/* $DOC$ $NAME$ ft_Linked() $CATEGORY$ Environment $ONELINER$ Determine if a function was linked in $SYNTAX$ ft_Linked( ) -> lResult $ARGUMENTS$ is a character string containing one or more function calls $RETURNS$ .T. if all functions within the string are currently linked into the application, .F. if one or more aren't. See below for a definition of "function." $DESCRIPTION$ This function would be used in data driven application to determine whether or not a macro compiled function was linked in. Several functions can be passed, and nested, in . Caveat: Some function calls are converted by the preprocessor into other function calls. You cannot have these types of functions in a macro compiled string as they never exist at runtime. ft_Linked() will correctly tell you that they are invalid. For instance: there is no function called SORT() in any of the Nantucket Libraries, but it is a valid CLIPPER command because the preprocessor will convert it to other function calls. $EXAMPLES$ cString := "ft_GoodFunc( BadFunc( 3, 2 ) )" IF ft_Linked( cString ) Eval( &( "{||" + cString + "}" ) ) ELSE Alert( "Error: " + cString + " was not linked in. Called by ft_Linked()" ) ENDIF $END$ */