1. I try to convert FW to xHb/FWH. The problem is Dialog that was created by Resource Workshop, the size has been changed. I use RC2DLL32.BAT.
2. What does the tool I'm going to use instead of Resource Workshop?
Thank you very big again and I've got big problem with TSbutton now. When I use Alt+s for "&Save" the problem is the valid on TGET is skiped. It means any function on TGET Valid do nothing. How can I fix it?
Sorry to disturb you but It is my big problem because I use a lot TSbutton in my program.
#include 'Fivewin.ch'
#include 'Tsbutton.ch'
Static oDlg
Procedure Main
local oGet, oBtn, cVar
cVar := 0
DEFINE DIALOG oDlg FROM 0, 0 TO 10, 30 TITLE 'Test TSbutton'
@ 1, 1 GET oGet VAR cVar SIZE 30,12 PIXEL Valid (cVar>0)