Errsysw Visual Update ?

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Re: Errsysw Visual Update ?

Post by richard-service »

StefanHaupt wrote:BTW, I need some help to include more languages in this error handler. At the moment we have german and english.
I would be happy, if someone can translate it into spanish, portuguese and other languages

Code: Select all

     #ifdef _ENGLISH
      #define dlgPROG  "Program: "
      #define dlgTITLE "Application error"

      #define errHEADER    "Errordescription"
      #define errDESC      " Description    : "
      #define errPROGPATH  " App-Path       : "
      #define errPROGSIZE  " Filesize       : "
      #define errMAXFILES  " Max. files     : "
      #define errTIME      " Time from start: "
      #define errOCCUR     " Occurance      : "
      #define errNETNAME   " Computername   : "
      #define errUSER      " User           : "
      #define errDETAIL    "detailled error description"
      #define errSTACKLIST "Stack-List"
      #define errSTACKCALL "   called by "
      #define errTASKS     "running tasks: "
      #define errVARLIST   "Varlist"
      #define errVARIABLE  "   Name          Type     Value"
      #define errRDD       "RDD"
      #define errOPENDBF   "Open dbf´s"
      #define errINDEX     "Index files "
      #define errRELATION  "Relations"

      #define sysHEADER  "Systeminformation"
      #define sysWINDOWS
      #define sysVERSION

      #define dlgTEXT1 "Please contact your dealer or computer support department"+CRLF+;
                       "about this error and the circumstances it happened."+CRLF+CRLF+;
                       [Email error report by clicking "Send errorlog" button]
      #define dlgTEXT2 "Error Description:"

      #define BTN_Header  "An Error Has Occurred"
      #define BTN_View    "View errorlog"
      #define BTN_Retry   "Retry"
      #define BTN_Default "Default"
      #define BTN_Send1   "Send errorlog"
      #define BTN_Send2   "Errorlog"
      #define BTN_Send3   "Errorlog sent"
      #define BTN_End     "do not send / end"
      #define BTN_Help    "Help"

      #define emailDOMAIN         ""
      #define emailADDRESS        ""
      #define emailKEY            "3jfbt72"
      #define emailALERT1         "Email settings are incorrect"
      #define emailALERT2         "Email Settings"
      #define emailCONNECTING1    "Connecting to "
      #define emailCONNECTING2    "and waiting for response..."
      #define emailCONNECTED      "Sending Email..."
      #define emailCONNECTEDPOP   "Checking for email messages..."

      #define viewALERT1         "The error log file is missing"
      #define viewALERT2         "error Log"
      #define viewERRORTitle     "View Error Logs"
      #define viewERROR1         "Date of the error "
      #define viewERROR2         "  time  "
      #define viewERROR3         "Error description "
      #define viewERROR4         "User/PC           "
      #define viewERROR5         "Error Image       "
      #define viewBTNImg         "View Image"
      #define viewBTNPrint       "Print"
      #define viewBTNClose       "Close"

      #define showPICTitle       "Graphic Error"
      #define showPICERROR1      "No Graphics Available"
      #define showPICERROR2      "Graphic Error"


    #ifdef _SPANISH

    #ifdef _PORTUG

    #ifdef _ITALIAN
Thanks :)
This is Chinese Traditional Language.

Code: Select all

 #ifdef _Traditional_Chinese
      #define dlgPROG  "程式: "
      #define dlgTITLE "應用程式錯誤"

      #define errHEADER    "錯誤描述"
      #define errDESC      " 描述           : "
      #define errPROGPATH  " 程式路徑       : "
      #define errPROGSIZE  " 檔案大小       : "
      #define errMAXFILES  " 最大檔案數     : "
      #define errTIME      " 開始時間       : "
      #define errOCCUR     " 發生原因       : "
      #define errNETNAME   " 電腦名稱       : "
      #define errUSER      " 使用者         : "
      #define errDETAIL    "詳細的錯誤描述"
      #define errSTACKLIST "Stack-List"
      #define errSTACKCALL "   called by "
      #define errTASKS     "running tasks: "
      #define errVARLIST   "變數列表"
      #define errVARIABLE  "   名稱          類型     數值"
      #define errRDD       "RDD"
      #define errOPENDBF   "開啟資料庫數"
      #define errINDEX     "索引檔案 "
      #define errRELATION  "關聯"

      #define sysHEADER  "系統資訊"
      #define sysWINDOWS
      #define sysVERSION

      #define dlgTEXT1 "請聯繫您的經銷商或電腦技術支援部門"+CRLF+;
                       [若要用電子郵件來回報錯誤資訊,請按下 "傳送錯誤資訊" 按鈕]
      #define dlgTEXT2 "錯誤描述:"

