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Empezando a compilar...Variables no definidas.

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 1:42 pm
by csincuir
Ya estoy haciendo prueba en compilar los fuentes de Visual FW utilizando un archivo .mak para xHarbour y Borland, con FWH 7.12, y he econtrado estos inconvenientes:

Como utilizo la opcion /es2 para compilar con xHarbour, y con esto encontrar variables no definidas, he encontrado estas en:

Programa: Code.prg
Linea 72: No esta definidas las variables : nOption, nOldOption

Code: Select all

   @ 4, 0 TABS ::oTabs OF Self ;
      ON CHANGE ( ::SetOption( nOption, nOldOption ),;
                  ::SetText( "Source editor: " + ::oActiveEdit:cFileName ) )

El siguiente codigo en el programa "project.prg", me da un error de sintaxis en la definiciĆ³n de los tres Gets, empezando en la linea 566.
En el primer Get se ve una coma de mas despues del "oFld:aDialogs[ 1 ] ,", pero igual si se la quito,sigue el error, pero si les quito los "Action" a cada uno pasa sin problemas.

Code: Select all

   REDEFINE GET oGet1 VAR ::cCompiler   ID ID_CLIPPER   OF oFld:aDialogs[ 1 ] ,;
      ACTION Iif( ! Empty( cCompiler := cGetFile( "*.exe", "Compiler location" ) ),;
                 ( ::cCompiler := cCompiler, oGet1:Refresh() ),)

   REDEFINE GET oGet2 VAR ::cChPath    ID ID_CHPATH    OF oFld:aDialogs[ 1 ] ;
      ACTION If( ! Empty( cChpath := cGetDir( "Header files location" ) ),;
                 ( ::cChPath := cChPath, oGet2:Refresh() ),)
   REDEFINE GET      ::cObjPath   ID ID_OBJPATH   OF oFld:aDialogs[ 1 ] ACTION nil

En el programa "inspect.prg", hay un error al definir el xBrowse, en la linea 66

Code: Select all

 28, 3 XBROWSE ::oBrw ;
y tambien falta la funcion "nClrToCode", que esta en la linea 343 tambien de "inspect.prg"

Code: Select all

oProp:bOnRead   = { | oProp | cClrToCode( OSend( o, oProp:cName ) ) }
Pero bueno, haciendo algunos arreglos de quitar y poner, ya compile todos los progranas con el archivo .mak y genero el .exe, con el repectivo error, al ejecutarse por la definiciĆ³n del xBrowse de "inspect.prg"

En otro mensaje, coloco el archivo .mak


Carlos Sincuir

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 10:48 pm
by Antonio Linares

Programa: Code.prg
Linea 72: No esta definidas las variables : nOption, nOldOption


@ 4, 0 TABS ::oTabs OF Self ;
ON CHANGE ( ::SetOption( nOption, nOldOption ),;
::SetText( "Source editor: " + ::oActiveEdit:cFileName ) )

La variable nOption si esta definida en La que se ha anadido nueva es nOldOption:

Code: Select all

#xcommand @ <nRow>, <nCol> TABS [<oTabs>] ;
             [ <of: OF, WINDOW, DIALOG> <oWnd> ] ;
             [ <prm: PROMPT, PROMPTS, ITEMS> <cPrompt,...> ] ;
             [ <bmp: BITMAP, BITMAPS, RESOURCE> <cBitMap,...> ] ;
             [ <act: ACTION, EXECUTE, ON CHANGE> <uAction> ] ;
             [ <lPixel: PIXEL> ] ;
             [ <lDesign: DESIGN> ] ;
             [ <color: COLOR, COLORS> <nClrFore> [,<nClrBack>] ] ;
             [ OPTION <nOption> ] ;
             [ SIZE <nWidth>, <nHeight> ] ;
             [ MESSAGE <cMsg> ] ;
       => ;
          [<oTabs> := ] TTabs():New( <nRow>, <nCol>,;
             [\{<cPrompt>\}], [{|nOption,nOldOption|<uAction>}], ;
             <oWnd>, <nOption>, <nClrFore>, <nClrBack>, <.lPixel.>,;
             <.lDesign.>, <nWidth>, <nHeight>, <cMsg>, [\{<cBitMap>\}] ) 

