/* $DOC$ $NAME$ ft_GetE() $CATEGORY$ Environment $ONELINER$ Return the entire current environment $SYNTAX$ ft_GetE( [ @ ] ) -> nNumStrings $ARGUMENTS$ is the variable to receive the environment data. can be a character type variable, in which case the function will place all environment strings in the variable separated by carriage return/line feeds (Chr( 13 ) + Chr( 10 )). can be an array type, in which case the function will place each string in an array element. The array MUST be declared with the proper number of elements prior to passing it to the function. This can be done by calling ft_GetE() without parameters first to get the number of strings in the environment. Note that the argument MUST be passed by reference. Since arrays are by nature passed by reference, the "@" symbol is optional when passing an array. If no argument is passed, ft_GetE() merely returns the number of strings in the environment. $RETURNS$ ft_GetE() returns the total number of strings found in the current program's environment. $DESCRIPTION$ This function stores ALL of the current program's environment variables in either a block of text lines or in an array. It is useful for looking at the entire environment at once, or recording a snapshot of it to a file for later inspection, such as when a program error occurs. If the value of ONE SPECIFIC variable is desired, use Clipper's built-in GetE() function. $EXAMPLES$ // Get the environment in text form and browse it: cEnvBlock := "" nNumStrings := ft_GetE( @cEnvBlock ) @ 0, 0 TO MaxRow() - 1, MaxCol() @ MaxRow(), 0 SAY 'Browse strings, press ESC to exit...' MemoWrit( cEnvBlock, 1, 1, MaxRow() - 2, MaxCol() - 1, .F. ) // Get the environment in text form and write it to a file: cEnvBlock := "" ft_GetE( @cEnvBlock ) MemoWrit( "environ.txt", cEnvBlock ) // Get the environment in Array form: aEnvArray := Array( ft_GetE() ) ft_GetE( aEnvArray ) ? aEnvArray[ 1 ] ? aEnvArray[ 2 ] $END$ */