      #define BTN_Header  "發生了錯誤"
      #define BTN_View    "檢視錯誤資訊"
      #define BTN_Retry   "重試"
      #define BTN_Default "Default"
      #define BTN_Send1   "傳送錯誤資訊"
      #define BTN_Send2   "錯誤資訊"
      #define BTN_Send3   "錯誤資訊已傳送"
      #define BTN_End     "不需傳送並終止"
      #define BTN_Help    "輔助說明"

      #define emailDOMAIN         ""
      #define emailADDRESS        ""
      #define emailKEY            "3jfbt72"
      #define emailALERT1         "電子郵件設定是不正確的"
      #define emailALERT2         "電子郵件設定"
      #define emailCONNECTING1    "正在連結到 "
      #define emailCONNECTING2    "正在等候回應中..."
      #define emailCONNECTED      "正在傳送電子郵件中..."
      #define emailCONNECTEDPOP   "正在檢查電子郵件訊息..."

      #define viewALERT1         "錯誤資訊文件移失"
      #define viewALERT2         "錯誤資訊"
      #define viewERRORTitle     "檢視錯誤資訊"
      #define viewERROR1         "錯誤日期 "
      #define viewERROR2         "  時間  "
      #define viewERROR3         "錯誤描述 "
      #define viewERROR4         "使用者/電腦       "
      #define viewERROR5         "錯誤圖案          "
      #define viewBTNImg         "檢視圖檔"
      #define viewBTNPrint       "列印"
      #define viewBTNClose       "關閉"

      #define showPICTitle       "圖形錯誤"
      #define showPICERROR1      "沒有可用圖形"
      #define showPICERROR2      "圖形錯誤"


    #ifdef _SPANISH

    #ifdef _PORTUG

    #ifdef _ITALIAN
Last edited by richard-service on Sat Oct 22, 2011 7:53 am, edited 2 times in total.


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Re: Errsysw Visual Update ?

Post by Baxajaun »


Spanish translation added:

Code: Select all

        #ifdef _ENGLISH
          #define dlgPROG  "Program: "
          #define dlgTITLE "Application error"

          #define errHEADER    "Errordescription"
          #define errDESC      " Description    : "
          #define errPROGPATH  " App-Path       : "
          #define errPROGSIZE  " Filesize       : "
          #define errMAXFILES  " Max. files     : "
          #define errTIME      " Time from start: "
          #define errOCCUR     " Occurance      : "
          #define errNETNAME   " Computername   : "
          #define errUSER      " User           : "
          #define errDETAIL    "detailled error description"
          #define errSTACKLIST "Stack-List"
          #define errSTACKCALL "   called by "
          #define errTASKS     "running tasks: "
          #define errVARLIST   "Varlist"
          #define errVARIABLE  "   Name          Type     Value"
          #define errRDD       "RDD"
          #define errOPENDBF   "Open dbf´s"
          #define errINDEX     "Index files "
          #define errRELATION  "Relations"

          #define sysHEADER  "Systeminformation"
          #define sysWINDOWS
          #define sysVERSION

          #define dlgTEXT1 "Please contact your dealer or computer support department"+CRLF+;
                           "about this error and the circumstances it happened."+CRLF+CRLF+;
                           [Email error report by clicking "Send errorlog" button]
          #define dlgTEXT2 "Error Description:"

          #define BTN_Header  "An Error Has Occurred"
          #define BTN_View    "View errorlog"
          #define BTN_Retry   "Retry"
          #define BTN_Default "Default"
          #define BTN_Send1   "Send errorlog"
          #define BTN_Send2   "Errorlog"
          #define BTN_Send3   "Errorlog sent"
          #define BTN_End     "do not send / end"
          #define BTN_Help    "Help"

          #define emailDOMAIN         ""
          #define emailADDRESS        ""
          #define emailKEY            "3jfbt72"
          #define emailALERT1         "Email settings are incorrect"
          #define emailALERT2         "Email Settings"
          #define emailCONNECTING1    "Connecting to "
          #define emailCONNECTING2    "and waiting for response..."
          #define emailCONNECTED      "Sending Email..."
          #define emailCONNECTEDPOP   "Checking for email messages..."

