTo_length = Chr( Len( cTo ) )
cMsgid_length = Chr( Len( cMsgid ) )
cTxt_length = Chr( Len( cTxt ) )
cContent = Chr( 0xF8 ) + Chr( 0x08 ) + Chr( 0x5D ) + Chr( 0xA0 ) + Chr( 0xFA ) + Chr( 0xFC ) + cTo_length
cContent += cTo
cContent += Chr( 0x8A ) + Chr( 0xA2 ) + Chr( 0x1B ) + Chr( 0x43 ) + Chr( 0xFC ) + cMsgid_length
cContent += cMsgid
cContent += Chr( 0xF8 ) + Chr( 0x02 ) + Chr( 0xF8 ) + Chr( 0x04 ) + Chr( 0xBA ) + Chr( 0xBD ) + Chr( 0x4F) + ;
Chr( 0xF8 ) + Chr( 0x01 ) + Chr( 0xF8 ) + Chr( 0x01 ) + Chr( 0x8C ) + Chr( 0xF8 ) + Chr( 0x02 ) + Chr( 0x16 )
if ! lLong_txt_bool
cContent += Chr( 0xFD ) + Chr( 0 ) + cTxt_length
cContent += Chr( 0xFC ) + cTxt_length
cContent += cTxt
cTotal_length = Chr( Len( cContent ) )
if Len( cTotal_length ) == 1
cTotal_length = Chr( 0 ) + cTotal_length
cMsg := cTotal_length + cContent
cStream := ::Send(cMsg)
Return nil
local cBuffer := Space( 1024 ), cV, cRcvdType
local nLen := hb_socketRecv( ::pSocket, @cBuffer )
cBuffer = SubStr( cBuffer, 1, nLen )
::aResArray = HB_ATokens( cBuffer, Chr( 0 ) )
// ? StrToHex( cBuffer )
for each cV in ::aResArray
cRcvdType = ::_Identify( cV )
// ? cRcvdType
// ? StrToHex( cV )
do case
case cRcvdType == "incomplete_msg"
::_incomplete_message = cV
case cRcvdType == "msg"
::cMsg = ::parse_received_message( cV )
case cRcvdType == "account_info"
::parse_account_info( cV )
case cRcvdType == "last_seen"
::lastseen = ::parse_last_seen( cV )
return cBuffer
METHOD parse_account_info( cMsg )
local nAcst, nActkind
local x := { => }
local nCreation_timstamp_len, nExpr_length
cMsg = SubStr( cMsg, 4 ) // Remove Length,F8,second length
cMsg = SubStr( cMsg, 5 ) // Remove Success XML
// Next should be status
nAcst = Asc( SubStr( cMsg, 1, 1 ) )
if nAcst == 0x09
::cAccount_status = 'active'
::cAccount_status = 'inactive'
cMsg = SubStr( cMsg, 3 ) // Remove status & KIND XML
nActkind = Asc( SubStr( cMsg, 1, 1 ) )
if nActkind == 0x37
::cAccount_kind = 'free'
::cAccount_kind = 'paid'
cMsg = SubStr( cMsg, 4 ) // Remove XML
nCreation_timstamp_len = Asc( SubStr( cMsg, 1, 1 ) ) // Should return 10 for the next few thousdands years
cMsg = SubStr( cMsg, 2 ) // Remove Length
::cAccount_creation := Num2TS( Val( SubStr( cMsg, 1, nCreation_timstamp_len ) ) )
cMsg = SubStr( cMsg, nCreation_timstamp_len + 1 ) // Remove Timestamp
cMsg = SubStr( cMsg, 3 ) // Remove Expiration XML
nExpr_length = Asc( SubStr( cMsg, 1, 1 ) ) // Should also be 10
cMsg = SubStr( cMsg, 2 ) // Remove Length
::cAccount_expiration := Num2TS( Val( SubStr( cMsg, 1, nExpr_length ) ) )
return nil
METHOD Send( cData ) CLASS HB_WhatsApp
return hb_socketSend( ::pSocket, cData )
static function StartsWith( cStr, cCompare, nPos )
return SubStr( cStr, nPos, Len( cCompare ) ) == cCompare
static function EndsWith( cStr, cCompare )
return Right( cStr, Len( cCompare ) ) == cCompare
METHOD _Identify( cStr ) CLASS HB_WhatsApp