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 11:26 pm
by Antonio Linares

> y tambien falta la funcion "nClrToCode", que esta en la linea 343 tambien de "inspect.prg"

Aqui esta la version mas actualizada de source/function/valblank.prg que include cClrToCode():


Code: Select all

#ifndef __XPP__
   #ifndef __HARBOUR__
      #define __CLIPPER__

#define CRLF CHR(13)+CHR(10)
#xcommand DEFAULT <uVar1> := <uVal1> ;
               [, <uVarN> := <uValN> ] => ;
                  If( <uVar1> == nil, <uVar1> := <uVal1>, ) ;;
                [ If( <uVarN> == nil, <uVarN> := <uValN>, ); ]


function uValBlank( uValue )

   local cType := ValType( uValue )
   local uResult

   do case
      case cType $ "CM"
       uResult = Space( Len( uValue ) )

      case cType == "N"
       uResult =  uValue - uValue

      case cType == "L"
       uResult = .f.

      case cType == "D"
       uResult = CToD( "  -  -  " )


return uResult


function ReadVar()

   local nWnd := AScan( GetAllWin(),;
                        { | oWnd | oWnd:lFocused .and. oWnd:ClassName() == "TGET" } )

return If( nWnd != 0, GetAllWin()[ nWnd ], nil )


#ifndef __CLIPPER__

function cValToChar( uVal )

   local cType := ValType( uVal )

   do case
      case cType == "C" .or. cType == "M"
           return uVal

      case cType == "D"
           return DToC( uVal )

      case cType == "L"
           return If( uVal, ".T.", ".F." )

      case cType == "N"
           return AllTrim( Str( uVal ) )

      case cType == "B"
           return "{|| ... }"

      case cType == "A"
           return "{ ... }"

      case cType == "O"
           return "Object"

           return ""

return nil


function cValToStr( uVal, cPic )

   local cVal

   if uVal == nil
      cVal     := 'nil'
   elseif Empty( cPic )
      cVal     := cValToChar( uVal )
#ifdef __XHARBOUR__
   elseif cPic == '@T'
      cVal     := TTOC( uVal )
   elseif ValType( uVal ) == 'D' .and. !( cPic = '@' )
      cVal := Lower( cPic )
      cVal    := StrTran( cVal, 'dd', StrZero( Day( uVal ), 2 ) )
      if 'mmmm' $ cVal
         cVal    := StrTran( cVal, 'mmmm', cMonth( uVal ) )
      elseif 'mmm' $ cVal
         cVal    := StrTran( cVal, 'mmm', Left( cMonth( uVal ), 3 ) )
         cVal    := StrTran( cVal, 'mm', StrZero( Month( uVal ), 2 ) )
      if 'yyyy' $ cVal
         cVal    := StrTran( cVal, 'yyyy', Str( Year( uVal ), 4, 0 ) )
         cVal    := StrTran( cVal, 'yy',   StrZero( Year( uVal ) % 100, 2 ) )
      cVal     := Transform( uVal, cPic )

return cVal


function WheelScroll()

      #define  HKEY_CURRENT_USER       2147483649        // 0x80000001

   static nScrLines  := nil

   local oReg

   if nScrLines == nil
      // oReg:= TReg32():New( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Control Panel\Desktop" )
      // nScrLines := oReg:Get( "WheelScrollLines" )
      // oReg:Close()

      if Empty( nScrLines )
         nScrLines   := 1
         nScrLines   := Val( nScrLines )

return nScrLines


function nRGBReSet( nClr, r, g, b )

   DEFAULT r := nRGBRed(   nClr ), ;
           g := nRGBGreen( nClr ), ;
           b := nRGBBlue(  nClr )

   r     := Min( 255, Max( 0, r ) )
   g     := Min( 255, Max( 0, g ) )
   b     := Min( 255, Max( 0, b ) )

return nRGB( r, g, b )


function nRGBAdd( nClr, r, g, b )