          #define viewALERT1         "The error log file is missing"
          #define viewALERT2         "error Log"
          #define viewERRORTitle     "View Error Logs"
          #define viewERROR1         "Date of the error "
          #define viewERROR2         "  time  "
          #define viewERROR3         "Error description "
          #define viewERROR4         "User/PC           "
          #define viewERROR5         "Error Image       "
          #define viewBTNImg         "View Image"
          #define viewBTNPrint       "Print"
          #define viewBTNClose       "Close"

          #define showPICTitle       "Graphic Error"
          #define showPICERROR1      "No Graphics Available"
          #define showPICERROR2      "Graphic Error"


        #ifdef _SPANISH
          #define dlgPROG  "Programa: "
          #define dlgTITLE "Error de aplicación"

          #define errHEADER    "Descripción del error"
          #define errDESC      " Descrición     : "
          #define errPROGPATH  " Ruta aplicación: "
          #define errPROGSIZE  " Tamaño fichero : "
          #define errMAXFILES  " Max. files     : "
          #define errTIME      " Tiempo desde el inicio: "
          #define errOCCUR     " Ocurrencia     : "
          #define errNETNAME   " Nombre máquina : "
          #define errUSER      " Usuario        : "
          #define errDETAIL    "descripción detallada del error"
          #define errSTACKLIST "Lista de la pila"
          #define errSTACKCALL "   llamado por "
          #define errTASKS     "Tareas corriendo: "
          #define errVARLIST   "Lista de variables"
          #define errVARIABLE  "   Nombre          Tipo     Valor"
          #define errRDD       "RDD"
          #define errOPENDBF   "Dbfs abiertas"
          #define errINDEX     "Ficheros índice "
          #define errRELATION  "Relaciones"

          #define sysHEADER  "Información del sistema"
          #define sysWINDOWS
          #define sysVERSION

          #define dlgTEXT1 "Por favor, contacta con su suministrador o con el departamento de soporte"+CRLF+;
                           "acerca de este error y de las circunstancias en las que ha sucedido."+CRLF+CRLF+;
                           [Informe por correo electrónico del error pulsando sobre el botón "Enviar fichero de errores"]
          #define dlgTEXT2 "Descripción del error:"

          #define BTN_Header  "Ha ocurrido un error"
          #define BTN_View    "Ver el fichero de errores"
          #define BTN_Retry   "Reintentar"
          #define BTN_Default "Por defecto"
          #define BTN_Send1   "Enviar fichero de errores"
          #define BTN_Send2   "Fichero de errores"
          #define BTN_Send3   "Fichero de errores enviado"
          #define BTN_End     "No enviar / finalizar"
          #define BTN_Help    "Ayuda"

          #define emailDOMAIN         ""
          #define emailADDRESS        ""
          #define emailKEY            "3jfbt72"
          #define emailALERT1         "Configuración incorrecta de los parámetros de correo"
          #define emailALERT2         "Parámetros de correo"
          #define emailCONNECTING1    "Conectando a "
          #define emailCONNECTING2    "y esperando por la respuesta..."
          #define emailCONNECTED      "Enviando mensaje de correo..."
          #define emailCONNECTEDPOP   "Comprobando mensajes de correo..."

          #define viewALERT1         "No se encuentra el fichero de errores"
          #define viewALERT2         "Fichero de errores"
          #define viewERRORTitle     "View Error Logs"
          #define viewERROR1         "Fecha del error "
          #define viewERROR2         "  hora  "
          #define viewERROR3         "Descripción del error "
          #define viewERROR4         "Usuario/PC           "
          #define viewERROR5         "Imagen del error       "
          #define viewBTNImg         "Ver imagen"
          #define viewBTNPrint       "Imprimir"
          #define viewBTNClose       "Cerrar"

          #define showPICTitle       "Imagen del error"
          #define showPICERROR1      "Imagen no disponible"
          #define showPICERROR2      "Imagen del error"

        #ifdef _PORTUG

        #ifdef _ITALIAN
Best regards,

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Re: Errsysw Visual Update ?

Post by StefanHaupt »

Richard, Felix,

many thanks :D
kind regards
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Re: Errsysw Visual Update ?

