Infobar- Backgrd.-Designer Vers. 1.3=>13.03. (Via Coral)

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Infobar- Backgrd.-Designer Vers. 1.3=>13.03. (Via Coral)

Post by ukoenig »


The new designer and source-creator
for backgrounds and infobars is ready for download.
To create something, with all the possible color-combinations
is a hard job.
With the designer it is easy to do this.
You can have a look at the screen-output, before
you save it as a source-file.
There is a automatic file-counter like : BAR1, BAR2, BAR3...
So you can do your creations on the fly.
It saves hour's of work.
It is the 1. release and it would be nice, if you make
some propositions to make it still better.
I'm busy, to do the same for FWH as well, without
using Via Coral.

download :


Update 1.3
New compiled with FWH 8.03
New preview with only 1 Button and
switch between Window-/Dialod-Setting


Update 1.3 :
( in the basic-version are some nice backgrounds )

Uwe :lol: [/img]
Since 1995 ( the first release of FW 1.9 )
i work with FW.
If you have any questions about special functions, maybe i can help.
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