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Compilando una clase con fwh 908

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 10:56 am
by groiss
Compilo con fwh 908 una clase antigua que crea documentos "rtf", el compilado no me produce errores, obtengo su correspondiente obj y la sumo a los módulos obj del programa principal, el resultado es que cuando desde el probrama se llama al constructor, esta llamada aparentemente no da problemas, pero cuando se llama a algún método de la clase, me indica que no se ha exportado el método, aquí pego hasta el constructor, por si alguien ve el error, que no acabo de encontrar.

Code: Select all

CLASS RichText

    DATA cFileName, hFile
    DATA nFontSize
        DATA nFontColor
    DATA aTranslate
    DATA nFontNum
    DATA nScale
    DATA lTrimSpaces
        DATA nFontAct
        DATA cLastApar INIT ""
        DATA cLastBook INIT ""
    // Table Management
    DATA cTblHAlign, nTblFntNum, nTblFntSize, nTblRows, nTblColumns
    DATA nTblRHgt, aTableCWid, cRowBorder, cCellBorder, aColPct, nCellPct
    DATA lTblNoSplit, nTblHdRows, nTblHdHgt, nTblHdPct, nTblHdFont
    DATA nTblHdFSize,nTblHdColor,nTblHdFColor
    DATA cCellAppear, cHeadAppear
    DATA cCellHAlign, cHeadHAlign
    DATA nCurrRow, nCurrColumn
        DATA TblCJoin

        // textbox Variables
        DATA txtbox,aSztBox,aCltBox,cTpltBox,nWltBox,nFPtbox
        DATA aOfftbox

        // Facing
        DATA lFacing AS LOGICAL INIT .F.

        //Styles Managament

        DATA NStlDef INIT 1
        DATA nStlAct INIT 0
        DATA nCharStl INIT 1
        DATA nCharAct INIT 0
        DATA nStlSec INIT 1
        DATA nSectAct INIT 0

        DATA ParStyles AS ARRAY INIT {}
        DATA CharStyles AS ARRAY INIT {}
        DATA SectStyles AS ARRAY INIT {}


    // Methods for opening & closing output file, and setting defaults
    METHOD New( cFileName, aFontData, nFontSize, nFontColor, nScale, aTrans ) CONSTRUCTOR
    METHOD End() INLINE ::TextCode( "par\pard" ), ::CloseGroup(), FCLOSE(::hFile)

    // Core methods for writing control codes & data to the output file
    METHOD TextCode( cCode ) //INLINE FWRITE(::hFile, FormatCode(cCode) )
    METHOD NumCode( cCode, nValue, lScale )
    METHOD LogicCode( cCode, lTest )
    METHOD Write( xData, lCodesOK )

    // Groups and Sections (basic RTF structures)
    METHOD OpenGroup() INLINE FWRITE( ::hFile, "{" )
    METHOD CloseGroup() INLINE FWRITE( ::hFile, "}" )

    METHOD NewSection( lLandscape, nColumns, nLeft, nRight, nTop, nBottom, ;
                nWidth, nHeight, cVertAlign, lDefault )

    // Higher-level page setup methods
    METHOD PageSetup( nLeft, nRight, nTop, nBottom, nWidth, nHeight, ;
                nTabWidth, lLandscape, cVertAlign, cPgNumPos, lPgNumTop, ;
                lNoWidow )

    METHOD BeginHeader() INLINE ::OpenGroup(), ;
        IIF(!::lFacing,::TextCode("header \pard"),::TextCode("headerr \pard"))
    METHOD EndHeader() INLINE ::TextCode("par"), ::CloseGroup()
    METHOD BeginFooter() INLINE ::OpenGroup(), ;
        IIF(!::lFacing,::TextCode("footer \pard"),::TextCode("footerr \pard"))
    METHOD EndFooter() INLINE ::TextCode("par"), ::CloseGroup()

    METHOD Paragraph( cText, nFontNumber, nFontSize, cAppear, ;
                cHorzAlign, aTabPos, nIndent, nFIndent, nRIndent, nSpace, ;
                lSpExact, nBefore, nAfter, lNoWidow, lBreak, ;
                lBullet, cBulletChar, lHang, lDefault, lNoPar,;

    // Table Management
    METHOD DefineTable( cTblHAlign, nTblFntNum, nTblFntSize, ;
        cCellAppear, cCellHAlign, nTblRows, ;
        nTblColumns, nTblRHgt, aTableCWid, cRowBorder, cCellBorder, aColPct, nCellPct, ;
        lTblNoSplit, nTblHdRows, aHeadTit, nTblHdHgt, nTblHdPct, nTblHdFont, ;
        nTblHdFSize, cHeadAppear, cHeadHAlign,nTblHdColor ,nTblHdFColor)

    METHOD BeginRow() INLINE ::TextCode( "trowd" ), ::nCurrRow += 1
    METHOD EndRow()   INLINE ::TextCode( "row" )

    METHOD WriteCell( cText, nFontNumber, nFontSize, cAppear, cHorzAlign, ;
                nSpace, lSpExact, cCellBorder, nCellPct, nFontColor,lDefault )