Post by Kleyber »

Portuguse Translation added:

Code: Select all

    #ifdef _PORTUG
      #define dlgPROG  "Programa: "
      #define dlgTITLE "Erro na Aplicação"

      #define errHEADER    "Descrição do erro"
      #define errDESC      " Descrição      : "
      #define errPROGPATH  " Path Aplicação : "
      #define errPROGSIZE  " Tam. Arquivo   : "
      #define errMAXFILES  " Máx. Arquivos  : "
      #define errTIME      " Tempo início   : "
      #define errOCCUR     " Ocorrência     : "
      #define errNETNAME   " Nome Computador: "
      #define errUSER      " Usuário        : "
      #define errDETAIL    "Descrição detalhada do erro"
      #define errSTACKLIST "Stack-List"
      #define errSTACKCALL "   chamado por "
      #define errTASKS     "tasks rodando: "
      #define errVARLIST   "Lista Variáveis"
      #define errVARIABLE  "   Nome          Tipo     Valor"
      #define errRDD       "RDD"
      #define errOPENDBF   "Dbf´s abertos"
      #define errINDEX     "Arquivos Index  "
      #define errRELATION  "Relações"

      #define sysHEADER  "Informação sistema"
      #define sysWINDOWS
      #define sysVERSION
      #define dlgTEXT1 "Favor contactar o suporte da empresa"+CRLF+;
                       "sobre este erro e as circunstâncias que aconteceram."+CRLF+CRLF+;
                       [Enviar erro por email clicando no botão "Enviar error.log"]
      #define dlgTEXT2 "Descrição do Erro:"

      #define BTN_Header  "Ocorreu um erro"
      #define BTN_View    "Ver errorlog"
      #define BTN_Retry   "Tentar de novo"
      #define BTN_Default "Default"
      #define BTN_Send1   "Enviar error.log"
      #define BTN_Send2   "Error.log"
      #define BTN_Send3   "Error.log enviado"
      #define BTN_End     "não enviar / fim"
      #define BTN_Help    "Ajuda"

      #define emailDOMAIN         ""
      #define emailADDRESS        ""
      #define emailKEY            "3jfbt72"
      #define emailALERT1         "Definições de Email estão incorretas"
      #define emailALERT2         "Definições de Email"
      #define emailCONNECTING1    "Conectando com "
      #define emailCONNECTING2    "e esperando resposta..."
      #define emailCONNECTED      "Enviando Email..."
      #define emailCONNECTEDPOP   "Checando por mensagens de email..."

      #define viewALERT1         "Está faltando o ERROR.LOG"
      #define viewALERT2         "error Log"
      #define viewERRORTitle     "Ver Logs de Erro"
      #define viewERROR1         "Data do erro "
      #define viewERROR2         "  hora  "
      #define viewERROR3         "Descrição do erro "
      #define viewERROR4         "Usuário/PC        "
      #define viewERROR5         "Imagem do Erro    "
      #define viewBTNImg         "Ver Imagem"
      #define viewBTNPrint       "Imprimir"
      #define viewBTNClose       "Fechar"

      #define showPICTitle       "Erro no Gráfico"
      #define showPICERROR1      "Não existem gráficos disponíveis"
      #define showPICERROR2      "Erro no Gráfico"
Best Regards,
Kleyber Derick

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Re: Errsysw Visual Update ?

Post by StefanHaupt »


I will include all translations the next days :D
kind regards
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Antonio Linares
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Re: Errsysw Visual Update ?

Post by Antonio Linares »

Stefan and others,

many thanks for your cooperation. As soon as it gets ready we will include it in FWH :-)
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
Posts: 997
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Re: Errsysw Visual Update ?

Post by Horizon »

Turkish Translation

Code: Select all

    #ifdef _TURKISH
      #define dlgPROG  "Program: "
      #define dlgTITLE "Uygulama hatası"

      #define errHEADER    "Hata Açıklaması"
      #define errDESC      " Tanımı         : "
      #define errPROGPATH  " Uygulama dizini: "
      #define errPROGSIZE  " Dosya boyutu   : "
      #define errMAXFILES  " Max. files     : "
      #define errTIME      " Başlama saati  : "
      #define errOCCUR     " Occurance      : "
      #define errNETNAME   " Bilgisayar adı : "
      #define errUSER      " Kullanıcı      : "
      #define errDETAIL    "Ayrıntılı hata açıklaması"
      #define errSTACKLIST "Stack-List"
      #define errSTACKCALL "   called by "
      #define errTASKS     "running tasks: "
      #define errVARLIST   "Varlist"
      #define errVARIABLE  "   Name          Type     Value"
      #define errRDD       "RDD"
      #define errOPENDBF   "Açık dbf´s"
      #define errINDEX     "İndex Dosyaları"
      #define errRELATION  "Bağlantılar"

      #define sysHEADER  "Sistem Bilgileri"
      #define sysWINDOWS
      #define sysVERSION

      #define dlgTEXT1 "Lütfen bu hata ile ilgili yazılım firmanıza yada bilgi "+CRLF;
                                        "işlem bölümünüze başvurunuz."+CRLF+CRLF+;
                       ["Hata Günlüğünü Gönder" butonu ile hata e-posta gönderilebilir.]
      #define dlgTEXT2 "Hata Açıklaması:"

