If this directory is empty, download package from link below and unpack into this directory. http://sourceforge.net/projects/cegcc/files/ NOTES: - In order to unpack and *use* this package, you'll need Cygwin package (from http://cygwin.com) installed and put in PATH for Cygwin runtime (cygwin1.dll). - Unpack using these commands: > bzip2 -d cegcc_mingw32ce_cygwin1.7_r1375.tar.bz2 > tar -xvf cegcc_mingw32ce_cygwin1.7_r1375.tar -h OR > tar --force-local -xvf cegcc_mingw32ce_cygwin1.7_r1375.tar - Move content of /opt/mingw32ce directory to this one.