MsgRun() - strange problem

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Jeff Barnes
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MsgRun() - strange problem

Post by Jeff Barnes »

Hi Everybody,

I have a strange problem with MsgRun().
I use MsgRun to call a function that opens a file selection dialog.
After I select the file, the file selection dialog closes but for some reason I
need to put my mouse in the "Please Wait..." dialog before my program will continue or I need to press a key on the keyboard.

MsgRun("Please Wait ... Reading CD","Please Wait", {|| ReadCD() })
(ReadCD() function is below)

Any ideas as to what I am doing wrong?



Function ReadCD()
Private cNewFile, nLen, nError, cFile, cFileDir
if lFirstRun
cFileDir := cGetFile32("Cascade Data Files |*.smd|"+ ;
"Easy II Video Data Files |*.eas|" + ;
"Sierra Wave Data Files |*.sd|" ;
,"Select a file to Review")
lFirstRun := .f.
cExt := upper( RIGHT( cFileDir, 3 ) )
if cExt = "SMD"
cFileDir := cGetFile32("Cascade Data Files |*.smd|"+ ;
"Easy II Video Data Files |*.eas|" + ;
"Sierra Wave Data Files |*.sd|" ;
,"Select a file to Review")
cExt := upper( RIGHT( cFileDir, 3 ) )
elseif cExt = "EAS"
cFileDir := cGetFile32("Easy II Video Data Files |*.eas|" + ;
"Sierra Wave Data Files |*.sd|"+;
"Cascade Data Files |*.smd|" ;
,"Select a file to Review")
cExt := upper( RIGHT( cFileDir, 3 ) )
cFileDir := cGetFile32("Sierra Wave Data Files |*.sd|"+ ;
"Easy II Video Data Files |*.eas|" + ;
"Cascade Data Files |*.smd|" ;
,"Select a file to Review")
cExt := upper( RIGHT( cFileDir, 3 ) )
nLen:= Len(alltrim(cFileDir))
cFile = Right(cFileDir, nLen-3)
MsgRun("Please Wait ... Extracting Files From CD","Please Wait", {|| CopyWave() })
Return nil
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James Bott
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Post by James Bott »


It might be a problem because you are calling a new msgWait() from one already running. Try adding a sysrefresh() at the end of the codeblock.

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Jeff Barnes
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Post by Jeff Barnes »


After a bit of testing, it looks like the problem is with cGetFile32.

I used MsgWait("Test", "Test" , 2) both before and after the cGetFile32.

When it is before, I get my test message.
When it is after, I do not see the test message until I either put my mouse in the "Please Wait" dialog or press a key.

I have also removed the other MsgRun() when I ran this test.

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James Bott
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Post by James Bott »


Try a sysrefresh() after cGetFile32(). Also, I think you can call cGetFile() when using a 32bit compiler (and still get the 32bit control).

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Jeff Barnes
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Post by Jeff Barnes »

Thanks James.

Using cGetFile instead of cGetFile32 solved the problem.

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