   DEFAULT r := 0, g := 0, b := 0

   r  += nRGBRed(   nClr )
   g  += nRGBGreen( nClr )
   b  += nRGBBlue(  nClr )

   r     := Min( 255, Max( 0, r ) )
   g     := Min( 255, Max( 0, g ) )
   b     := Min( 255, Max( 0, b ) )

return nRGB( r, g, b )


function cClrToCode( clr )

   local cCode    := ""
   local ctmp1, ctmp2, n
   local r,g,b
   local cType    := ValType( clr )
   local aStdClrs := { ;
      { 'CLR_BLACK',             0 }, ;
      { 'CLR_BLUE',        8388608 }, ;
      { 'CLR_GREEN',         32768 }, ;
      { 'CLR_CYAN',        8421376 }, ;
      { 'CLR_RED',             128 }, ;
      { 'CLR_MAGENTA',     8388736 }, ;
      { 'CLR_BROWN',         32896 }, ;
      { 'CLR_HGRAY',      12632256 }, ;
      { 'CLR_LIGHTGRAY',  12632256 }, ;
      { 'CLR_GRAY',        8421504 }, ;
      { 'CLR_HBLUE',      16711680 }, ;
      { 'CLR_HGREEN',        65280 }, ;
      { 'CLR_HCYAN',      16776960 }, ;
      { 'CLR_HRED',            255 }, ;
      { 'CLR_HMAGENTA',   16711935 }, ;
      { 'CLR_YELLOW',        65535 }, ;
      { 'CLR_WHITE',      16777215 } }

   if ! Empty( clr )
      do case
         case cType == 'N'
//            cCode    += cClrToCode( clr )
            if ( n := AScan( aStdClrs, { |a| a[ 2 ] == clr } ) ) > 0
               cCode    := aStdClrs[ n ][ 1 ]
               r        := nRGBRed(   clr ) // clr % 256; clr := Int( clr / 256 )
               g        := nRGBGreen( clr ) // clr % 256; clr := Int( clr / 256 )
               b        := nRGBBlue(  clr ) // clr % 256
               cCode    := "RGB(" + Str( r, 4 ) + "," + Str( g, 4 ) + "," + Str( b, 4 ) + " )"
         case cType == 'A'
            if ValType( clr[ 1 ] ) == 'A'
               cCode    := '{ ;' + CRLF
               for n := 1 to Len( clr )
                  cCode    += Space( 3 ) + cClrToCode(  clr[ n ] )
                  if n < Len( clr )
                     cCode += ', ;' + CRLF
                     cCode += '  ;' + CRLF
               next n
               cCode    += '}'
               if Len( clr ) == 1
                  cCode := '{ ' + cClrToCode( clr ) + ' }'
               elseif Len( clr ) == 2
                  cCode := '{ ' + ;
                            PadR( cClrToCode( clr[ 1 ] ) + ',', 23 ) + ;
                            PadR( cClrToCode( clr[ 2 ] ), 22 ) + ' }'

               elseif Len( clr ) == 3
                  cCode := '{ ' + ;
                            PadR( TrimZero( Str( clr[ 1 ], 6, 4 ) ) + ',', 8 ) + ;
                            PadR( cClrToCode( clr[ 2 ] ) + ',', 23 ) + ;
                            PadR( cClrToCode( clr[ 3 ] ), 22 ) + ' }'

         case cType == 'B'
            cTmp1    := cClrToCode( Eval( clr, .t. ) )
            cTmp2    := cClrToCode( Eval( clr, .f. ) )
            if cTmp1 == cTmp2
               if CRLF $ cTmp1
                  cTmp1    := Space(3) + StrTran( cTmp1, CRLF, CRLF + Space(3) )
                  cCode    := '{ || ;' + CRLF + cTmp1 + ' ;' + CRLF + '}'
                  cCode    := '{ || ' + cTmp1 + ' }'
               cTmp1    := Space(3) + StrTran( cTmp1, CRLF, CRLF + Space(3) )
               cTmp2    := Space(3) + StrTran( cTmp2, CRLF, CRLF + Space(3) )
               cCode    := '{ | lInvert | If( ! lInvert, ;' + CRLF + ;
                           cTmp2 + ',;' + CRLF + cTmp1 + ;
                           ' ;' + CRLF + ') }'

return cCode


static function TrimZero( c )

   do while Right( c, 1 ) == '0'
      c  := Left( c, Len( c ) - 1 )

return c
