/* $DOC$ $NAME$ ft_Mil2Min() $CATEGORY$ Date/Time $ONELINER$ Convert time in military format to number of minute of day. $SYNTAX$ ft_Mil2Min( ) -> nMINUTE $ARGUMENTS$ character string of form hhmm, where 0<=hh<24. $RETURNS$ numeric value representing minute of day. $DESCRIPTION$ Converts time in military format to number of minute of the day. $EXAMPLES$ ? ft_Mil2Min( "1729" ) // 1049 $SEEALSO$ ft_Min2Mil(), ft_Civ2Mil(), ft_Mil2Civ(), ft_Sys2Mil() $END$ */ /* $DOC$ $NAME$ ft_Min2Mil() $CATEGORY$ Date/Time $ONELINER$ Convert minute of day to military format time. $SYNTAX$ ft_Min2Mil( ) -> cMILTIME $ARGUMENTS$ numeric integer representing minute of day. $RETURNS$ character string of form hhmm, where 0<=hh<24. $DESCRIPTION$ Converts minute of the day to military format time. $EXAMPLES$ ? ft_Min2Mil( 279 ) // 0439 $SEEALSO$ ft_Mil2Min(), ft_Mil2Civ(), ft_Civ2Mil(), ft_Sys2Mil() $END$ */ /* $DOC$ $NAME$ ft_Mil2Civ() $CATEGORY$ Date/Time $ONELINER$ Convert time in military format to civilian format. $SYNTAX$ ft_Mil2Civ( ) -> dMILTIME $ARGUMENTS$ character string of form hhmm, where 0<=hh<24. $RETURNS$ character string of form hh:mm (am,pm,n or m), where 0 ) -> cMILTIME $ARGUMENTS$ character string of form hh:mm (am,pm,n or m), where 0 character string of form hhmm, where 0<=hh<24. $DESCRIPTION$ Converts time from 12-hour civilian format to military. $EXAMPLES$ ? ft_Civ2Mil( " 5:40 pm" ) // 1740 ? ft_Civ2Mil( " 5:40 am" ) // 0540 ? ft_Civ2Mil( "12:00 n" ) // 1200 ? ft_Civ2Mil( "12:00 m" ) // 0000 // Caution: leading blanks are irrelevant; p,a,n,m must be preceded by // one and only one space. $SEEALSO$ ft_Mil2Civ(), ft_Sys2Mil(), ft_Mil2Min(), ft_Min2Mil() $END$ */ /* $DOC$ $NAME$ ft_Sys2Mil() $CATEGORY$ Date/Time $ONELINER$ Convert system time to military time format. $SYNTAX$ ft_Sys2Mil() -> cMILTIME $ARGUMENTS$ none $RETURNS$ character string of form hhmm, where 0<=hh<24. $DESCRIPTION$ Return current system time as character string in military format. $EXAMPLES$ ? ft_Sys2Mil() // 1623 $SEEALSO$ ft_Mil2Civ(), ft_Civ2Mil() $END$ */