/* $DOC$ $AUTHOR$ Copyright 1999 Chen Kedem $TEMPLATE$ Function $NAME$ dbSkipper() $CATEGORY$ API $SUBCATEGORY$ User interface $ONELINER$ Helper function to skip a database $SYNTAX$ dbSkipper( ) --> nSkipped $ARGUMENTS$ is the number of records to skip relative to current record. Positive number would try to move the record pointer forward, while a negative number would try to move the record pointer back records. $RETURNS$ dbSkipper() return the number of actual record skipped. $DESCRIPTION$ dbSkipper() is a helper function used in browse mechanism to skip a number of records while giving the caller indication about the actual records skipped. $EXAMPLES$ // open a file and find if we've got enough records in it USE test IF dbSkipper( 100 ) == 100 ? "Good work! You can party now" ELSE ? "Too bad, you should really work harder" ENDIF $STATUS$ R $COMPLIANCE$ XPP $FILES$ Library is core $SEEALSO$ dbSkip(), SKIP $END$ */