/* $DOC$ $NAME$ ft_ChDir() $CATEGORY$ DOS/BIOS $ONELINER$ Change the current directory $SYNTAX$ ft_ChDir( ) -> nResult $ARGUMENTS$ is the name of the desired directory. $RETURNS$ 0 if successful 3 if path not found 99 if invalid parameters passed $DESCRIPTION$ Use this function if you prefer to change the active directory instead of relying on the SET PATH command. The source code is written to adhere to Turbo Assembler's IDEAL mode. To use another assembler, you will need to rearrange the PROC and SEGMENT directives, and also the ENDP and ENDS directives (a very minor task). $EXAMPLES$ ? ft_ChDir( "harbour" ) ? ft_ChDir( hb_ps() ) ? ft_ChDir( ".." + hb_ps() + "hbnf" ) $END$ */