[ HbQt-Android ] In-Production APK

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Pritpal Bedi
Posts: 154
Joined: Thu Jun 03, 2010 6:27 am

[ HbQt-Android ] In-Production APK

Post by Pritpal Bedi »

Hello Everybody

I have just been able to port in-production C++ coded
Android application to HbQt-Android. It has 100% of pure Qt (C++) functionality.
APK is not a signed ( with PlayStore ) apk so you will need to check
<Settings><Applications><Unknown source> of your Android device.

You can download it from :
http://www.mediafire.com/download/a7q7j ... /Vouch.apk

A little back-drop about what this application does.

1. Connects to Vouch_as_a_Service Server hosted on Amazon EC2 instance.
2. Authenticates user/password/serverkey.
3. Returns <Options> back to the client depending on the username.
4. Returns <Deals> published on the server based on the username.
5. Selection of any <Option> either asks for further input and/or display the results.
6. Every result is displayed in a browser.
7. Everyday I will be changing the Deals and Options.

To play with you may know this:

Username: p
Password: p
ServerKey: 53E6TFxEk9FCy4P9 ( to be given once only - case sensitive )

Account Numbers to explore <Options>: CASH BANK JS WALLMART

This message is purely for academic purposes showing the strength of Harbour + HbQt.
This server will be available for whole of April 2014.

Your feedback is welcome.

Pritpal Bedi
a student of software analysis & concepts

PS: Only your IP will be retained on the server, nothing else.
enjoy hbIDEing...
Pritpal Bedi
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