Msgbox centered on the window

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Marco Turco
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Msgbox centered on the window

Post by Marco Turco »

Hi all,
I need to center the msgbox (example: Msginfo, MsgNoYes etc.) automatically on my windows instead of the screen.
I tried SetCenterOnParent(.t.) but this runs only for dialogs.

Any solution ? Thanks in advance
Best Regards,

Marco Turco
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José Luis Sánchez
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Re: Msgbox centered on the window

Post by José Luis Sánchez »

Use this code:

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      ON INIT oDlgInfo:Center( oApp():oWndMain )
where oDlgInfo is your dialog and oApp():oWndMain the main window of the application.

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Re: Msgbox centered on the window

Post by Marco Turco »

Hi José,
your solution runs only with dialogs not with the msgbox functions.
The only running solution I have found is to make new function dialogs based for the msgbox functions.
Best Regards,

Marco Turco
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José Luis Sánchez
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Re: Msgbox centered on the window

Post by José Luis Sánchez »

I've the msgbox functions redefined based on dialogs, and for this runs ok in my programs.
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Massimo Linossi
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Re: Msgbox centered on the window

Post by Massimo Linossi »

Hello Josè.
I have the same problem of Marco. Is possible to see your functions ?
Thanks a lot.
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Antonio Linares
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Re: Msgbox centered on the window

Post by Antonio Linares »

Here there is some code that we could try to adapt to FWH: ... centre.htm
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: Msgbox centered on the window

Post by Massimo Linossi »

It would be great.
Thanks Antonio.
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Antonio Linares
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Re: Msgbox centered on the window

Post by Antonio Linares »

This is already working

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#include <windows.h>
#include <hbapi.h>

LRESULT CALLBACK MsgBoxHookProc( int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam )
   if( nCode == HCBT_ACTIVATE )
      HWND hWndMsgBox = wParam;
      SetWindowText( hWndMsgBox, "It works" );      
   return 0; // allow normal processing

HINSTANCE GetInstance( void );

   hb_retptr( ( void * ) SetWindowsHookEx( WH_CBT,  
                                MsgBoxHookProc, GetInstance(), 
                                GetCurrentThreadId() ) );

#pragma ENDDUMP
Now we need to find a way to locate the active window. I guess that the idea is to set this for the entire app.

Here you have an example:

Code: Select all

#include ""


function Main()

   local oWnd

      ON CLICK  MsgInfo( "Hello world" )
return nil
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: Msgbox centered on the window

Post by Antonio Linares »

In this version we are already able to move the Msg... window:

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static HHOOK hHook = NULL;

LRESULT CALLBACK MsgBoxHookProc( int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam )
   if( nCode < 0 )  // do not process message 
        return CallNextHookEx( hHook, nCode, wParam, lParam ); 

   if( nCode == HCBT_CREATEWND )
      HWND hWndMsgBox = wParam; 
      char cn[ 200 ];
      GetClassName( hWndMsgBox, cn, 199 );      

      if( cn[ 0 ] == '#' &&
          cn[ 1 ] == '3' &&
          cn[ 2 ] == '2' &&
          cn[ 3 ] == '7' &&
          cn[ 4 ] == '7' &&
          cn[ 5 ] == '0' &&
          cn[ 6 ] == 0 )
         ( ( CBT_CREATEWND * ) lParam )->lpcs->x = 50;
         ( ( CBT_CREATEWND * ) lParam )->lpcs->y = 50;
   return 0; // allow normal processing

HINSTANCE GetInstance( void );

   hHook = SetWindowsHookEx( WH_CBT,  
                             MsgBoxHookProc, GetInstance(), 
                             GetCurrentThreadId() );
Still we need to get the handle of the parent window
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: Msgbox centered on the window

Post by Antonio Linares »

Ok, this one seems to be working fine :-)

Still we need to implement a function to remove the hook.

