/* $DOC$ $NAME$ ft_EscCode() $CATEGORY$ Conversion $ONELINER$ Convert Lotus style escape codes $SYNTAX$ ft_EscCode( ) -> $ARGUMENTS$ is the ASCII representation of the printer control codes in Lotus 123 format (e.g. "\027E" for hb_BChar( 27 ) + "E") "\nnn" will be converted to hb_BChar( nnn ) "\\" will be converted to "\" $RETURNS$ The binary version of an ASCII coded printer setup string. $DESCRIPTION$ This function is useful for allowing the user to enter printer control codes in Lotus-style ASCII format, and then having this function convert that code to the format that the printer needs to receive. $EXAMPLES$ cSetup := "\015" // default = Epson compressed print UserInput( @cSetup ) // Let user modify setup code SET DEVICE TO PRINTER // get ready to print ?? ft_EscCode( cSetup ) // Output the converted code $END$ */