XBrowse online editing

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Post by nageswaragunupudi »

I reverted to the previous code.

1) valid values entered are assigned.
(2) values assigned thro oget:varput() in valid block are assigned and updated IF and ONLY IF the valid function does not open a new dialog, but assigns silently. for example this assignment works

Code: Select all

if oget:varget() > 6
return .t.
this assignment works and post edit updates the data.
(3) if valid function opens a dialog the value does not get assigned

G. N. Rao.
Hyderabad, India
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Detlef Hoefner
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Post by Detlef Hoefner »

Antonio Linares wrote:A new mallorca.exe build:

Please try to break it, thanks :-)

with this exe values > 6 are correctly refused.
But i can not enter valid data.

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Post by nageswaragunupudi »

Mr Antonio
That behavior is fine because the real assignment is done from here:

oBrw:aCols[1]:bOnPostEdit := { | oCol, xVal, nKey | If( nKey == VK_RETURN, aLin[ oBrw:nArrayAt,1] := xVal,) }

The VALID should not try to modify the edited value. It just jave to return .T. or .F., and a warning for the user, if needed
I may please be permitted to disagree. Valid clause can not modify the orginal value, but can modify the Get variable through VarPut. The postedit method calls the bOnPostEdit with whatever is the varget() ( in other words eval( oget:bsetget) ) at that time. So if we modify the value in valid clause, PostEdit method calls bOnPostEdit block with that assigned value.

Also it is not uncommon that Valid clauses open look up tables and help the user to select valid values.

What we need to do is to handle the Editget's lost focus block appropriately. Hope you will appreciate my point.

G. N. Rao.
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Post by nageswaragunupudi »

This is the latest CancelEdit method

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METHOD CancelEdit() CLASS TXBrowse

   local oCol, nFor, nlen

   if ! ::lEditMode
      return nil

   nLen := Len( ::aCols )

   for nFor := 1 to nLen
      oCol := ::aCols[ nFor ]
      if oCol:oEditGet != nil
         oCol:oEditGet:VarPut( Eval( oCol:bEditValue ) )
         oCol:oEditGet:bValid = nil

   ::lEditMode := .f.

return nil 
Suggestion for consideration.
Why should CancelEdit method call PostEdit again? Can we not destroy the Get object here itself and refresh the browse?

Code: Select all

METHOD CancelEdit() CLASS TXBrowse

   local oCol, nFor, nlen

   if ! ::lEditMode
      return nil

   nLen := Len( ::aCols )

   for nFor := 1 to nLen
      oCol := ::aCols[ nFor ]
      if oCol:oEditGet != nil
          oCol:oEditGet := nil

   ::lEditMode := .f.
return nil 

G. N. Rao.
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Post by nageswaragunupudi »

The problem with EditGetLostFocus(...) is that (oWndFromHwnd( hWndFocus ) != nil) is True even when Get is normally edited and exited with Enter Key (even with valid data). So, if (oWndFromHwnd( hWndFocus ) != nil) is Ture, we can not assume that the get object lost focus only due to navigating to other control in the same window.

G. N. Rao.
Hyderabad, India
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Antonio Linares
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Post by Antonio Linares »


This mallorca new build properly edits:

Please try to break it, thanks! :-)
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Post by Antonio Linares »

This change fixes the non assignment error reported by Detlef. In METHOD Edit( nKey ) CLASS TXBrwColumn:

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   ::oEditGet:bLostFocus := { | oGet, hWndFocus | EditGetLostFocus( oGet, hWndFocus, ::oBrw, ::oEditGet, Self ) }

Code: Select all

static function EditGetLostFocus( oGet, hWndFocus, oBrw, oEditGet, oCol )

   local oWnd

   // focus goes to another control in the same application, and not to the browse
   if ( oWnd := oWndFromHwnd( hWndFocus ) ) != nil .and. ! ( oWnd == oBrw )
      return nil

   // focus goes to another application
   if GetWindowThreadProcessId( hWndFocus ) != GetWindowThreadProcessId( oBrw:hWnd )
      return nil
   if oEditGet != nil .and. ! oEditGet:lValidating

return nil
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Post by Antonio Linares »


The problem with EditGetLostFocus(...) is that (oWndFromHwnd( hWndFocus ) != nil) is True even when Get is normally edited and exited with Enter Key (even with valid data). So, if (oWndFromHwnd( hWndFocus ) != nil) is Ture, we can not assume that the get object lost focus only due to navigating to other control in the same window.

