Hand-drawing lines on a Google map
- Enrico Maria Giordano
- Posts: 7356
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Hand-drawing lines on a Google map
Anybody have a sample on how to hand-drawing lines on a Google map and save the result? It can be done, as you can see in
Re: Hand-drawing lines on a Google map
I cannot open the quickmaps web, so I don't know exactly what you mean, but you can draw a Google map in a window of you program and make lines on it. See the example below. If you want to draw lines using the mouse at execution time you can convert mouse coordinates or screen coordinates to geographical coordinates and redraw the control with the new lines. You can also draw “tags” and navigation buttons, which move the focus to specific locations.
I can send you the code of the example below if you are interested.

I can send you the code of the example below if you are interested.

Re: Hand-drawing lines on a Google map
can send to me? please?
can you have an sample to mark several points (streets) in the map, only mark, not make routes etc.
very thanks
can you have an sample to mark several points (streets) in the map, only mark, not make routes etc.
very thanks
- Enrico Maria Giordano
- Posts: 7356
- Joined: Thu Oct 06, 2005 8:17 pm
- Location: Roma - Italia
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Re: Hand-drawing lines on a Google map
Do you have any samples?alvaro533 wrote:If you want to draw lines using the mouse at execution time you can convert mouse coordinates or screen coordinates to geographical coordinates and redraw the control with the new lines.
Re: Hand-drawing lines on a Google map
I have not done that part (screen coordinates to geographical coordinates).
Zoom in google maps has 19 levels. The scale of the 19 levels can be calculated this way:
The resulting scale for each level is in nautical miles to pixels.
You set the scale this way:
The geographical coordinates are in degrees
The sign is positive for North latitudes and negative for south latitudes.
The sign + for east longitude and (-) for west longitudes.
To convert latitude y longitude to nautical miles
The 60 is because one minute is one nautical mile and there is 60 minutes in a degree. This is true for latitudes. In longitudes you have to adjust with Cosine of the latitude, because the parallels get smaller as latitude increases. The 0.017453 is to convert degrees to radians.
To covert lat_miles y long_miles to pixels
(nzoom is one of the values of the array zoom above, example zoom[14] for level 14)
To go the other way around:
Maybe you have to convert first screen pixel to windows pixels.
To draw a point (marker)
I hope it helps.
Zoom in google maps has 19 levels. The scale of the 19 levels can be calculated this way:
Code: Select all
for nFor=2 to 19
zoom[nFor]:= zoom[nFor-1]/2
next nFor
You set the scale this way:
Code: Select all
cHtml += [ map.setCenter(new GLatLng(]+str(latitude)+[,]+str(longitude)+[),]+str(nzoom)+[ ); ]+CRLF
Code: Select all
latitude:= degrees + minutes/60 + seconds/3600
longitude:= degrees + minutes/60 + seconds/3600
The sign + for east longitude and (-) for west longitudes.
To convert latitude y longitude to nautical miles
Code: Select all
lat_miles:= latitude*60
long_miles:= longitude*60*COS(0.017453*latitude)
To covert lat_miles y long_miles to pixels
Code: Select all
x_pix:= long_miles / nZoom
y_pix:= lat_miles / nZoom
To go the other way around:
Code: Select all
Long_miles:= x_pix * nzoom
Lat_miles:= y_pix * nzoom
Latitude:= lat_miles / 60
Longitude:= long_miles /60 / cos(0.017453*latitude)
To draw a point (marker)
Code: Select all
cHtml += [ var marker = new GMarker(new GLatLng( ]+str(latitude)+","+str(longitude)+ [ )); ]+CRLF
cHtml += [ map.addOverlay(marker); ]+CRLF
cHtml += [ var html= ']+ cName + [<br/>' + '] + cLongname +['; ]+CRLF
cHtml += [ marker.bindInfoWindowHtml(html); ]+CRLF
Re: Hand-drawing lines on a Google map
Hi Enrico,
Two more things.
I don't know how to get the coordinates of the mouse click if the activeX control has the focus.
When you draw the control, you know the coordinates of the center of the screen, so you could calculate the coordinates of a click relative to the center. But if the user moves the center of the map then I don’t know where you can obtain the coordinates of the new center. The same if the user changes the zoom level. If I have time I’ll try to look it up in the google maps SDK
Two more things.
I don't know how to get the coordinates of the mouse click if the activeX control has the focus.
When you draw the control, you know the coordinates of the center of the screen, so you could calculate the coordinates of a click relative to the center. But if the user moves the center of the map then I don’t know where you can obtain the coordinates of the new center. The same if the user changes the zoom level. If I have time I’ll try to look it up in the google maps SDK
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- Enrico Maria Giordano
- Posts: 7356
- Joined: Thu Oct 06, 2005 8:17 pm
- Location: Roma - Italia
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Re: Hand-drawing lines on a Google map
Thank you, but it's too much for me.alvaro533 wrote:I hope it helps.

Re: Hand-drawing lines on a Google map
This is the code for the example above. Part of it is adapted from other posts in this forum. My gratitude to the authors.