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static HHOOK hHook = NULL;

static void CenterWindowOnParent( HWND hChildWnd, LPARAM lParam )
   HWND hParent = GetParent( hChildWnd );
   RECT rcChild, rcParent;
   int cxChild, cyChild, cxParent, cyParent;

   GetWindowRect( hChildWnd, &rcChild );
   GetWindowRect( hParent, &rcParent );

   cxChild = rcChild.right - rcChild.left;
   cyChild = rcChild.bottom -;
   cxParent = rcParent.right - rcParent.left;
   cyParent = rcParent.bottom -;
   SetWindowPos( hChildWnd, NULL, 
               rcParent.left + ( cxParent - cxChild ) / 2, 
        + ( cyParent - cyChild ) / 2, 0, 0, 0x15 );       

LRESULT CALLBACK MsgBoxHookProc( int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam )
   if( nCode < 0 )  // do not process message 
        return CallNextHookEx( hHook, nCode, wParam, lParam ); 

   if( nCode == HCBT_ACTIVATE )
      HWND hWndMsgBox = ( HWND ) wParam;    
      char cn[ 200 ];
      GetClassName( hWndMsgBox, cn, 199 );      

      if( cn[ 0 ] == '#' &&
          cn[ 1 ] == '3' &&
          cn[ 2 ] == '2' &&
          cn[ 3 ] == '7' &&
          cn[ 4 ] == '7' &&
          cn[ 5 ] == '0' &&
          cn[ 6 ] == 0 )
         CenterWindowOnParent( hWndMsgBox, lParam );            
   return 0; // allow normal processing

HINSTANCE GetInstance( void );

   hHook = SetWindowsHookEx( WH_CBT,  
                             MsgBoxHookProc, GetInstance(), 
                             GetCurrentThreadId() );
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: Msgbox centered on the window

Post by dutch »

Dear Antonio,

The theme (Dialog, MsgBox) is so nice. Is this Win8 theme or standard screen? If so, can we make it the screen on other Windows version such as Win7 or WinXP.
Antonio Linares wrote:Ok, this one seems to be working fine :-)

Still we need to implement a function to remove the hook.

Code: Select all

static HHOOK hHook = NULL;

static void CenterWindowOnParent( HWND hChildWnd, LPARAM lParam )
   HWND hParent = GetParent( hChildWnd );
   RECT rcChild, rcParent;
   int cxChild, cyChild, cxParent, cyParent;

   GetWindowRect( hChildWnd, &rcChild );
   GetWindowRect( hParent, &rcParent );

   cxChild = rcChild.right - rcChild.left;
   cyChild = rcChild.bottom -;
   cxParent = rcParent.right - rcParent.left;
   cyParent = rcParent.bottom -;
   SetWindowPos( hChildWnd, NULL, 
               rcParent.left + ( cxParent - cxChild ) / 2, 
        + ( cyParent - cyChild ) / 2, 0, 0, 0x15 );       

LRESULT CALLBACK MsgBoxHookProc( int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam )
   if( nCode < 0 )  // do not process message 
        return CallNextHookEx( hHook, nCode, wParam, lParam ); 

   if( nCode == HCBT_ACTIVATE )
      HWND hWndMsgBox = ( HWND ) wParam;    
      char cn[ 200 ];
      GetClassName( hWndMsgBox, cn, 199 );      

      if( cn[ 0 ] == '#' &&
          cn[ 1 ] == '3' &&
          cn[ 2 ] == '2' &&
          cn[ 3 ] == '7' &&
          cn[ 4 ] == '7' &&
          cn[ 5 ] == '0' &&
          cn[ 6 ] == 0 )
         CenterWindowOnParent( hWndMsgBox, lParam );            
   return 0; // allow normal processing

HINSTANCE GetInstance( void );

   hHook = SetWindowsHookEx( WH_CBT,  
                             MsgBoxHookProc, GetInstance(), 
                             GetCurrentThreadId() );

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Re: Msgbox centered on the window

Post by ukoenig »

