/* $DOC$ $AUTHOR$ Copyright 1999 Luiz Rafael Culik $TEMPLATE$ Function $NAME$ Array() $CATEGORY$ API $SUBCATEGORY$ Array $ONELINER$ Create an uninitialized array of specified length $SYNTAX$ Array( [, ...] ) --> aArray $ARGUMENTS$ is the number of elements in the specified dimension. $RETURNS$ an array of specified dimensions. $DESCRIPTION$ This function returns an uninitialized array with the length of . Nested arrays are uninitialized within the same array pointer reference if additional parameters are specified. Establishing a memory variable with the same name as the array may destroy the original array and release the entire contents of the array. This depends, of course, on the data storage type of either the array or the variable with the same name as the array. CA-Cl*pper v5.x compliant except that arrays in Harbour can have an unlimited number of elements. $EXAMPLES$ LOCAL aArray := Array( 10 ), tmp FOR tmp := 1 TO Len( aArray ) aArray[ tmp ] := Array( tmp ) NEXT ? hb_ValToExp( aArray ) // --> { { NIL }, { NIL, NIL }, ... } $STATUS$ R $COMPLIANCE$ C $FILES$ Library is core $SEEALSO$ AAdd(), ADel(), AFill(), AIns() $END$ */ /* $DOC$ $AUTHOR$ Copyright 1999 Luiz Rafael Culik $TEMPLATE$ Function $NAME$ AAdd() $CATEGORY$ API $SUBCATEGORY$ Array $ONELINER$ Dynamically add an element to an array $SYNTAX$ AAdd( , [] ) --> xValue $ARGUMENTS$ The name of an array Element to add to array $RETURNS$ if specified , will be returned, otherwise this function returns a NIL value. $DESCRIPTION$ This function dynamically increases the length of the by adding one new element to the end of the array and optionally stores the value to that newly created element. may be of an data type, including an array reference pointer, which in turn may be stored to an array's subscript position. $EXAMPLES$ LOCAL aArray := {}, tmp AAdd( aArray, 10 ) FOR tmp := 1 TO 10 AAdd( aArray, tmp ) NEXT ? hb_ValToExp( aArray ) // --> { 10, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 } $STATUS$ R $COMPLIANCE$ C $FILES$ Library is core $SEEALSO$ AIns(), ASize() $END$ */ /* $DOC$ $AUTHOR$ Copyright 1999 Luiz Rafael Culik $TEMPLATE$ Function $NAME$ ASize() $CATEGORY$ API $SUBCATEGORY$ Array $ONELINER$ Adjust the size of an array $SYNTAX$ ASize( , ) --> aArray $ARGUMENTS$ Name of array to be dynamically altered Numeric value representing the new size (i.e. number of elements) of $RETURNS$ The function returns a reference to . $DESCRIPTION$ This function will dynamically increase or decrease the size of by adjusting the length of the array to subscript positions. If the length of the array is shortened, the redundant elements are removed from the end of array. If the length of the array is lengthened the new elements are added to the end of array and they are assigned a NIL value. $EXAMPLES$ LOCAL aArray := { 1 } ? hb_ValToExp( aArray ) // --> { 1 } ASize( aArray, 3 ) ? hb_ValToExp( aArray ) // --> { 1, NIL, NIL } ASize( aArray, 1 ) ? hb_ValToExp( aArray ) // --> { 1 } $STATUS$ R $COMPLIANCE$ If HB_COMPAT_C53 is defined, the function generates an Error, else it will return the array itself. $FILES$ Library is core $SEEALSO$ AAdd(), ADel(), AFill(), AIns() $END$ */ /* $DOC$ $AUTHOR$ Copyright 1999 Luiz Rafael Culik $TEMPLATE$ Function $NAME$ ATail() $CATEGORY$ API $SUBCATEGORY$ Array $ONELINER$ Returns the last element of an array $SYNTAX$ ATail( ) --> xValue $ARGUMENTS$ is the array. $RETURNS$ the value of the last element in the array. $DESCRIPTION$ This function return the value of the last element in the array named . Same as `xValue := aArray[ Len( aArray ) ]` $EXAMPLES$ LOCAL aArray := { "Harbour", "is", "Supreme", "Power" } ? ATail( aArray ) // --> "Power" $STATUS$ R $COMPLIANCE$ C $FILES$ Library is