DBG Adofield

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Franklin Demont
Posts: 166
Joined: Wed Aug 29, 2012 8:25 am

DBG Adofield

Post by Franklin Demont »

Hello ,

FWH 1402

DBG ors:Field(..) Gives an error in cValtoStr . in :

Code: Select all

   if Left( cVal, 1 ) == "*" .and. Len( cVal ) > 2 .and. ValType( uVal ) == 'N'
cVal seems to be a object

Solved with adding

Code: Select all

   IF VALTYPE(uVal)=="O"
      cVal := cStr(uVal)   
   if Left( cVal, 1 ) == "*" .and. Len( cVal ) > 2 .and. ValType( uVal ) == 'N'

After some more testing , i found that with this code , DBG oField gives the same result as
DBG oField:Properties , probably this worked without changing the source.

How can we see with the debugger the properties from oField as :
numericscale , precision , ......


Frank Demont
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