For Each Syntax Like VBScript

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For Each Syntax Like VBScript

Post by floebel »

Is there a way to emulate For Each syntax in FiveWin similar to VBScript when using CreateObject?
Colin Haig
Posts: 310
Joined: Mon Oct 10, 2005 5:10 am

Re: For Each Syntax Like VBScript

Post by Colin Haig »

Antonio helped me with this a while ago - hope it helps

Code: Select all

for each oItem In oCMSFolder:Items
   dMail    := oItem:ReceivedTime
   cSender  := oItem:sendername
   cSubject := oItem:subject
   cBody    := oItem:body
   for each oAttach In oItem:Attachments
      cAttach := oAttach:filename
   aadd(aData,{str(nItem,2),dtoc(dMail),(left(alltrim(cSender)  + space(30),30)),(left(alltrim(cSubject)  + space(30),30)),cBody})
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