local cMsg_identifier := Chr( 0x5D ) + Chr( 0x38 ) + Chr( 0xFA ) + Chr( 0xFC )
local cServer_delivery_identifier := Chr( 0x8C )
local cClient_delivery_identifier := Chr( 0x7F ) + Chr( 0xBD ) + Chr( 0xAD )
local cAcc_info_iden := Chr( 0x99 ) + Chr( 0xBD ) + Chr( 0xA7 ) + Chr( 0x94 )
local cLast_seen_ident := Chr( 0x48 ) + Chr( 0x38 ) + Chr( 0xFA ) + Chr( 0xFC )
local cLast_seen_ident2 := Chr( 0x7B ) + Chr( 0xBD ) + Chr( 0x4C ) + Chr( 0x8B )
if ! ::_is_full_msg( cStr )
return "incomplete_msg"
elseif StartsWith( cStr, cMsg_identifier, 4 )
if EndsWith( cStr, cServer_delivery_identifier )
return "server_delivery_report"
elseif EndsWith( cStr, cClient_delivery_identifier )
return "client_delivery_report"
return "msg"
elseif StartsWith( cStr, cAcc_info_iden, 4 )
return "account_info"
elseif StartsWith( cStr, cLast_seen_ident, 4 ) .and. cLast_seen_ident2 $ cStr
return "last_seen"
return "other"
return nil
METHOD _Is_Full_Msg( cStr ) CLASS HB_WhatsApp
return Len( cStr ) == Asc( Left( cStr, 1 ) ) + 1
METHOD Destroy() CLASS HB_WhatsApp
HB_SocketShutDown( ::pSocket )
HB_SocketClose( ::pSocket )
::pSocket = nil
return nil
static function pack_h32( cString )
local c := "", cLeter
local nibbleshift := 4
local n
local nPos := 0
local aOut := {}
for each cLeter in cString
n = asc( cLeter )
if n >= asc( "0" ) .and. n <= asc( "9" )
n -= asc( "0" )
elseif n >= asc( "a" ) .and. n <= asc( "f" )
n -= ( asc( "a" ) - 10 )
elseif n >= asc( "F" ) .and. n <= asc( "F" )
n -= ( asc( "A" ) - 10 )
if cLeter:__enumindex() % 2 != 0
AAdd( aOut, 0 )
aOut[ nPos ] = hb_BitOr( aOut[ nPos ], hb_BitShift( n, nibbleshift ) )
nibbleshift = hb_BitAnd( ( nibbleshift + 4 ), 7 )
if cLeter:__enumindex() % 2 == 0
c += Chr( aOut[ nPos ] )
return c
static function Num2Days( timet )
return (timet) / (24.0 * 60.0 * 60.0)
static function Num2TS( n )
local fecha, hour, min, sec, time, datetime
local t2d := Num2Days( n )
fecha = Num2Date( n )
hour = ( t2d - int( t2d ) ) * 24
min = ( hour - int( hour ) ) * 60
sec = ( min - int( min ) ) * 60
time = strzero( int( hour ), 2 ) + strzero( int( min ), 2 ) + strzero( int( sec ), 2 )
datetime = dtos( fecha ) + time
return hb_tstostr( hb_stot( datetime ) )
static function Num2Date( n )
local fecha
local t2d := Num2Days( n )
fecha := SToD( "19700101" ) + int( t2d )
return fecha
static function TS2Num( dt )
local fecha
local nNum
DEFAULT dt := hb_DateTime()
nNum = ( hb_Hour( dt ) * 24 + hb_Minute( dt ) * 60 + hb_sec( dt ) * 60 ) / 86400
nNum += ( hb_TToD( dt ) - SToD( "19700101" ) )
nNum *= 86400
nNum = Int( nNum )
return nNum
static function isShort( str )
return Len( str ) < 256
#include <hbapi.h>
int iLen = hb_parclen( 1 ), i;
char * buffer = ( char * ) hb_xgrab( iLen );
for( i = 0; i < iLen; i++ )
buffer[ i ] = hb_parc( 1 )[ iLen - i - 1 ];
hb_retclen( buffer, iLen );
hb_xfree( buffer );
#pragma ENDDUMP
our best documentation is the source code
Isla de Margarita Venezuela.
