API Google. Ejemplos
Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 8:32 am
Muy buenas Compañeros,
abro este hilo para compartir todo lo que sepamos sobre la API de Google, en este caso comparto una pequeña parte de la API de Google Calendar, para poder leer y insertar eventos en _.
Teneis que configurar las variables myEmail (email de gmail),myPassword (password del email)
Si teneis mas informacion
// Codigo Fuente
#include "FiveWin.ch"
Function Main()
local strURL:= "https://www.google.com/accounts/ClientLogin",AuthCode:=""
local strFormData,myEmail:="",myPassword:="",mySource:="project-example-1",cRespone:=""
strFormData = "Email=" + myEmail + "&Passwd=" + myPassword + "&source=" + mySource + "&service=cl"
cResponse:=SendPostToUrl( strURL, strFormData )
AuthCode = Right(cResponse, Len(cResponse) - at("Auth=",cResponse) - 4)
cEventCode:=getEventCode(date(),"Test Event","Event Description","Your Name","Email","Cordoba")
// Añadir un nuevo evento
strURL = "http://www.google.com/calendar/feeds/de ... ivate/full"
strFormData = cEventCode
cResponse:=SendPostToUrl( strURL, strFormData,"application/atom+xml","GoogleLogin auth=" + AuthCode)
// Recivir _
strURL:="https://www.google.com/calendar/feeds/d ... ndars/full"
strFormData = cEventCode
cResponse:=SendPostToUrl( strURL, strFormData,"application/atom+xml","GoogleLogin auth=" + AuthCode)
Return Nil
Function SendPostToUrl( cUrl, cParams,cContentType,cAuthorization )
Local oOle,cRet:='',uRet
default cContentType:="application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
default cAuthorization:=""
oOle := CreateObject( 'MSXML2.XMLHTTP' )
oOle := CreateObject( 'Microsoft.XMLHTTP' )
oOle:Open( 'POST', cUrl, .f. )
oOle:SetRequestHeader( "Content-Type",cContentType)
if !empty(cAuthorization)
oOle:SetRequestHeader( "Authorization",cAuthorization)
end if
oOle:Send( cParams )
#ifdef __XHARBOUR__
cRet := oOle:ResponseBody
Return cRet
function dtos_format(fecha)
local cadena
if valtype(fecha) = "D"
if !empty(cadena)
return substr(cadena,1,4) + "-" + substr(cadena,5,2) + "-" + substr(cadena,7,2)
return "0000-00-00"
end if
return "0000-00-00"
end if
return "0000-00-00"
static function getEventCode(dDate,cEventName,cEventDescription,cYourName,cEmailAddress,cLocation,cStartTime,cEndTime)
local formattedDate:=""
default cStartTime:="17:00:00",cEndTime:="18:00:00"
// 'change the date into Google's yyyy-mm-dd format
formattedDate = dtos_format(dDate)
getEventCode = "<entry xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom'" + CRLF +;
"xmlns:gd='http://schemas.google.com/g/2005'>" + CRLF +;
" <category scheme='http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#kind'" + CRLF +;
"term='http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#event'></category>" + CRLF +;
" <title type='text'>" +cEventName+ "</title>" + CRLF +;
"<content type='text'>" +cEventDescription+ "</content>" + CRLF +;
"<author>" + CRLF +;
"<name>" +cYourName+ "</name>" + CRLF +;
"<email>" +cEmailAddress+ "</email>" + CRLF +;
"</author>" + CRLF +;
"<gd:transparency" + CRLF +;
"value='http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#event.opaque'>" + CRLF +;
"</gd:transparency>" + CRLF +;
"<gd:eventStatus" + CRLF +;
"value='http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#event.confirmed'>" + CRLF +;
"</gd:eventStatus>" + CRLF +;
"<gd:where valueString='" +cLocation+ "'></gd:where>" + CRLF +;
"<gd:when startTime='" + formattedDate + "T" + cStartTime+"'" + CRLF +;
"endTime='" + formattedDate + "T" + cEndTime+"'></gd:when>" + CRLF +;
return getEventCode
abro este hilo para compartir todo lo que sepamos sobre la API de Google, en este caso comparto una pequeña parte de la API de Google Calendar, para poder leer y insertar eventos en _.
