How To Read From One Excel File And Write To Another

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How To Read From One Excel File And Write To Another

Post by acwoo1 »


How to read from one Worksheet in one excel file and write to another worksheet in another excel file.
I am not able to write to worksheet S2.

function test

#define xlDouble -4119

LOCAL oExcel := CREATEOBJECT( "Excel.Application" )

LOCAL oSheet
LOCAL oSheet2

subdirc3 = "WK2.xlsx"
oExcel:WorkBooks:Open( "&subdirc3" )
cNamex = "S1"
oExcel:Sheets( cNamex ):Select()
oSheet2 = oExcel:ActiveSheet

subdirc2 = "WK1.xlsx"
oExcel:WorkBooks:Open( "&subdirc2" )
cName = "S1"
oExcel:Sheets( cName ):Select()
oSheet = oExcel:ActiveSheet
excel1 = oSheet2
excel2 = oSheet
excel1:Cells( 30, 5 ):Value=excel2:Cells( 30, 5 ):Value
excel1:Cells( 30, 6 ):Value=excel2:Cells( 30, 6 ):Value
excel1:Cells( 35, 5 ):Value=excel2:Cells( 35, 5 ):Value
excel1:Cells( 35, 6 ):Value=excel2:Cells( 35, 6 ):Value

subdirc3 = "WK2.xlsx"
oExcel:WorkBooks:Open( "&subdirc3" )
cNamex = "S2"
oExcel:Sheets( cNamex ):Select()
oSheet2 = oExcel:ActiveSheet

subdirc2 = "WK1.xlsx"
oExcel:WorkBooks:Open( "&subdirc2" )
cName = "S2"
oExcel:Sheets( cName ):Select()
oSheet = oExcel:ActiveSheet
excel1 = oSheet2
excel2 = oSheet

excel1:Cells( 30, 5 ):Value=excel2:Cells( 30, 5 ):Value
excel1:Cells( 30, 6 ):Value=excel2:Cells( 30, 6 ):Value


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Re: How To Read From One Excel File And Write To Another

Post by anserkk »

Code: Select all

#include ""
Function Main()
    Local oExcel,oBook,oSheet,cSrcFileName:="D:\FullPath\OfYour\SourceFile.xlsx"
    oExcel := ExcelObj()
    oBook  := oExcel:WorkBooks:Add()
    oSheet := oExcel:ActiveSheet
    oExcel:Visible := .T.
    ? "About to open the Source Excel file"
    oSrcSheet := oExcel:Get("ActiveSheet")   
    ? "About to copy/read from the source sheet and write to the new excel sheet"
    oSheet:Cells( 1, 1 ):Value=oSrcSheet:Cells( 1, 1 ):Value 
    oSheet:Cells( 2, 1 ):Value=oSrcSheet:Cells( 2, 1 ):Value 

    ? "Finished writing. now you can view both the excel workbooks"
Return NIL     
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Re: How To Read From One Excel File And Write To Another

Post by acwoo1 »


How do I specify only certain worksheets in the files ?

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Re: How To Read From One Excel File And Write To Another

Post by anserkk »

You can make using the following functions to suit your requirements

Code: Select all

oExcel:Sheets(cSheetName):Select()    //Select sheet
oSheet := oExcel:Sheets(“oSheet1”)  
nSheets := oExcel:Sheets:Count()  //count number of sheets in workbook
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Re: How To Read From One Excel File And Write To Another

Post by acwoo1 »


How do I select worksheet "S1" of Excel File "WK1" and worksheet "S2" of Excel File "WK2" so that I can write certain values from S1 to S2 ?


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Re: How To Read From One Excel File And Write To Another

Post by anserkk »

Code: Select all

#include ""
Function Main()
    Local oExcel,oBook,oSheetS1,oSheetS2
    oExcel := ExcelObj()
//  Instead of the next line 
//  oBook  := oExcel:WorkBooks:Add()
    // Use the following line 
    oBook  := oExcel:WorkBooks:Open("Your_WK1_FileName")  // ie "S1" of Excel File "WK1" 
// oSheetS1 := oExcel:ActiveSheet
    oSheetS1 := oExcel:Sheets(“S1”)
    oExcel:Visible := .T.
    ? "About to open the Source Excel file"
    oExcel:WorkBooks:Open(Your_WK2_FileName)  // ie "S2" of Excel File "WK2"
// oSheetS2 := oExcel:Get("ActiveSheet")   
    oSheetS2 := oExcel:Sheets(“S2”)
    ? "About to copy/read from the source sheet and write to the new excel sheet"
    oSheetS1:Cells( 1, 1 ):Value=oSheetS2:Cells( 1, 1 ):Value 
    oSheetS1:Cells( 2, 1 ):Value=oSheetS2:Cells( 2, 1 ):Value 

    ? "Finished writing. now you can view both the excel workbooks"
Return NIL    
Haven't tested the code, please try
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Re: How To Read From One Excel File And Write To Another

Post by acwoo1 »


Is there something like
File1:oSheetS1:Cells( 1, 1 ):Value=File2:oSheetS2:Cells( 1, 1 ):Value
File1:oSheetS3:Cells( 2, 1 ):Value=File2:oSheetS4:Cells( 2, 1 ):Value



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