/* $DOC$ $NAME$ ft_SetMode() $CATEGORY$ Video $ONELINER$ Set the video mode $SYNTAX$ ft_SetMode( ) -> NIL $ARGUMENTS$ is one of the DOS video modes. $RETURNS$ NIL $DESCRIPTION$ Use this function to put your display adapter into a video mode. Uses DOS interrupt 10h to set the mode. For a table of modes available on various graphics adapters, refer to a book such as Wilton's "Programmer's Guide to PC & PS/2 Video Systems" (Microsoft Press) $EXAMPLES$ PROCEDURE Main( cMode ) ft_SetMode( Val( cMode ) ) ? "Video mode is:", ft_GetMode() RETURN $SEEALSO$ ft_Adapter() $END$ */ /* $DOC$ $NAME$ ft_GetMode() $CATEGORY$ Video $ONELINER$ Get the video mode $SYNTAX$ ft_GetMode() -> nVMode $ARGUMENTS$ None. $RETURNS$ The video mode, as a numeric. $DESCRIPTION$ Use this function to find out what mode your display adapter is in. Uses DOS interrupt 10h to get the mode. For a table of modes available on various graphics adapters, refer to a book such as Wilton's "Programmer's Guide to PC & PS/2 Video Systems" (Microsoft Press) $EXAMPLES$ PROCEDURE Main( cMode ) ft_SetMode( Val( cMode ) ) ? "Video mode is:", ft_GetMode() RETURN $END$ */