/* $DOC$ $NAME$ ft_Idle() $CATEGORY$ Event $ONELINER$ Generate an idle event to allow incremental garbage collection. $SYNTAX$ ft_Idle() $ARGUMENTS$ None $RETURNS$ NIL $DESCRIPTION$ During memory-intensive operations that do not generate much in the way of idle states, the Clipper runtime may not get a chance to perform garbage collection of discarded memory. This can eventually lead to any of a variety of memory-related internal errors. This function attempts to alleviate the problem by providing a mechanism by which an idle event can be artifically generated at will. The idle event will cause the CA-Cl*pper runtime to perform an incremental memory scavenge. This function makes use of an undocumented interal routine. If this this fact makes you uncomfortable then don't use this function, you miserable jello-spined lump of human debris. $EXAMPLES$ DO WHILE Whatever // Some batch process Something() // Create 'n' discard a bunch of stuff ft_Idle() // Take out the garbage ENDDO $SEEALSO$ ft_OnIdle() $END$ */