I needed a solution, to display different messages
on any defined position and with any style ( color,brush, gradient, font, icon .... )

the sample shows a message displayed on left upper corner on button-action


MYMSGBOX( .T., { 100, 50, 100, 300 }, ; // .F. = center
"< " + ALLTRIM(STR( nMenge1 )) + " > Patient(en) mit" + CRLF + ;
"< " + ALLTRIM(STR( nMenge2 )) + " > Verordnungen geprüft " + CRLF + ;
" " + CRLF + ;
"< " + ALLTRIM(STR( nMenge3 )) + " > Fehler gefunden", ;
{"&Weiter"}, "VERORDNUNGS-PRÜFUNG", "A", 1, ;
{{ nDColorB, nDColorB, nDColorB, nDColorB }}, , , , ;
oFontSys, aVal[27], c_Pfad1 + "Info1.bmp" )

YES / NO centered


DO WHILE nOpt = 0
nOpt := MYMSGBOX( .F., { 10, 10, 100, 300 }, ;
"Wollen Sie den Monat : " + cNach + CRLF + ;
"neu aufbauen ?", ;
{"&Aufbau","A&bbruch"}, ;
"O", 1, ;
{{ nDColorB, nDColorB, nDColorB, nDColorB }}, , , , ;
oFontSys, aVal[27], c_Pfad1 + "Sort.bmp" )

IF nOpt = 1

best regards
Uwe :)
Last edited by ukoenig on Mon Jul 20, 2015 12:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Since 1995 ( the first release of FW 1.9 )
i work with FW.
If you have any questions about special functions, maybe i can help.
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Antonio Linares
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Re: Msgbox centered on the window

Post by Antonio Linares »


I am using Windows 10 :-)
dutch wrote:Dear Antonio,

The theme (Dialog, MsgBox) is so nice. Is this Win8 theme or standard screen? If so, can we make it the screen on other Windows version such as Win7 or WinXP.
Antonio Linares wrote:Ok, this one seems to be working fine :-)

Still we need to implement a function to remove the hook.

Code: Select all

static HHOOK hHook = NULL;

static void CenterWindowOnParent( HWND hChildWnd, LPARAM lParam )
   HWND hParent = GetParent( hChildWnd );
   RECT rcChild, rcParent;
   int cxChild, cyChild, cxParent, cyParent;

   GetWindowRect( hChildWnd, &rcChild );
   GetWindowRect( hParent, &rcParent );

   cxChild = rcChild.right - rcChild.left;
   cyChild = rcChild.bottom -;
   cxParent = rcParent.right - rcParent.left;
   cyParent = rcParent.bottom -;
   SetWindowPos( hChildWnd, NULL, 
               rcParent.left + ( cxParent - cxChild ) / 2, 
        + ( cyParent - cyChild ) / 2, 0, 0, 0x15 );       

LRESULT CALLBACK MsgBoxHookProc( int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam )
   if( nCode < 0 )  // do not process message 
        return CallNextHookEx( hHook, nCode, wParam, lParam ); 

   if( nCode == HCBT_ACTIVATE )
      HWND hWndMsgBox = ( HWND ) wParam;    
      char cn[ 200 ];
      GetClassName( hWndMsgBox, cn, 199 );      

      if( cn[ 0 ] == '#' &&
          cn[ 1 ] == '3' &&
          cn[ 2 ] == '2' &&
          cn[ 3 ] == '7' &&
          cn[ 4 ] == '7' &&
          cn[ 5 ] == '0' &&
          cn[ 6 ] == 0 )
         CenterWindowOnParent( hWndMsgBox, lParam );            
   return 0; // allow normal processing

HINSTANCE GetInstance( void );

   hHook = SetWindowsHookEx( WH_CBT,  
                             MsgBoxHookProc, GetInstance(), 
                             GetCurrentThreadId() );
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: Msgbox centered on the window

Post by Horizon »


Should we call CenterMsgs() function just in main window or should we call before every MsgInfo function?


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Antonio Linares
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Re: Msgbox centered on the window

Post by Antonio Linares »


Just once at the beginning of your app.

And we should remove the hook before the app quits
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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