Error in a class : default variable

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Error in a class : default variable

Post by Silvio »

in xharbour or habour in a class there is this line :

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Default nWidth  = 25, ;
           nHeight = 25
but when i compiled make an error

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Error E0030  Syntax error: "parse error at 'NWIDTH'"
How ca I resolve it

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Post by StefanHaupt »


you missed the double point, this is correct:

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DEFAULT nWidth := 25 ,;
                       nHeight :=25
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Post by R.F. »

Please notice that "DEFAULT" is a command written in the FIVEWIN.CH header file.

If you don't include the FIVEWIN.CH file in you programm you will not have the DEFAULT command available, so the compiling process will fail.

Anyway if you are not using FIVEWIN with your class, you can write the command yourself in the source code or include it in any other header file:

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#xcommand DEFAULT <uVar1> := <uVal1> ;
               [, <uVarN> := <uValN> ] => ;
                  <uVar1> := If( <uVar1> == nil, <uVal1>, <uVar1> ) ;;
                [ <uVarN> := If( <uVarN> == nil, <uValN>, <uVarN> ); ]
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Post by Silvio »

thank to all
this class printer is modified by klm but in xharbout not runned : now run ok
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