https://www.dropbox.com/referrals/NTI5N ... rc=global9
Isla de Margarita Venezuela.
https://www.dropbox.com/referrals/NTI5N ... rc=global9
Re: Enviando mensajes de WhatsApp
Daniel : Usas datos de Whatsapp de un Iphone ? . Me he encontrado esto:
http://lukasklein.com/blog/custom-ios-w ... -password/
http://lukasklein.com/blog/custom-ios-w ... -password/
- Daniel Garcia-Gil
- Posts: 2365
- Joined: Wed Nov 02, 2005 11:46 pm
- Location: Isla de Margarita
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Re: Enviando mensajes de WhatsApp
No, yo uso el whatsapp desde un Galaxys SII
No, yo uso el whatsapp desde un Galaxys SII
our best documentation is the source code
Isla de Margarita Venezuela.
https://www.dropbox.com/referrals/NTI5N ... rc=global9
Isla de Margarita Venezuela.
https://www.dropbox.com/referrals/NTI5N ... rc=global9
- Antonio Linares
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- Posts: 37485
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Re: Enviando mensajes de WhatsApp
Te llega a mostrar esta información ?
? oWA:cAccount_status, oWA:cAccount_kind, oWA:cAccount_creation, oWA:cAccount_expiration
Te llega a mostrar esta información ?
? oWA:cAccount_status, oWA:cAccount_kind, oWA:cAccount_creation, oWA:cAccount_expiration
- Antonio Linares
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- Posts: 37485
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Re: Enviando mensajes de WhatsApp
Con un whatsapp registrado en un teléfono Android muestra esa información correctamente! 



- Antonio Linares
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- Posts: 37485
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Re: Enviando mensajes de WhatsApp
F U N C I O N A !!!!!!!! 


Code: Select all
oWA:Message( Str( TS2Num() ), "34670463032", "si te llega esto llamame please!" )

- Antonio Linares
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- Posts: 37485
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Re: Enviando mensajes de WhatsApp
These three lines of Method Message can be changed into:
Code: Select all
cStream := ::Send(cMsg)
Return nil
Code: Select all
cStream := ::Send(cMsg)
? cStream
// ::Read()
// ::Read()
Return nil
Re: Enviando mensajes de WhatsApp
Aqui dejo el parse de la recepción de un mensaje!!!
Code: Select all
METHOD parse_received_message( cMsg ) CLASS HB_WhatsApp
Local message:= { => },nLength
nLength:= Asc(Substr(cMsg,1,1))
cMsg:= Substr(cMsg,3) // Remove Length & F8
message['sec_length']:= Asc(substr(cMsg,1,1)) // Length of something i dont know excatly what
cMsg:= Substr(cMsg,6) // Remove Second Length ( 1 HEX ) , Remove XML Chrs ( 4 HEX )
message['from_number_length']:= Asc(substr(cMsg,1,1))
cMsg:= Substr(cMsg,2) // Remove Length
message['from_number']:= Substr(cMsg,1,message['from_number_length'])
cMsg:= Substr(cMsg,message['from_number_length']+1) // Remove NUMBER
cMsg:= Substr(cMsg,4) // Remove F8 & XML ( 2 HEX )
message['message_id_length']:= Asc(Substr(cMsg,1,1))
cMsg:= Substr(cMsg,2) // Remove Length
message['message_id']:= Substr(cMsg,1,message['message_id_length'])
cmsg:= substr(cmsg,message['message_id_length']+1)
cmsg:= substr(cmsg,5) // Remove XML ( 4 HEX )
message['timestamp_length']:= Asc(substr(cmsg,1,1))
cmsg:= substr(cmsg,2) // Remove Length
message['timestamp']:= Num2TS( Val( substr(cmsg,1,message['timestamp_length']) ) )
cmsg:= Substr(cmsg,message['timestamp_length']+1) // Remove Timestamp
// Check for Retry header