This is fixed in the previous posted source code change, thanks
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Post by Antonio Linares »


Please test again your mallorca changes with the new posted code, thanks. I guess the assignment from the VALID will work this time
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Post by Antonio Linares »


> Why should CancelEdit method call PostEdit again ?

First we need to decide if a PostEdit() should be called if a CancelEdit() is issued:

If we agree that a PostEdit() means "to do after an edit process, even if it is cancelled" then it is ok.

If we agree that PostEdit() should be called only if the edit process has not been canceled, then it should not be called from the CancelEdit().

Finally, the CancelEdit() is only calling PostEdit() once. Unless I am missing something :-)
regards, saludos

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Post by nageswaragunupudi »

Valid values are getting assigned. .. ok

Clicking on other cells, or other controls or other applications exits the get and restores original values. .. ok

if we click on a button on the buttonbar, the edit is cancelled and browse line is refrehsed with original values, but the button action is not executed. .. not ok

if a value is assinged in the valid block, without opening any other dialog, the new value is assigned. .. ok

But if a valid block opens a new dialog any assignment is ignored and original value is restored. .. not ok

I think while oGet:lvalidating is true, if the focus goes to any other control or application, the edit should not be cancelled.

G. N. Rao.
Hyderabad, India
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Post by Antonio Linares »

if we click on a button on the buttonbar, the edit is cancelled and browse line is refrehsed with original values, but the button action is not executed. .. not ok

Fixed. In function EditGetLostFocus():

Code: Select all

   if ( oWnd := oWndFromHwnd( hWndFocus ) ) != nil .and. ! ( oWnd == oBrw )
      SetFocus( hWndFocus )      // New !!!          
      return nil
A new mallorca.exe build:
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Post by nageswaragunupudi »

Yes. Other control actions are triggered now.

Still the issue of the behavior when Valid Block opens any new dialog remains.

While we continue tests with normal edit gets, we may now need to look into issues of other Edittypes, Listbox, useredit, get + listbox etc.

May I modify the mallorca.prg to add a third column with 'AA'.'BB'.'CC' etc and edit it with a listbox?

G. N. Rao.
Hyderabad, India
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Antonio Linares
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Post by Antonio Linares »


Still the issue of the behavior when Valid Block opens any new dialog remains.

We are working on that issue

While we continue tests with normal edit gets, we may now need to look into issues of other Edittypes, Listbox, useredit, get + listbox etc.

May I modify the mallorca.prg to add a third column with 'AA'.'BB'.'CC' etc and edit it with a listbox?

Yes, please. Thanks! :-)
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Post by nageswaragunupudi »

Mr Antonio

Can you kindly make these modifications in your copy of the program?

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   FOR i:=1 TO 6
      AAdd(aLin,{i,'Descripción '+Str(i), replicate( chr(64+i), 2 )})
in the column definitions

Code: Select all

   oBrw:aCols[3]:cHeader      := 'Cd'
   oBrw:aCols[3]:bClrEdit     := oBrw:bClrStd
   oBrw:aCols[3]:bOnPostEdit  := { | oCol, xVal, nKey | aLin[ oBrw:nArrayAt,3] := xVal }
   oBrw:aCols[3]:nEditType    := EDIT_LISTBOX
	oBrw:aCols[3]:aEditListBound:= ;
	oBrw:aCols[3]:aEditListTxt	:= { 'AA', 'BB', 'CC', 'DD', 'EE', 'FF', 'GG', 'HH' }
Now how should a user abort the edit and retain the original values, after naviging through the list box with arrow keys?

G. N. Rao.
Hyderabad, India
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