    // Methods for formatting data

    METHOD Appearance( cAppear )
    METHOD HAlignment( cAlign )
    METHOD LineSpacing( nSpace, lSpExact )
    METHOD Borders( cEntity, cBorder )
    METHOD NewFont( nFontNumber )
    METHOD SetFontSize( nFontSize )
    METHOD SetFontColor( nFontColor )
    METHOD NewLine() INLINE FWRITE(::hFile, CRLF), ::TextCode( "par")
    METHOD NewPage() INLINE ::TextCode( "page" + CRLF )

    // General service methods

    METHOD BorderCode( cBorderID )
    METHOD ShadeCode( cShadeID )
    METHOD ParaBorder( cBorder,cType )
    METHOD BegBookMark(texto)
    METHOD EndBookMark()

    // Someday maybe we'll handle:
    // Styles
    METHOD SetStlDef()
    METHOD IncStyle( cName, styletype,nFontNumber,nFontSize,;
    METHOD BeginStly()
    METHOD WriteStly()
    METHOD ParaStyle( nStyle )
    METHOD CharStyle( nStyle )

        // Alternating shading of table rows
    // Footnotes & Endnotes
    METHOD FootNote(cTexto,cChar,nFontNumber,nFontSize,cAppear,nFontColor,lEnd,lAuto,lUpper)
    // Shaded text
    // Frames
    // Text Boxes
        METHOD BegTextBox(cTexto,aOffset, aSize, cTipo, aColores,nWidth,nPatron,;
        METHOD EndTextBox()
    // Font Colors
    METHOD SetClrTab()
    // Lines, Bitmaps & Graphics
    METHOD Linea(aInicio,aFinal,nxoffset,nyoffset,aSize,cTipo, ;
        nColBlue, nColRed,nColGreen,nWidth,nPatron,lSombra,aSombra)
    METHOD IncImage(cName,aSize,cHorzAlign,lFrame)
        // Information
    METHOD InfoDoc( cTitle, cSubject,cAuthor, cManager, cCompany, cOperator, ;
        cCategor,cKeyWords,cComment )
    METHOD DocFormat(nTab,nLineStart,lBackup,nDefLang,nDocType,;
    // Lots of other cool stuff

        // New Methods for table managament
        METHOD EndTable() INLINE ::CloseGroup()
    METHOD TableDef(lHeader,nRowHead,cCellBorder,aCellPct)
    METHOD TableCell( cText, nFontNumber, nFontSize, cAppear, cHorzAlign, ;
                nSpace, lSpExact, cCellBorder, nCellPct, nFontColor,;
                lDefault,lHeader )
    METHOD CellFormat(cCellBorder,aCellPct)
    METHOD DefNewTable( cTblHAlign, nTblFntNum, nTblFntSize, ;
        cCellAppear, cCellHAlign, nTblRows, ;
        nTblColumns, nTblRHgt, aTableCWid, cRowBorder, cCellBorder, aColPct, nCellPct, ;
        lTblNoSplit, nTblHdRows, aHeadTit, nTblHdHgt, nTblHdPct, nTblHdFont, ;
        nTblHdFSize, cHeadAppear, cHeadHAlign,nTblHdColor ,nTblHdFColor,aTblCJoin )


METHOD New( cFileName, aFontData, aFontFam,aFontChar,nFontSize, nFontColor,nScale, aHigh ) CLASS RichText
* Description:  Initialize a new RTF object, and create an associated
*               file, with a valid RTF header.
* Arguments:
* Return:
* Date       Developer   Comments
* 01/06/97   TRM         Creation
LOCAL cTopFile  := "rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0"
LOCAL cColors   := ::SetClrTab()

    cFileName := "REPORT.RTF", ;
    aFontData := { "Courier New" }, ;
    nFontSize := 12,;
    nScale    := INCH_TO_TWIP,;
        nFontColor:= 0

::cFileName := cFileName
::nFontSize := nFontSize
::nScale    := nScale
::nFontColor:= nFontColor

::lTrimSpaces := .F.

IF aFontFam==nil
IF aFontChar==nil

IF VALTYPE(aHigh) == "A"
    ::aTranslate := aHigh

// If no extension specified in file name, use ".RTF"
IF !("." $ ::cFileName)
   ::cFileName += ".RTF"

// Create/open a file for writing
::hFile := FCREATE(::cFileName)

IF ::hFile >= 0

    // Generate RTF file header

    // This opens the top-most level group for the report
    // This group must be explicitly closed by the application!


        ::TextCode( cTopFile )

        // Generate a font table, and write it to the header
        ::nFontNum := LEN(aFontData)
        ::TextCode( "fonttbl" )
        FOR i := 1 TO ::nFontNum
            ::NewFont( i )
            ::NumCode( "charset",aFontChar[i],.F. )
            ::TextCode( aFontFam[i] )
            ::Write( aFontData[i] + "" )   //aquí iba un ";"

        // Use default color info, for now...
            ::TextCode( cColors )

    // NOTE:  At this point, we have an open group (the report itself)
    // that must be closed at the end of the report.


**************************  END OF New()  ***************************

Re: Compilando una clase con fwh 908

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 11:52 am
by Marcelo Via Giglio

el constructor debe crear una instancia de la clase y devolver esta, por lo que en lugar de RETURN NIL, cambia por RETURN SELF y nos comentas si funciona



Re: Compilando una clase con fwh 908

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 12:17 pm
by groiss
Muchisimas gracias
Un saludo