It draws an activeX control with a map, with specific coordinates and scale, places some "marks" with labels, draws a polyline with several segments, and places various buttons in the map, with different actions as to change the location of the map and the scale (without using the standard ScaleControl)
This is the code for the example above. Part of it is adapted from other posts in this forum. My gratitude to the authors.
It draws an activeX control with a map, with specific coordinates and scale, places some "marks" with labels, draws a polyline with several segments, and places various buttons in the map, with different actions as to change the location of the map and the scale (without using the standard ScaleControl)
Code: Select all
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
FUNCTION googlemaps(oWndp,como,nnum,nombre)
local oWnd2, oactivex
local icon2,cad
local ancho,alto
LOCAL nLat, nLon, nZoom , nZoom2
local nsele:=select()
local alineas,i
local latmax:=-90,latmin:=+90,lonmax:=-360,lonmin:=+360
local zoom[19]
for i=2 to 19
next i
IF !IsGoogleup()
MsgAlert("No hay Conexión a internet!"+CRLF+"No se puede usar GoogleMap")
if como="ruta"
sele 0
use datos\flplin new inde datos\flplin alias (alineas:=getnewalias("flplin"))
DBSETRELATION("database", {|| (alineas)->id},"(alineas)->id")
go top
if empty(nombre)
nZoom := 13
DEFINE ICON ICON2 name "google"
cHtml := [ <html> <head> ]+CRLF
cHtml += [ <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/> ]+CRLF
cHtml += [ <title>Google Maps</title> ]+CRLF
cHtml += [ <script src="http://maps.google.com/maps?file=api&v=2&key=1223" type="text/javascript"></script> ]+CRLF
cHtml += [ <script type="text/javascript"> ]+CRLF
cHtml += " function load() "+CRLF
cHtml += " { if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) "+CRLF
cHtml += [ { var map = new GMap2(document.getElementById("map"),G_SATELLITE_MAP); ] + CRLF
// cHtml += [ map.addControl(new GLargeMapControl3D()); ]+CRLF
cHtml += [ map.addControl(new GScaleControl()); ]+CRLF
cHtml += [ map.addControl(new GMapTypeControl()); ]+CRLF
// cHtml += [ map.addControl(new GMapTypeControl(),new GControlPosition(G_ANCHOR_BOTTOM_RIGHT, new GSize(10,10))); ]+CRLF
cHtml += [ map.setCenter(new GLatLng(]+sc(database->LAT)+[,]+sc(database->LON)+[),]+sc(nzoom)+[ ); ]+CRLF
cHtml += [ map.setMapType(G_HYBRID_MAP); ]+CRLF
// -------------------------------------------------------------- POLILINEA
CHTML += " var polyline = new GPolyline([ "+CRLF
go top
do while !eof()
// CHTML += " new GLatLng( " + sc(database->LAT)+","+sc(database->LON)+" ) "
CHTML += " new GLatLng(parseFloat( " + sc(database->LAT)+"),parseFloat("+sc(database->LON)+") ) "
if !eof()
CHTML += ","
CHTML += " ], '#00ffff', 8); map.addOverlay(polyline); "+CRLF // ancho de la linea del poligono
go top
do while !eof()
cHtml += [ var marker = new GMarker(new GLatLng( ]+sc(database->LAT)+","+sc(database->LON)+ [ )); ]+CRLF
cHtml += [ map.addOverlay(marker); ]+CRLF
cHtml += [ var html= ']+ sc(database->name) + [<br/>' + '] + sc(database->longname) +['; ]+CRLF
// cHtml += [ marker.openInfoWindowHtml(html); ]+CRLF
cHtml += [ marker.bindInfoWindowHtml(html); ]+CRLF
// ---------------------------------------------------------------botones ruta
cHtml += [ function TextualZoomControl() { } ]+CRLF
cHtml += [ TextualZoomControl.prototype = new GControl(); ]+CRLF
cHtml += [ TextualZoomControl.prototype.initialize = function(map) { ]+CRLF
cHtml += [ var container = document.createElement("div"); ]+CRLF
dbeval( { || latmax:=max(latmax, database->lat) , ;
latmin:=min(latmin, database->lat) , ;
lonmax:=max(lonmax, database->lon) , ;
lonmin:=min(lonmin, database->lon) })
latmax:= abs((latmax-latmin)*60) // millas a lo alto
lonmax:= abs(lonmax-lonmin)*60*COS(0.017453*nlat)
// millas a lo ancho
if ancho/alto*latmax > lonmax
do while .t.
