New FTDN April/Abril 2013 (FWH 13.04)

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Antonio Linares
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New FTDN April/Abril 2013 (FWH 13.04)

Post by Antonio Linares »

April 2013

* Enhancement: Enhanced vmh.prg on C Compiler path settings, and support for
debug mode.

* New: functions FW_GREATEST(...) and FW_LEAST(...). Similar to well known SQL functions
GREATEST and LEAST, these functions return greatest or lowest non-nil value in a
list of values. The parameters can be provided as a list or as an array.

* Fix: Minor fix on Class TImage regarding a shown message (alert).

* New: function IsColorPrinter(), thanks to Günther: ... 09#p142409

* Fix: Class TComboBox Method Set() and VarGet() were not considering if an
editable ComboBox was being used: ... 57#p142457

* New: function SetPageUnit2Pixel() used from CgiPlus Class Graphics: ... 16#p142316

* Fix: Method cGenPrg of font class is improved. Now the font generated with the output
of the method exactly matches the original font.

* Fix: There was a bug in Class TComboBox Method Set( cNewItem ), now it is ok: ... 39#p142839

* Enhancement: MENU accelerators were not working with dialogs. Now it is ok: ... 42#p142842

* Fix: DEFINE WINDOW ... PIXEL was creating a MDI frame instead of a standard window.
Now it is ok: ... 86#p142986

* Enhancement: richedit.obj had some unresolved externals. Now it is ok: ... 33#p143033

* Fix: Class TTreeView was not repainting it properly. Now it is ok: ... 58#p143058

* Fix: TreeViews on Class TFolderEx were not painting properly. Now it is ok: ... 09#p143109

* Fix: minor fix for GetTasks.prg and MinGW C compiler: ... 53#p143153

* Fix: Minor fix on Class TControl due to recent changes.

* Enhancement: Minor change in Class TDialog to avoid title's lengths
over 140 characters length in dialogs.

* New functions: FontToText( oFont ) --> cText, that can be saved and used later
for creation of identical font with the function FontFromText( cText ) --> oFont

* Fix: Bug fix in function FW_ArrayToDBF() in database.prg

* FW_ValToExp() depends on (x)Harbour's function StringToLiteral( c ) for character
values. Due to a bug in Harbour's version in some cases (eg. where string has ']')
the generated expression is not correct. xHarbour's version of StringToLiteral
works correctly. In view of this FW substituted its own version to be indepedent
of the bug in Harbour.

* New: samples/mario.prg shows how to save a PRINT ... ENDPRINT as a PDF file without
having to preview it: ... 09#p143409
Please see the enhancement in the next item.

* Enhancement: New optional clause FILE <cFile> to PRINT command. cFile can be the
name of a pdf file or simply "pdf". The print output will be saved to pdf file
without invoking preview window.

If only "pdf" is specified, the user is prompted to provide a pdf file name.

If PREVIEW clause is specified, the PDF file is diplayed after saving and otherwise
pdf file is saved silently

PRINTER oPrn FILE "out.pdf" // "out.pdf" is created silently
PRINTER oPrn FILE "PDF" // user is prompted for pdf file name.
PRINTER oPrn PREVIEW FILE "out.pdf" / "pdf" // pdf file created is displayed.

* Enhancement: Report can be saved to PDF, without invoking Preview.
First a promter object needs to be defined with FILE clause and then
while defining REPORT, the printer object may be set as DEVICE of the report
Eg. PRINTER oPrn FILE "rep.pdf"
REPORT oRep {<othere caluses>] DEVICE oPrn.

* Enhancement: FWH\UEStudio settings files have been updated for Microsoft Visual
Studio 2010 Express. Thanks to Richard Chidiak!

* New: New Methods oWnd:WinStyle( [nStyle], [lOnOff] ) and
oWnd:WinExStyle( [nStyle], [lOnOff] )

in window.prg. Applies to all derived classes including dialogs and controls.
When called without paramters return the styles set as a numeric value. Equivalent
to GetWidowLong( ::hWnd, GWL_STYLE / GWL_EXSTYLE ) as the case may be.

When called with first parameter as a WS_<constant>, returns logical value
indicating whether the style is set or not.
Eg: oWnd:WinExStyle( WS_EX_LAYERED ) --> lSet

When called with second paratmeter as a logical value, the style is set or cleared.
Eg: oWnd:WinExStyle( WS_EX_LAYERED, .t. ) --> lPreviousSet.

These methods serve as a short cut to SetWindowLong() and GetWindowLong() functions.
Effect of setting or clearing a style after creation of window or during runtime
depends on Windows behaviour.