core $SEEALSO$ Len(), Array(), ASize(), AAdd() $END$ */ /* $DOC$ $AUTHOR$ Copyright 1999 Luiz Rafael Culik $TEMPLATE$ Function $NAME$ AIns() $CATEGORY$ API $SUBCATEGORY$ Array $ONELINER$ Insert a NIL value at an array subscript position. $SYNTAX$ AIns( , ) --> aArray $ARGUMENTS$ Array name. Subscript position in $RETURNS$ a reference to . $DESCRIPTION$ This function inserts a NIL value in the array named at the th position. All array elements starting with the th position will be shifted down one subscript position in the array list and the last item in the array will be removed completely. In other words, if an array element were to be inserted at the fifth subscript position, the element previously in the fifth position would now be located at the sixth position. The length of the array will remain unchanged. Note: To avoid loosing last element, you can use hb_AIns() which supports auto-sizing of array. $EXAMPLES$ LOCAL aArray := { "Harbour", "is", "Power!", "!!!" } AIns( aArray, 4 ) ? hb_ValToExp( aArray ) $STATUS$ R $COMPLIANCE$ C $FILES$ Library is core $SEEALSO$ hb_AIns(), AAdd(), ACopy(), ADel(), AEval(), AFill(), ASize() $END$ */ /* $DOC$ $AUTHOR$ 2016 Pete D. $TEMPLATE$ Function $NAME$ hb_AIns() $CATEGORY$ API $SUBCATEGORY$ Array $ONELINER$ Inserts a value at an array subscript position and optionally increases the length of array. $SYNTAX$ hb_AIns( , [], [], [] ) --> aArray $ARGUMENTS$ The array name into which the value will be inserted. Subscript position in . Default: 1st position Value to be inserted Boolean flag to increase or not the size of . Default value: .F. $RETURNS$ A reference to array $DESCRIPTION$ This function inserts in the position of the array, moving all the items one position down in the array list. If is .T., a new element will be added at the end of array, making room for the previous last element, which means the length of array will be increased by 1. If is .F. (or is not passed) the function behaves like AIns(), that is, the size of won't change and the last item of will be lost. $EXAMPLES$ LOCAL aArray := { "Harbour", "Power!" } hb_AIns( aArray, 2, "is", .F. ) ? hb_ValToExp( aArray ) // --> { "Harbour", "is" } hb_AIns( aArray, 2, "is", .T. ) ? hb_ValToExp( aArray ) // --> { "Harbour", "is", "Power!" } $STATUS$ R $COMPLIANCE$ H $FILES$ Library is core $SEEALSO$ AIns(), AAdd(), ADel(), AFill(), ASize() $END$ */ /* $DOC$ $AUTHOR$ Copyright 1999 Luiz Rafael Culik $TEMPLATE$ Function $NAME$ ADel() $CATEGORY$ API $SUBCATEGORY$ Array $ONELINER$ Delete an element from an array. $SYNTAX$ ADel( , ) --> aArray $ARGUMENTS$ Name of array from which an element is to be removed. Subscript of the element to be removed. $RETURNS$ an array pointer reference. $DESCRIPTION$ This function deletes the element found at subscript position in the array . All elements in the array below the given subscript position will move up one position in the array. In other words, what was formerly the sixth subscript position will become the fifth subscript position. The length of the array will remain unchanged, as the last element in the array will become a NIL data type. Note: To completely remove an element and decrease the length of array you can use hb_ADel() that supports auto-sizing. $EXAMPLES$ LOCAL aArray := { "Harbour", "is", "Power" } ADel( aArray, 2 ) ? hb_ValToExp( aArray ) // --> { "Harbour", "Power", NIL } $STATUS$ R $COMPLIANCE$ C $FILES$ Library is core $SEEALSO$ hb_ADel(), ACopy(), AIns(), AFill() $END$ */ /* $DOC$ $AUTHOR$ 2016 Pete D. $TEMPLATE$ Function $NAME$ hb_ADel() $CATEGORY$ API $SUBCATEGORY$ Array $ONELINER$ Delete an element from an array. $SYNTAX$ hb_ADel( , [], [] ) --> aArray $ARGUMENTS$ Name of array from which an element is to be removed. Subscript