How to know the number of affected rows using the command Ex

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How to know the number of affected rows using the command Ex

Post by artu01 »

Hi guys:

I want to capture the affected rows after using the command execute

Code: Select all

  cSQL := " insert into detguiad (codusu, numero, articu, cantid, precio, total, subart, igv, totfac, mts) "  
  cSQL += " select codusu, numero, articu, cantid, precio, total, subart, igv, totfac, mts from #ppru "  
      oConnect:Execute( cSQL )
      MsgInfo( "fallo en la insercion de detalle" )
  End try

fwh 17.12, harbour 3.2.0, pelles C, bcc7, Ms-Sql
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Re: How to know the number of affected rows using the command Ex

Post by nageswaragunupudi »

If you are asking about ADO

Code: Select all

nRecs := 0
oCn:Execute( cSql, @nRecs )
? nRecs

G. N. Rao.
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Re: How to know the number of affected rows using the command Ex

Post by byron.hopp »

Thank you Mr. Rau,

I found the wrong answer on "Stack Overflow".
I think the smart guys are over here.

Byron ...
Byron Hopp
Matrix Computer Services
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