Get real date from the Internet

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Rick Lipkin
Posts: 2397
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Get real date from the Internet

Post by Rick Lipkin »

To All

My software license routine relies on getting the ACTUAL date .. and right now I am using Date() which relies on the date on the machine clock. It is easy to set any date you want on the ( bios ) machine clock.

Is there a way to go out to the internet to return the Real and Actual date ? and not rely on the Machine Bios clock ?

Rick Lipkin
Posts: 332
Joined: Thu Nov 17, 2005 9:11 pm

Re: Get real date from the Internet

Post by Wanderson »

Rick Lipkin wrote:To All

My software license routine relies on getting the ACTUAL date .. and right now I am using Date() which relies on the date on the machine clock. It is easy to set any date you want on the ( bios ) machine clock.

Is there a way to go out to the internet to return the Real and Actual date ? and not rely on the Machine Bios clock ?

Rick Lipkin
I use this in Brasil.

Function HrDtInternet()
Local oHttp, ;
cResp1 := "", ;
cResp := "", ;
cHora := "", ;
cData := ""

IF !IsInternet()
MsgWait( "Não foi possível conectar a Internet para"+CRLF+;
"buscar a Data e Hora de Brasilia"+CRLF+;
"A Data e a Hora serão setados conforme"+CRLF+;
"o que tiver configurado no micro","Internet", 2)
Return( {DtoC(Date()), Time()} )

oHttp := CreateObject("winhttp.winhttprequest.5.1")
oHttp:Open("GET"," ... _paulo",.f.)
cResp1 := oHttp:ResponseText()
Return( {DtoC(Date()), Time()} )
End Try
* MemoWrit( "HoraNet.txt", cResp1 )
*<input name="mostrador" type="text" size="25" value="19/09/2011 - 01:02:00 PM" />
cResp := SubStr( cResp1 , At( '<input name="mostrador"', cResp1 ) )
cResp := Substr( cResp , 1, At( '/>', cResp )-2 )
cDados := SubStr( cResp , At( 'value="', cResp )+7 )
cData := SubStr( cDados, 1, 10)
cHora := SubStr( cDados, 14 )
If "PM" $ cHora .AND. SubStr(cHora,1,2) != "12"
cHora := Str(Val(SubStr(cHora,1,2))+12,2)+SubStr(cHora,3,7)
Return( {cData, cHora} )
Posts: 352
Joined: Sun May 31, 2009 6:25 pm
Location: Salvador - Bahia - Brazil

Re: Get real date from the Internet

Post by ADutheil »

I do it by running the following command: w32tm /stripchart /samples:1 / /dataonly
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