of the element to be removed. Default value: 1. Boolean flag specifying if the array will be resized or not. Default value: .F. (no resize). $RETURNS$ an array pointer reference. $DESCRIPTION$ This function deletes the element value (not the element itself!) stored in position and shifts all the following values, one position up. If is .T., then the last element is removed and the size of the array is decreased by one, otherwise the length of the array remains unchanged and a NIL value will be stored in the last element, just like in ADel(). $EXAMPLES$ LOCAL aArray := { "Harbour", "is", "Power" } hb_ADel( aArray, 2 ) ? hb_ValToExp( aArray ) // --> { "Harbour", "Power", NIL } - length unchanged hb_ADel( aArray, 2, .T. ) ? hb_ValToExp( aArray ) // --> a{ "Harbour", "Power" } - length decreased $STATUS$ R $COMPLIANCE$ H $FILES$ Library is core $SEEALSO$ ADel(), ACopy(), AIns(), AFill() $END$ */ /* $DOC$ $AUTHOR$ Copyright 1999 Luiz Rafael Culik $TEMPLATE$ Function $NAME$ AFill() $CATEGORY$ API $SUBCATEGORY$ Array $ONELINER$ Fill an array with a specified value $SYNTAX$ AFill( , , [], [] ) --> aArray $ARGUMENTS$ Name of array to be filled. Expression to be globally filled in Subscript starting position Number of subscript to be filled $RETURNS$ pointer to the array. $DESCRIPTION$ This function will fill each element of an array named with the value . If specified, denotes the beginning element to be filled and the array elements will continue to be filled for positions. If neither / specified, the value of will be 1, and the value of will be the value of `Len( )`; thus, all subscript positions in the array will be filled with the value of . This function will work on only a single dimension of . If there are array pointer references within a subscript , those values will be lost, since this function will overwrite those values with new values. $EXAMPLES$ LOCAL aArray := { NIL, 0, 1, 2 } AFill( aArray, 5 ) ? hb_ValToExp( aArray ) $STATUS$ R $COMPLIANCE$ C $FILES$ Library is core $SEEALSO$ AAdd(), AEval(), dbStruct() $END$ */ /* $DOC$ $AUTHOR$ Copyright 1999 Luiz Rafael Culik $TEMPLATE$ Function $NAME$ AScan() $CATEGORY$ API $SUBCATEGORY$ Array $ONELINER$ Scan array elements for a specified condition $SYNTAX$ AScan( , , [], [] ) --> nStoppedAt $ARGUMENTS$ Array to be scanned. Expression to search for in Beginning subscript position at which to start the search. Number of elements to scan with . $RETURNS$ A numeric value of subscript position where was found, or 0 if is not found. $DESCRIPTION$ This function scan the content of array named for the value of . The return value is the position in the array in which was found. If it was not found, the return value will be 0. is the position from which to start scanning. The default is 1. (1st element) , if specified, is the number of array elements to be scanned. The default is all elements in the array . If is a code block, the operation of the function is slightly different. Each array subscript pointer reference is passed to the code block to be evaluated. The scanning routine will continue until the value obtained from the code block is a logical true (.T.) or until the end of the array has been reached. $EXAMPLES$ #include "directry.ch" LOCAL aDir := hb_vfDirectory( "*.prg" ) ? AScan( aDir,,, ; {| aFile, nPos | HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( nPos ), aFile[ F_NAME ] == "test.prg" } ) $STATUS$ R $COMPLIANCE$ This function is not CA-Cl*pper compatible. CA-Cl*pper AScan() is affected by the `SET EXACT ON`/`OFF` Condition $FILES$ Library is core $SEEALSO$ AEval() $END$ */ /* $DOC$ $AUTHOR$ 2016 Pete D. $TEMPLATE$ Function $NAME$ hb_AScan() $CATEGORY$ API $SUBCATEGORY$ Array $ONELINER$ Scan array elements