I try to use WMPlayer.OCX and play loop for better solution than GIF file. But it has black frame before start playing the vdo.
How to fix black frame as vdo clip?
Thanks in advance for any help and suggestion.

ukoenig wrote:Dutch,
I noticed a short loading-time during the loops
here is a free Video-editor / cutter to check the frames
at the beginning and end.
32 and 64 bit-version
Code: Select all
if oActiveX :controls:currentPosition > oActiveX :currentMedia:duration - 0.01
oActiveX :controls:currentPosition := 0
AntoninoP wrote:I tryied too, and the only solution I found is do manually the loop:
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/259 ... g-of-videoCode: Select all
if oActiveX :controls:currentPosition > oActiveX :currentMedia:duration - 0.01 oActiveX :controls:currentPosition := 0 endif
As they suggest you can create a timer to do this check.
Code: Select all
DEFINE TIMER oTimer INTERVAL 100 ACTION (if( oActiveX :controls:currentPosition > oActiveX :currentMedia:duration - 0.01, (oActiveX :controls:currentPosition := 0.01), if(oActiveX :controls:currentPosition > 0.1, oActiveX :Show() , ) ))
Code: Select all
oActiveX = TActiveX():New( oDlg, "WMPlayer.OCX", nTop, nLeft, nWidth, nHeight )
oActiveX :Hide()
Greatdutch wrote:Dear AntoninoP and Uwe,
I can fix it now.
- Show in TIMER- Hide() at DIALOG INITCode: Select all
DEFINE TIMER oTimer INTERVAL 100 ACTION (if( oActiveX :controls:currentPosition > oActiveX :currentMedia:duration - 0.01, (oActiveX :controls:currentPosition := 0.01), if(oActiveX :controls:currentPosition > 0.1, oActiveX :Show() , ) ))
Code: Select all
oActiveX = TActiveX():New( oDlg, "WMPlayer.OCX", nTop, nLeft, nWidth, nHeight ) oActiveX :Hide()
ukoenig wrote:Dutch,
I'm just thinking about a possible dialog fade-in-effect
for the video that will cover the first frames
just a idea not tested yet.
Code: Select all
oActiveX:Settings:AutoStart := .T.
bOldError := ERRORBLOCK( { | e | BREAK( e ) } )
oActiveX:URL := cPlayFile
Code: Select all
oActiveX:Settings:AutoStart := .F.
bOldError := ERRORBLOCK( { | e | BREAK( e ) } )
oActiveX:URL := cPlayFile
oActiveX:controls:currentPosition := nFirstFrame