      #define BTN_Header  "Bir Hata Meydana Geldi"
      #define BTN_View    "Hataları Göster"
      #define BTN_Retry   "Yeniden Dene"
      #define BTN_Default "Varsayılan"
      #define BTN_Send1   "Hata Günlüğünü Gönder"
      #define BTN_Send2   "Hata Günlüğü"
      #define BTN_Send3   "Hata Günlüğü gönderildi."
      #define BTN_End     "Gönderme / Son"
      #define BTN_Help    "Yardım"

      #define emailDOMAIN         ""
      #define emailADDRESS        ""
      #define emailKEY            "3jfbt72"
      #define emailALERT1         "E-posta ayarları hatalı"
      #define emailALERT2         "E-posta Ayarları"
      #define emailCONNECTING1    "Bağlantı kuruluyor "
      #define emailCONNECTING2    "ve cevap bekleniyor..."
      #define emailCONNECTED      "E-posta Gönderiliyor..."
      #define emailCONNECTEDPOP   "E-posta kontrol ediliyor..."

      #define viewALERT1         "Hata günlüğü dosyası bulunamıyor"
      #define viewALERT2         "Hata günlüğü"
      #define viewERRORTitle     "Hata günlüğünü göster"
      #define viewERROR1         "Hata tarihi "
      #define viewERROR2         "  zamanı  "
      #define viewERROR3         "Hata açıklaması "
      #define viewERROR4         "Kullanıcı/PC    "
      #define viewERROR5         "Hata Görüntüsü       "
      #define viewBTNImg         "Resmi Görüntüle"
      #define viewBTNPrint       "Yazdır"
      #define viewBTNClose       "Kapat"

      #define showPICTitle       "Grafik Hatası"
      #define showPICERROR1      "Kullanılabilir grafik bulunamadı"
      #define showPICERROR2      "Grafik Hatası"



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Re: Errsysw Visual Update ?

Post by StefanHaupt »

turkish language added :)
kind regards
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Re: Errsysw Visual Update ?

Post by yeangpumpeng »

Hello u See a possibility to make a macro or a ole function to open the files in ue studio and got to the line with the error
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Re: Errsysw Visual Update ?

Post by StefanHaupt »

The new errorhandler is not for developers but for the customers, who have now the possibility to let the developers know that there were an error and send the logfile with a screenshot to the developer in a very easy way.
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Re: Errsysw Visual Update ?

Post by fespinoza »


As advance the final version of this Errorhandler


Fernando Espinoza
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Re: Errsysw Visual Update ?

Post by StefanHaupt »


I sent Antonio all sources, he wanted to include it in the new fwh build.

If I will get the ok from Antonio, I can also publish it. Antonio, would that be ok ?
kind regards
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Re: Errsysw Visual Update ?

Post by Antonio Linares »


Yes, please, publish it here too. We are going to include it in next FWH build as it was not possible to include it in FWH 11.10 as I am currently in Caracas until next week, thanks :-)
regards, saludos

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Re: Errsysw Visual Update ?

Post by StefanHaupt »

Hello friends,

I have finished the new errorsys, I hope there are no errors left.

I made the following changes/modifications:

I added the new functions of the original errorsys from fwh 1109
I modified SetErrorPath() and moved cErrorPath as a static to the top of the file, so the error.log is written to the new path. The database and the images are also saved to this path.
I added 2 new functions SetIniPath() to set the path to email.ini and SetErrorLang () to set the the language.
I replaced the function nExtMem() with the working function from the forum and added a new one nAvailMem() to get the available memory.
I added all translations from the forum and put them in static arrays. But I have great troubles with the chinese translation, it´s in a separate file. My editor does not show the chinese signs and xharbour does not compile if I include the translation with #include "TradChina.prg". At the moment possible translations are "GERMAN", "ENGLISH", "SPANISH","PORTUGUESE" and "TURKISH"
this version of errorsys needs freeimage.dll (not included in this archiv)[/list]

The files:
ErrorSysW.prg the new errorhandler
Test.prg sample
Test.exe compiled sample chinese translation string
TradChina.prg chinese translation in a static array
Email.ini prototype of the email configuration file

Everyone can download it here:
Last edited by StefanHaupt on Mon Nov 07, 2011 10:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
kind regards
Carlos Mora
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Re: Errsysw Visual Update ?

Post by Carlos Mora »

Hello Stefan,

the links doesn't works, but I was able to download from ...

I think it's the same file, isn't it?

Carlos Mora
“If you think education is expensive, try ignorance"
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