for a specified condition $SYNTAX$ hb_AScan( , , [], [], [] ) --> nPosition $ARGUMENTS$ Array to be scanned. Expression to search for in Beginning subscript position at which to start the search. Default value: 1 Number of elements to be scanned within . Default value: All elements. Boolean flag specifying if an "Exact" search will be performed or not. Default value: .F. $RETURNS$ A numeric value > 0 indicating the array position where was found, or 0 if nothing found. $DESCRIPTION$ The function scans (left to right) for into and returns of in which was found or 0 (zero) if nothing found. If is .T., then an exact search will be performed. When is a code block, the operation of the function is slightly different. See AScan() for details. $EXAMPLES$ LOCAL a := { "there", "here" } Set( _SET_EXACT, .F. ) ? AScan( a, "he" ) // --> 2 ? hb_AScan( a, "he",,, .F. ) // --> 2 ? hb_AScan( a, "he",,, .T. ) // --> 0 $STATUS$ R $COMPLIANCE$ H $FILES$ Library is core $SEEALSO$ AScan(), AEval() $END$ */ /* $DOC$ $AUTHOR$ Copyright 1999 Luiz Rafael Culik $TEMPLATE$ Function $NAME$ AEval() $CATEGORY$ API $SUBCATEGORY$ Array $ONELINER$ Evaluates the subscript element of an array $SYNTAX$ AEval( , , [], [] ) --> aArray $ARGUMENTS$ Is the array to be evaluated. Is a code block to evaluate for each element processed. The beginning array element index to evaluate. The number of elements to process. $RETURNS$ an array pointer reference. $DESCRIPTION$ This function evaluates the elements of , and executes for each of them the processing that's defined with . By default, all the elements of array are being processed, starting from 1st and up to the last element. If and/or parameters are given, then the processing starts from element and continues for the next elements (if defined) or up to the last element of the array. The code block receives two parameters: the element value and element's index (position) into the array. i.e. `{| xValue, nIndex | ... }` Worth to note that elements are passed to code block 'by value', thus any change being made to this value doesn't affects the value of element in the array. $EXAMPLES$ LOCAL a := { 10, 20, 30 } AEval( a, {| e, n | QOut( e * n + 1 , a[ n ] ) } ) ? a[ 1 ], a[ 2 ], a[ 3 ] // array elements unchanged ? "----" AEval( a, {| e, n | QOut( e * n + 1, a[ n ] *= n + 1 ) }, 2, 1 ) /* Here the 2nd element been changed, because we've explicitly used its pointer 'a[ n ] *= ...' into array */ ? a[ 1 ], a[ 2 ], a[ 3 ] $STATUS$ R $COMPLIANCE$ C $FILES$ Library is core $SEEALSO$ Eval(), dbEval() $END$ */ /* $DOC$ $AUTHOR$ Copyright 1999 Luiz Rafael Culik $TEMPLATE$ Function $NAME$ ACopy() $CATEGORY$ API $SUBCATEGORY$ Array $ONELINER$ Copy elements from one array to another $SYNTAX$ ACopy( , , [], [], [] ) --> aTarget $ARGUMENTS$ is the array to copy elements from. is the array to copy elements to. is the beginning subscript position to copy from the number of subscript elements to copy from . the starting subscript position in to copy elements to. $RETURNS$ an array pointer reference $DESCRIPTION$ This function copies array elements from to . is the beginning element to be copied from ; the default is 1. is the number of elements to be copied from ; the default is the entire array. is the subscript number in the target array, , to which array elements are to be copied; the default is 1. This function will copy all data types in to . If an array element in is a pointer reference to another array, that array pointer will be copied to ; not all subdimensions will be copied from one array to the next. This must be accomplished via the AClone() function. Note: If array is larger then , array elements will start copying at and continue copying until the end of array is