if nzoom2>zoom[i]
if i=1
cHtml += [ var zoomInDiv = document.createElement("div"); this.setButtonStyle_(zoomInDiv); ]+CRLF
cHtml += [ container.appendChild(zoomInDiv); zoomInDiv.appendChild(document.createTextNode("-TODO-")); ]+CRLF
cHtml += [ GEvent.addDomListener(zoomInDiv, "click", function() {map.setCenter(new GLatLng(]+ sc(nlat) +[,]+ sc(nlon) +[),]+sc(nzoom2)+[ )}); ]+CRLF
go top
do while !eof()
cHtml += [ var zoomInDiv = document.createElement("div"); this.setButtonStyle_(zoomInDiv); ]+CRLF
cHtml += [ container.appendChild(zoomInDiv); zoomInDiv.appendChild(document.createTextNode("] +sc(subs(database->name,1,6)) +[")); ]+CRLF
cHtml += [ GEvent.addDomListener(zoomInDiv, "click", function() {map.setCenter(new GLatLng(]+sc(database->LAT)+[,]+sc(database->LON)+[),]+sc(nzoom)+[ )}); ]+CRLF
go top
cHtml += [ map.getContainer().appendChild(container); return container; } ]+CRLF
cHtml += [ TextualZoomControl.prototype.getDefaultPosition = function() { return new GControlPosition(G_ANCHOR_BOTTOM_RIGHT, new GSize(7, 7)) ; } ]+CRLF
cHtml += [ TextualZoomControl.prototype.setButtonStyle_ = function(button) { button.style.color = "#0000cc"; ]+CRLF
cHtml += [ button.style.backgroundColor = "white"; button.style.font = "small Arial"; button.style.border = "1px solid black"; ]+CRLF
cHtml += [ button.style.padding = "2px"; button.style.marginBottom = "3px"; button.style.textAlign = "center"; ]+CRLF
cHtml += [ button.style.width = "6em"; ]+CRLF // ancho
cHtml += [ button.style.cursor = "pointer"; } ]+CRLF
cHtml += [ map.addControl(new TextualZoomControl()); ]+CRLF
CHTML += "var customUI = map.getDefaultUI(); customUI.controls.scalecontrol = false; map.setUI(customUI); "+CRLF
// arriba ponía false en lugar de true
CHTML += " } } "+ CRLF
CHTML += " </script> </head> "+CRLF
CHTML += [ <body scroll="no" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" topmargin="0" leftmargin="0" ] +CRLF
CHTML += [ onload="load()" onunload="GUnload()"> ] + CRLF
chtml += [ <div id="map" style="width:]+ sc(ancho) + [px;height:]+ sc(alto) +[px"></div> ] + CRLF
chtml += [ </body> </html> ]
// cHtml := STRTRAN(cHtml, "<<<ALTO>>>",sc(alto) )
DEFINE WINDOW oWnd2 MDICHILD of oWndp icon icon2 TITLE "Plan de Vuelo: "+nombre
oActiveX = TActiveX():New( oWnd2, "Shell.Explorer.2" )
// @ 0,0 button "salir" of oWnd2 size 60,20 pixel action oWnd2:end()
// oWnd2:oClient = oActiveX // To fill the entire window surface
if .t.
oActiveX:Do("Navigate2",(CurDrive() + ":\"+CurDir()+"\google\"+nombre+".htm"))
oActiveX:Do("Navigate2",(CurDrive() + ":\"+CurDir()+"\MiHtml.htm"))
oWnd2:nheight:=alto+38 // 38
oWnd2:bKeyDown = { | nKey | teclas(nKey,oWnd2) }
ACTIVATE WINDOW oWnd2 // on init (oWnd2:move(0,0,1200,1000),oWndp:refresh())
// ya está cerrada la base de datoa arriba y nsele
if como="ruta"
(alineas)->( DBCLOSEAREA() )
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
Function IsGoogleup()
MsgWait( "Comprobando si hay conexión a internet","Espere",0.3 )
return GetHostByName( "www.google.com" ) != ""
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
function sc(cadena,long)
do case
case VALTYPE(cadena) == "C"
case VALTYPE(cadena) == "N"
case VALTYPE(cadena) == "L"
case VALTYPE(cadena) == "D"
case VALTYPE(cadena) == "A"
cadena:="error, has mandado un array"
case VALTYPE(cadena) == "B"
cadena:="error, has mandado un codeblock"
case VALTYPE(cadena) == "U"
cadena:="** SIN DEFINIR **"
case cadena == nil
if long!= NIL
return cadena
- Biel EA6DD
- Posts: 680
- Joined: Tue Feb 14, 2006 9:48 am
- Location: Mallorca
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Re: Hand-drawing lines on a Google map
Very interesting post.
Here you have a sample how to retrieve the coordinates of the RIGHT mouse click.
I don't know how to pass this info to harbour memory. (Maybe writing to a local file, but most browsers do not allow the local disk write, so solution must be via PHP probably)
Here you have a sample how to retrieve the coordinates of the RIGHT mouse click.
Code: Select all
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
<title>Google Maps</title>
<script src="http://maps.google.com/maps?file=api&v=2&key=1223" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function load(){
if (GBrowserIsCompatible())
// Variables para el mapa
var lat = 39.52;
var lon = 3.04;
var zoom = 10;
// Crear un nuevo mapa
var map = new GMap2(document.getElementById("map"));
map.setCenter(new GLatLng(lat, lon), zoom);
map.addControl(new GLargeMapControl());
GEvent.addListener(map, "singlerightclick", function(pixel)
var clickPoint = map.fromContainerPixelToLatLng(pixel);
//]]> </script> </head>
<body scroll="no" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" topmargin="0" leftmargin="0"
onload="load()" onunload="GUnload()">
<div id="map" style="width: 754px;height: 521px"></div>
</body> </html>