If StrToHex(Substr(cmsg,1,1)) == "\x88"
cmsg:= substr(cmsg,4) // Remove Retry Length , i dont think i will need it
cmsg:= Substr(cmsg,10) // Remove XMPP XML and Name XML Headers
message['sender_name_length']:= Asc(Substr(cmsg,1,1))
cmsg:= substr(cmsg,2) // Remove Length
message['sender_name']:= substr(cmsg,1,message['sender_name_length'])
cmsg:= substr(cmsg,message['sender_name_length']) // Remove sender from msg
cmsg:= substr(cmsg,10) // Remove body headers
message['body_txt_length'] = Asc(substr(cmsg,1,1))
cmsg:= substr(cmsg,2) // Remove Length
message['body_txt']:= substr(cmsg,1,message['body_txt_length'])
cmsg:= substr(cmsg,message['body_txt_length']) // Remove body txt
cmsg:= substr(cmsg,10) // Remove XMPP XML and Name XML Headers
message['time_length'] = Asc(substr(cmsg,1,1))
cmsg:= substr(cmsg,2) // Remove Length
message['time'] = substr(cmsg,1,message['time_length'])
cmsg:= substr(cmsg,message['time_length'])
return message
- Antonio Linares
- Site Admin
- Posts: 37485
- Joined: Thu Oct 06, 2005 5:47 pm
- Location: Spain
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Re: Enviando mensajes de WhatsApp
Gracias!!! 
Te llegan bien los mensajes recibidos ?

Te llegan bien los mensajes recibidos ?
- José Vicente Beltrán
- Posts: 279
- Joined: Mon Oct 10, 2005 8:55 am
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Re: Enviando mensajes de WhatsApp
Hola a todos,
Después de añadir el metodo MESSAGE y colaterales y compilar con xHB (hay que modificar el nombre de algunas funciones), y correr el EXE no consigo pasar de:
? oWA:cAccount_status, oWA:cAccount_kind, oWA:cAccount_creation, oWA:cAccount_expiration
pues siempre se pinta vacio, así que no puedo enviar el mensaje.
Intento hacerlo desde mi movil Androide a otro Androide
¿Sería posible poner en el foro el código completo que funciona?

Después de añadir el metodo MESSAGE y colaterales y compilar con xHB (hay que modificar el nombre de algunas funciones), y correr el EXE no consigo pasar de:
? oWA:cAccount_status, oWA:cAccount_kind, oWA:cAccount_creation, oWA:cAccount_expiration
pues siempre se pinta vacio, así que no puedo enviar el mensaje.
Intento hacerlo desde mi movil Androide a otro Androide
¿Sería posible poner en el foro el código completo que funciona?


- Antonio Linares
- Site Admin
- Posts: 37485
- Joined: Thu Oct 06, 2005 5:47 pm
- Location: Spain
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Re: Enviando mensajes de WhatsApp
Esta linea:
If StrToHex(Substr(cmsg,1,1)) == "\x88"
la he cambiado asi:
If Substr(cmsg,1,1)) == Chr( 0x88 )
Esta linea:
If StrToHex(Substr(cmsg,1,1)) == "\x88"
la he cambiado asi:
If Substr(cmsg,1,1)) == Chr( 0x88 )
- Antonio Linares
- Site Admin
- Posts: 37485
- Joined: Thu Oct 06, 2005 5:47 pm
- Location: Spain
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Re: Enviando mensajes de WhatsApp
Jose Vicente,
Has puesto tu codigo de pais (34 para España) y tu numero, y tu IMEI ?
Has puesto tu codigo de pais (34 para España) y tu numero, y tu IMEI ?
- Antonio Linares
- Site Admin
- Posts: 37485
- Joined: Thu Oct 06, 2005 5:47 pm
- Location: Spain
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Re: Enviando mensajes de WhatsApp
La siguiente linea tambien require un pequeño cambio:
La siguiente linea tambien require un pequeño cambio:
Code: Select all
if Substr( cMsg, 1, 1 ) == Chr( 0x88 )
cMsg = SubStr( cMsg, 5 ) // Remove Retry Length , i dont think i will need it