I am trying to use the nRow, nCol parameters of bDropOver block when drop occurs on a window.
Naturally I expected that the nRow,nCol refer to the destination window. It is not the case. I found that they are not even Screen Coordinates. On studying the Control.Prg, I observed that the nRow, nCol refer to the position with respect to originating control ( i.e, the Control where the drag began ).
The relevant code from Control.Prg is extracted below:
Code: Select all
METHOD LButtonUp( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags ) CLASS TControl
local aPoint := { nRow, nCol }
::lMouseDown = .f.
if lDragging
lDragging = .f.
aPoint = ClientToScreen( ::hWnd, aPoint )
if aPoint[ 1 ] > 32768
aPoint[ 1 ] -= 65535
if aPoint[ 2 ] > 32768
aPoint[ 2 ] -= 65535
SendMessage( WindowFromPoint( aPoint[ 2 ], aPoint[ 1 ] ),;
FM_DROPOVER, nKeyFlags, nMakeLong( nRow, nCol ) )
return nil
Kindly confirm if my understanding is correct.
I checked the drag drop programs in the samples folder. They do not contain any sample using the nRow,nCol coordnates in the bDropOver block.
I suggest it would be convenient for us, if the bDropOver is called with nRow,nCol relative to the destination window ( or at least the screen coordinates).
I suggest the following modified code.
Code: Select all
METHOD LButtonUp( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags ) CLASS TControl
local aPoint := { nRow, nCol }
local hDropWnd
::lMouseDown = .f.
if lDragging
lDragging = .f.
aPoint = ClientToScreen( ::hWnd, aPoint )
if aPoint[ 1 ] > 32768
aPoint[ 1 ] -= 65535
if aPoint[ 2 ] > 32768
aPoint[ 2 ] -= 65535
hDropWnd = WindowFromPoint( aPoint[ 2 ], aPoint[ 1 ] )
aPoint = ScreenToClient( hDropWnd, aPoint )
// do we need to make again any correction for 65535 here also ?
SendMessage( hDropWnd, FM_DROPOVER, nKeyFlags, nMakeLong( aPoint[ 1 ], aPoint[ 2 ] ) )
return nil
Is my understanding right ?
With this modification, dropover function can be written something like this
Code: Select all
oWnd:bDropOver := { |u,r,c,f| mousedropover( u,r,c,f ) }
func mousedropover( u, nRow, nCol, nFlags )
oWnd:Say ( nRow, nCol, 'Dropped here' )
LOCAL aPoint
aPoint := ClientToScreen( OrginatingWnd:hWnd, { nRow, nCol } )
// apply 65535 correction
aPoint := ScreenToClient( oThisWnd:hWnd, aPoint )
// i don't know if we again have to apply 65535 correction and if so what it is
nRow := aPoint[ 1 ]
nCol := aPoint[ 2 ]
// now use nRow,nCol
Do other programmers agree with the suggestion?
Request Mr Antonio and other colleagues to advise.