TDbOdbcDirect problem

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TDbOdbcDirect problem

Post by Rimantas »

Hi !

It seems that it's a problem with this class . I reviewed and found that in Open method it can't open temporary dbf . It seems that this is related to this :
DEFAULT ::cFileName := cTempFile(GetEnv("TEMP"),"DBF")

This GetEnv() work OK ?

With best regards ! Rimantas .
Rimantas U.
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James Bott
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Post by James Bott »

Try this to get the temp directory.

Code: Select all

// Returns path to windows temp directory
   local cDir   := GetEnv("TEMP")
   if empty(cDir)
      cDir := GetEnv("TMP")
   if Right( cDir, 1 ) == "\"
      cDir = SubStr( cDir, 1, Len( cDir ) - 1 )
   if !empty(cDir)
      if !lIsDir(cDir)
         cDir := GetWinDir()
      cDir := GetWinDir()
return cDir
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Post by Rimantas »

Hello James ! Thanks for your reply . But I found that the problem isn't here . It's cTempFile() function :

function cTempFile() // returns a temporary filename
local cFileName
static cOldName
while File( ( cFileName := StrTran( Time(), ":", "" ) ) ) .or. ;
cFileName == cOldName
cOldName = cFileName
return cFileName

This function is without incoming arguments .

METHOD Open() CLASS TDbOdbcDirect
local aFields
local nLen, n
DEFAULT ::cFileName := cTempFile(GetEnv("TEMP"),"DBF") ,;
::cAlias := ""

In TDbOdbcDirect method Open() this function is with arguments . But the arguments isn't working and I get an error :

Error description: Error DBCMD/1010 Illegal characters in alias: ::cAlias
Called from DBUSEAREA(0)

Antonio , do you have correct version of this function ?

With best regards ! Rimantas .
Rimantas U.
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Antonio Linares
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Post by Antonio Linares »


Please try this cTempFile() source code:

Code: Select all

function cTempFile( cPath, cExtension )        // returns a temporary filename

   local cFileName

   static cOldName

   DEFAULT cPath := "", cExtension := ""
   if ! "." $ cExtension
      cExtension = "." + cExtension

   while File( cFileName := ( cPath + StrTran( Time(), ":", "" ) ) + cExtension ) .or. ;
         cFileName == cOldName

   cOldName = cFileName

return cFileName
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Post by Rimantas »

Antonio Linares wrote:Rimantas,

Please try this cTempFile() source code:

Excuse me , Antonio , the function is working OK :-)) . I forget to set DBFFPT lib , because some fields in SQL database are as "MEMO" and so USE command didn't worked . Today I found the reason of that problem and now all is working OK . Your TDBOdbcDirect works fine now .. :-))

With best regards ! Rimantas .
Rimantas U.
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