* Enhancements: MDI Windows:

When new mdichild windows are activated with MAXIMIZED clause, all mdichilds are
shown in normal size for a moment and then the new mdichild is maxmized to fit the
screen. This causes unacceptable user experience when the user opens mdichilds in
maximized mode one after another.

New DATA lChildAutoSize in TMdiFrame class.

After creating MDI window, if this data is set to .t.,
- This flicker is avoided when subsequent mdichilds are activated with maximized clause.
- If the active window is already maximized/normal, subsequent mdichilds are created and
activated as maximized/normal by default.

This data is set to .f. by default ensuring backward comapatibility

* New: samples\manuel.prg shows how to toggle buttons up and down (switch behavior).
This required some minor changes in Class TBtnBmp.


XBrowse Fixes:
1. XBrowse command: The Action specified in ON CHANGE clause is not assigned to
the browses bChange when no DATASOURCE is specified in the command. Now fixed.

2. XBrowse: Export of empty dates to excel in Harbour raises runtime error. Fixed.

3. Class TXBrowse had a bug when using editstyle EDIT_GET_LISTBOX and no
item from the open list was selected. Now it is ok:

4. Fix: Fixed two minor bugs on xbrowse when using inline editing with dropdownlist: ... 49#p143049 ... 84#p142584
5. XBrowse Method Eval(). Fixed runtime error and implemented nNext

XBrowse Enhancements:

1. XBrowse: Improved compatibility with SQLRDD.

2. Default bClrSel is modified to so that the selected cell is clearly visible when
out of focus.

3. On slower displays xbrowse in window is first displayed with 100 pixel size and
then expanded to fill the window. This is avoided now.

4. Enhancement: XBrowse Column's method CheckToggle( [.t.] ). Without parameter
toggles only if the columns nEditType is EDIT_GET. When the optional parameter
is true, the method toggles the value irrespectie of the nedittype.

New in XBrowse:

1. New CLASSDATA oActive.
TXBrowse():oActive returns the active xbrowse in the application.
This is useful when some action is to be taken on the active xbrowse.
An example of such use is when some buttons on main buttonbar / ribbon bar are
designed to take action on the default browse, it is difficult to know which is
the browse that is active at the time of clicking the button. TXBrowse():oActive

2. XBrowse: New function XBrGetSelectAll( uNew ) --> uPrevSet.

-XBrGetSelectAll( .t. ) (default) Entire get text is selected when a get is
activated so that pressing any key erases the existing text.

-XBrGetSelectAll( .f. ): Compatible with normal Gets behaviour.

-XBrGetSelectAll( nil ): In fastedit mode, when get is activated by pressing
any key the entire get text is selected so that new entry replaces the
previous value and in all other cases behaves like a normal get.
entry replaces the existing text and in other caes

3. XBrowse:Report(...). New additional optional parameter cPdf. If specified,
the report is saved to PDF without printing or invoking preview.

Samples: testxbr3.prg modified to demonstrate how to save browse data to pdf.

4. TXBrwColumn: New Datas
nColDividerStyle, nColDividerColor ( default nil )

If these datas are assigned, the columns right border is painted with these
specifications overriding the browse's specs.
If nColDividerStyle is set to 0 (COLSTYLE_NOLINES), the border of the column
is not drawn.
Note: Column's dividerstyle can not be wider than the browse's coldividerstyle.


* Enhancement: XBrowser(): When a an unindexed DBFCDX table is browsed with AUTOSORT clause
and if the table is small, a temporary index is creaed to make autosort and
incremental seeks work.

* Enhancement: FWH samples\buildh.bat now redirects Harbour warnings to warnings.log,
so from now on you can review warnings.log to get a copy of the warnings that Harbour
shows only on the terminal.

* Enhancement: Class TBitmap Method LoadImage() supports PNG files from disk. ... p?p=143739

* Enhancement: Class TRbtn (used from the FWH RibbonBar) Method LoadImage() supports
PNG files from disk. ... p?p=143664

Fix: Minor fix to Class TDialog for Menus accelerators support.
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: New FTDN April/Abril 2013 (FWH 13.04)

Post by byte-one »

Antonio, you should use the code from Combobox.prg i sent to your private email. In comboboxes from resource there the get are build in all cases (CBS_DROPDOWN or not). This is wrong and the style CBS_DROPDOWNLIST used on comboboxes from resources saves not the selected item. ... 39#p142839
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Antonio Linares
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Re: New FTDN April/Abril 2013 (FWH 13.04)

Post by Antonio Linares »

regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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