I want test the new TActivex class but i don't know where found the
cProgId and the "Do" possibility for the selected Activex!
FE (from TOOO test):
Code: Select all
DEFINE Window oWnd
oWnd:SetText( "Vemos el PDF desde nuestra app" )
// oActiveX = TActiveX():New( oWnd, "PDF.PdfCtrl.5" )
// oActiveX = TActiveX():New( oWnd, "PDF.PdfCtrl.6" )
oActiveX = TActiveX():New( oWnd, "AcroPDF.PDF.1" ) AcroRead 7.0
oWnd:oClient = oActiveX
oActiveX:Do( "LoadFile", "c:\_.pdf" )
oActiveX:Do( "SetCurrentPage", 1 )
ON INIT oActiveX:Do( "Show" )
Descrizione: Error BASE/1004 No exported method: Show
Stack Calls
Called from: => ACTXINVOKE(0)
Called from: ACTIVEX.prg => TACTIVEX:DO(87)
Called from: Main.prg => (b)MAIN(112)
Called from: WINDOW.prg => TWINDOW:ACTIVATE(879)
Called from: Main.prg => MAIN(112)
Thanks in advance.