/* $DOC$ $NAME$ AscPos() $CATEGORY$ CT3 string functions $ONELINER$ ASCII value of a character at a certain position $SYNTAX$ AscPos( , [] ) --> nAsciiValue $ARGUMENTS$ is the processed string [] is an optional position within Default: last position in $RETURNS$ the ASCII value of the character at the specified position $DESCRIPTION$ The AscPos() function returns the ASCII value of the character that can be found at the position in . If is larger than the length of , 0 is returned. $EXAMPLES$ ? AscPos( "0123456789" ) // --> 57 ? AscPos( "0123456789", 1 ) // --> 48 $STATUS$ Ready $COMPLIANCE$ AscPos() is compatible with CT3's AscPos(). $PLATFORMS$ All $FILES$ Library is hbct. $SEEALSO$ ValPos() $END$ */ /* $DOC$ $NAME$ ValPos() $CATEGORY$ CT3 string functions $ONELINER$ Numerical value of a character at a certain position $SYNTAX$ ValPos( , [] ) --> nDigitValue $ARGUMENTS$ is the processed string [] is an optional position within Default: last position in $RETURNS$ the numerical value of the character at the specified position $DESCRIPTION$ The ValPos() function returns the numerical value of the character that can be found at the position in . If no digit can be found at this position or if is larger than the length of , 0 is returned. $EXAMPLES$ ? ValPos( "1234x56789" ) // --> 9 ? ValPos( "1234x56789", 1 ) // --> 1 $STATUS$ Ready $COMPLIANCE$ ValPos() is compatible with CT3's ValPos(). $PLATFORMS$ All $FILES$ Library is hbct. $SEEALSO$ AscPos() $END$ */