/* $DOC$ $AUTHOR$ Copyright 2001-2002 David G. Holm $TEMPLATE$ Procedure $NAME$ __dbSDF() $CATEGORY$ API $SUBCATEGORY$ Database $ONELINER$ Copies the contents of a database to an SDF text file or appends the contents of an SDF text file to a database. $SYNTAX$ __dbSDF( , , [], [], [], [], [], ) $ARGUMENTS$ If set to .T., copies records to an SDF file. If set to .F., append records from an SDF file. The name of the text file to copy to or append from. If a file extension is not specified, ".txt" is used by default. An array of field names to limit the processing to. If not specified, or if empty, then all fields are processed. An optional code block containing a FOR expression that will reduce the number of records to be processed. An optional code block containing a WHILE expression that will reduce the number of records to be processed. If present, but is not present, specifies to process this number of records, starting with the current record. A value of 0 means to process no records. If present, specifies the only record to process. A value of 0 means to process no records. Overrides and . If is .T., then if is set to .T. and there are no , , or arguments, processes all records from current to last. $DESCRIPTION$ __dbSDF() copies all or selected contents of a database table to an SDF text file or appends all or selected contents of an SDF text file to a database table. $EXAMPLES$ // Copy delinquent accounts into an SDF text file. USE accounts NEW COPY TO overdue SDF FOR ; ! Empty( accounts->duedate ) .AND. ; Date() - accounts->duedate > 30 // Import new customer records. USE customer NEW APPEND FROM customer SDF $STATUS$ S $COMPLIANCE$ C $PLATFORMS$ All $FILES$ $SEEALSO$ __dbDelim(), APPEND FROM, COPY TO $END$ */