/* $DOC$ $AUTHOR$ Copyright 2000 Brian Hays $TEMPLATE$ Function $NAME$ HBClass() $CATEGORY$ API $SUBCATEGORY$ Classes $ONELINER$ HBClass() is used in the creation of all classes $SYNTAX$ oClass := HBClass():New( "TMyClass" ) -or- HBClass() is usually accessed by defining a class with the commands defined in hbclass.ch: CREATE CLASS HBGetList // Calls HBClass() to create the HBGetList class ... ENDCLASS $ARGUMENTS$ $RETURNS$ An instance of the HBClass() Class. This special object's `:New()` method can then create the classes you define. $DESCRIPTION$ HBClass() is a class that ... The class methods are as follows: `:New()` Create a new instance of the class $EXAMPLES$ LOCAL oObject := HBClass():New( "TMyClass" ) oObject:End() $STATUS$ R $COMPLIANCE$ Object Oriented syntax in Harbour is compatible with CA-Cl*pper. However CA-Cl*pper only allowed creation of objects from a few standard classes, and did not let the programmer create new classes. In Harbour, you can create your own classes--complete with Methods, Instance Variables, Class Variables and Inheritance. Entire applications can be designed and coded in Object Oriented style. $PLATFORMS$ All $FILES$ Library is core $SEEALSO$ __objHasData(), CLASS $END$ */