reached. The ACopy() function doesn't append subscript positions to the target array, the size of the target array remains constant. $EXAMPLES$ LOCAL nCount := 2, nStart := 1 LOCAL aOne := { "Harbour", " is ", "Power" } LOCAL aTwo := { "Clipper", " was ", "Power" } ACopy( aOne, aTwo, nStart, nCount ) ? hb_ValToExp( aTwo ) // --> { "Harbour", " is ", "Power" } $STATUS$ R $COMPLIANCE$ C $FILES$ Library is core $SEEALSO$ AClone(), ADel(), AEval(), AFill(), AIns(), ASort() $END$ */ /* $DOC$ $AUTHOR$ Copyright 1999 Luiz Rafael Culik $TEMPLATE$ Function $NAME$ AClone() $CATEGORY$ API $SUBCATEGORY$ Array $ONELINER$ Duplicate a multidimensional array $SYNTAX$ AClone( ) --> aDuplicate $ARGUMENTS$ Name of the array to be cloned. $RETURNS$ A new array pointer reference complete with nested array values. $DESCRIPTION$ This function makes a complete copy of the array expressed as and return a cloned set of array values. This provides a complete set of arrays values for all dimensions within the original array $EXAMPLES$ LOCAL aOne := { "Harbour", " is ", "POWER" } LOCAL aTwo := AClone( aOne ) ? hb_ValToExp( aTwo ) // --> { "Harbour", " is ", "POWER" } aOne[ 1 ] := "The Harbour Compiler" ? hb_ValToExp( aOne ) // --> { "The Harbour Compiler", " is ", "POWER" } ? hb_ValToExp( aTwo ) // --> { "Harbour", " is ", "POWER" } $STATUS$ R $COMPLIANCE$ CA-Cl*pper will return NIL if the parameter is not an array. $FILES$ Library is core $SEEALSO$ ACopy(), ADel(), AIns(), ASize() $END$ */ /* $DOC$ $AUTHOR$ Copyright 1999 Chen Kedem $TEMPLATE$ Function $NAME$ ASort() $CATEGORY$ API $SUBCATEGORY$ Array $ONELINER$ Sort an array $SYNTAX$ ASort( , [], [], [] ) --> aArray $ARGUMENTS$ Array to be sorted. The first element to start the sort from, default is 1. Number of elements starting from to sort, default is all elements. Code block for sorting order, default is ascending order `{| x, y | x < y }`. The code block should accept two parameters and must return .T. if the sort is in order, .F. if not. $RETURNS$ reference to the now sorted or NIL if the passed is not an array. $DESCRIPTION$ ASort() sort all or part of a given array. If is omitted, the function expect to be one dimensional array containing single data type (one of: Character, Date, Logical, Numeric) and sort this array in ascending order: Character are sorted by their ASCII value, Dates are sorted chronologically, Logical put .F. values before .T., Numeric are sorted by their value. If is specified, it is used to handle the sorting order. With each time the block is evaluate, two array elements are passed to the code block, and must return a logical value that state if those elements are in order (.T.) or not (.F.). Using this block you can sort multidimensional array, descending orders or even (but why would you want to do that) sort array that contain different data type. Codeblock calling frequency and order differs from CA-Cl*pper, since Harbour uses a different (faster) sorting algorithm (quicksort). $EXAMPLES$ LOCAL aKeys, bSort, aPair // Sort numeric values in ascending order aKeys := { 3, 1, 4, 42, 5, 9 } ASort( aKeys ) ? hb_ValToExp( aKeys ) // --> { 1, 3, 4, 5, 9, 42 } // Sort character strings in descending lexical order aKeys := { "Ctrl", "Alt", "Delete" } bSort := {| x, y | Upper( x ) > Upper( y ) } ASort( aKeys,,, bSort ) ? hb_ValToExp( aKeys ) // --> { "Delete", "Ctrl", "Alt" } // Sort two-dimensional array according to 2nd element of each pair aPair := { { "Sun", 8 }, { "Mon", 1 }, { "Tue", 57 }, { "Wed", -6 } } ASort( aPair,,, {| x, y | x[ 2 ] < y[ 2 ] } ) ? hb_ValToExp( aPair ) // --> { { "Wed", -6 }, { "Mon", 1 }, { "Sun", 8 }, { "Tue", 57 } } $STATUS$ R $COMPLIANCE$ C $FILES$ Library is core $SEEALSO$ AScan(), Eval(), SORT $END$ */