/* $DOC$ $NAME$ ft_SetCentury() $CATEGORY$ Environment $ONELINER$ Check/Set the CENTURY Setting $SYNTAX$ ft_SetCentury( [ ] ) -> $ARGUMENTS$ lNewSetState - Boolean to Set CENTURY .F. - Toggle CENTURY off .T. - Toggle CENTURY on If not specified, leave CENTURY as is $RETURNS$ The state of the CENTURY setting upon entry to the routine $DESCRIPTION$ This function returns the state (ON/OFF, TRUE/FALSE) of the CENTURY and optionally sets it ON or OFF. $EXAMPLES$ ? ft_SetCentury() // Get current CENTURY Setting ? ft_SetCentury( .T. ) // Get the current CENTURY Setting // and turn it on (set it to TRUE) ? ft_SetCentury( .F. ) // Get the current CENTURY Setting // and turn it off (set it to FALSE) $END$ */