Teneis que configurar las variables myEmail (email de gmail),myPassword (password del email)
Si teneis mas informacion
// Codigo Fuente
#include "FiveWin.ch"
Function Main()
local strURL:= "https://www.google.com/accounts/ClientLogin",AuthCode:=""
local strFormData,myEmail:="",myPassword:="",mySource:="project-example-1",cRespone:=""
strFormData = "Email=" + myEmail + "&Passwd=" + myPassword + "&source=" + mySource + "&service=cl"
cResponse:=SendPostToUrl( strURL, strFormData )
AuthCode = Right(cResponse, Len(cResponse) - at("Auth=",cResponse) - 4)
cEventCode:=getEventCode(date(),"Test Event","Event Description","Your Name","Email","Cordoba")
// Añadir un nuevo evento
strURL = "http://www.google.com/calendar/feeds/de ... ivate/full"
strFormData = cEventCode
cResponse:=SendPostToUrl( strURL, strFormData,"application/atom+xml","GoogleLogin auth=" + AuthCode)
// Recivir _
strURL:="https://www.google.com/calendar/feeds/d ... ndars/full"
strFormData = cEventCode
cResponse:=SendPostToUrl( strURL, strFormData,"application/atom+xml","GoogleLogin auth=" + AuthCode)
Return Nil
Function SendPostToUrl( cUrl, cParams,cContentType,cAuthorization )
Local oOle,cRet:='',uRet
default cContentType:="application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
default cAuthorization:=""
oOle := CreateObject( 'MSXML2.XMLHTTP' )
oOle := CreateObject( 'Microsoft.XMLHTTP' )
oOle:Open( 'POST', cUrl, .f. )
oOle:SetRequestHeader( "Content-Type",cContentType)
if !empty(cAuthorization)
oOle:SetRequestHeader( "Authorization",cAuthorization)
end if
oOle:Send( cParams )
#ifdef __XHARBOUR__
cRet := oOle:ResponseBody
Return cRet
function dtos_format(fecha)
local cadena
if valtype(fecha) = "D"
if !empty(cadena)
return substr(cadena,1,4) + "-" + substr(cadena,5,2) + "-" + substr(cadena,7,2)
return "0000-00-00"
end if
return "0000-00-00"
end if
return "0000-00-00"
static function getEventCode(dDate,cEventName,cEventDescription,cYourName,cEmailAddress,cLocation,cStartTime,cEndTime)
local formattedDate:=""
default cStartTime:="17:00:00",cEndTime:="18:00:00"
// 'change the date into Google's yyyy-mm-dd format
formattedDate = dtos_format(dDate)
getEventCode = "<entry xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom'" + CRLF +;
"xmlns:gd='http://schemas.google.com/g/2005'>" + CRLF +;
" <category scheme='http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#kind'" + CRLF +;
"term='http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#event'></category>" + CRLF +;
" <title type='text'>" +cEventName+ "</title>" + CRLF +;
"<content type='text'>" +cEventDescription+ "</content>" + CRLF +;
"<author>" + CRLF +;
"<name>" +cYourName+ "</name>" + CRLF +;
"<email>" +cEmailAddress+ "</email>" + CRLF +;
"</author>" + CRLF +;
"<gd:transparency" + CRLF +;
"value='http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#event.opaque'>" + CRLF +;
"</gd:transparency>" + CRLF +;
"<gd:eventStatus" + CRLF +;
"value='http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#event.confirmed'>" + CRLF +;
"</gd:eventStatus>" + CRLF +;
"<gd:where valueString='" +cLocation+ "'></gd:where>" + CRLF +;
"<gd:when startTime='" + formattedDate + "T" + cStartTime+"'" + CRLF +;
"endTime='" + formattedDate + "T" + cEndTime+"'></gd:when>" + CRLF +;
return getEventCode