I was trying to Test the Examples of TDolphin. I could compile almost all the
examples which are all based on connect.ini (Remote Server)
But I could not compile the MySql Embeded example : TESTEMB1.PRG + BRW.PRG.
I am using XHB 1.1.0 (Simpex) + BCC55 + FWH 8.09
I tried to locate "bldhm_e.bat" in the SVN. But could not find such file.added to samples folder the files necessaries to run embedded server
the new script to build embedded samples are all finished with "_e", ie.
bldhm_e.bat, build the embedded server sample with microsoft compiler
(for now all are in console mode)
Can you please give the .BAT file and their dependencies to compile and
test TESTEMB1.PRG, using XHB 1.1.0 (Simpex) + BCC55 + FWH 8.09.
My mail id is : aksharasoft at live dot com
- Ramesh Babu P