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Re: Codejock RibbonBar primeras pruebas

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 6:25 am
by Carles


Code: Select all

IF IsActiveX( "Mi_OCX" ) == .F.
    WinExec( "REGSVR32 " + cFile_Mi_Ocx_Dll + " /s" )

Re: Codejock RibbonBar primeras pruebas

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 10:24 am
by Frafive
De donde hay que descargar el ocx y como se llama el fichero ?

Re: Codejock RibbonBar primeras pruebas

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 11:12 am
by Antonio Linares
ActiveX / COM
All Versions of Visual Studio

la version demo es la 13.0.0. En los ejemplos que hemos publicado hay que cambiar:
"Codejock.CommandBarsFrame.12.1.1" por

El fichero que se debe proporcionar con el EXE que construyas es:

Re: Codejock RibbonBar primeras pruebas

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 11:32 am
by csincuir
Gracias Carles, voy a probar hacerlo de esa forma.

Carlos Sincuir

Re: Codejock RibbonBar primeras pruebas

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 11:47 am
by Antonio Linares

La forma correcta de hacerlo, segun el API de Windows, es usando esta funcion:

RegisterServer( "Codejock.CommandBars.v12.1.1.ocx" )

o esta, si usas la nueva version:

RegisterServer( "Codejock.CommandBars.v13.0.0.ocx" )

Code: Select all


#include <hbapi.h>
#include <windows.h>

typedef LONG ( * PDLLREGISTERSERVER ) ( void ); 

   HMODULE hDll = LoadLibrary( hb_parc( 1 ) );
   LONG lReturn = 0;
   if( hDll )
      FARPROC pRegisterServer = GetProcAddress( hDll, "DllRegisterServer" );
      if( pRegisterServer )
         lReturn = ( ( PDLLREGISTERSERVER ) pRegisterServer )();

      FreeLibrary( hDll ); 
   hb_retnl( lReturn );

#pragma ENDDUMP

Re: Codejock RibbonBar primeras pruebas

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 2:36 pm
by Rossine
Olá Antonio,

Usando o exemplo funciona 100%. Lá na lista do harbour ainda não obtive resposta sobre o assunto :(

Re: Codejock RibbonBar primeras pruebas

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 2:40 pm
by Antonio Linares

Posiblemente el mismo error ocurra con xHarbour y MSVC.

De ser asi, tambien puedes reportarlo en la lista de xHarbour.

Re: Codejock RibbonBar primeras pruebas

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 3:18 pm
by Rossine

Com xHarbour y MSVC ocorre erro de GPF :(

Re: Codejock RibbonBar primeras pruebas

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 5:03 pm
by Antonio Linares

Lo has reportado ya en la lista de xHarbour ?

Re: Codejock RibbonBar primeras pruebas

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 5:46 pm
by Rossine
Olá Antonio,

Você saberia me dizer o link da lista do xharbour ?

Re: Codejock RibbonBar primeras pruebas

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 5:55 pm
by Antonio Linares

Puedes acceder desde Google grupos: ... ?hl=es&lnk

Re: Codejock RibbonBar primeras pruebas

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 8:13 pm
by csincuir
Gracias Antonio, lo voy a probar y comento luego como me va.
Ya estoy bajando el Codejock.

Carlos Sincuir

Re: Codejock RibbonBar primeras pruebas

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 4:46 am
by Daniel Garcia-Gil
Quick Access...


Code: Select all

#include ""
#define xtpControlError              0
#define xtpControlButton             1
#define xtpControlPopup              2
#define xtpControlButtonPopup        3
#define xtpControlSplitButtonPopup   4
#define xtpControlComboBox           5
#define xtpControlEdit               6
#define xtpControlCustom             7
#define xtpControlLabel              8
#define xtpControlCheckBox           9
#define xtpControlGallery           10
#define xtpControlRadioButton       11

#define xtpImageNormal               0
#define xtpImageDisabled             1
#define xtpImageHot                  2
#define xtpImageChecked              3
#define xtpImagePressed              4

function Main()  

   local oWnd, oAct, oRb, oTabFiles, oTabEdit, oTabBuild, oIcons
   local oGroup1, oGroup2, oButton1, oButton2, aButtons := {}
   local oButton3, oButton4, oBmp1, oBmp2, oBmp3
   local oMini
   local oStatusBar, oToolTipContext

  obmp1 := TBitmap():Define( , "c:\fivewin\ver903\fwh\bitmaps\16x16\new2.bmp", oWnd )
  obmp2 := TBitmap():Define( , "c:\fivewin\ver903\fwh\bitmaps\16x16\open2.bmp", oWnd )
  obmp3 := TBitmap():Define( , "c:\fivewin\ver903\fwh\bitmaps\alphabmp\explorer.bmp", oWnd )

   oAct := TActiveX():New( oWnd, "Codejock.CommandBarsFrame.12.1.1", 0, 0, 0, 0 )  
   //@ 0, 0 ACTIVEX oAct PROGID "Codejock.CommandBarsFrame.12.1.1" OF oWnd

   oAct:bOnEvent = { | cEvent, aParams, pParams | RibbonBarEvent( cEvent, aParams, pParams, aButtons ) }

   oAct:Do( "AttachToWindow", oWnd:hWnd )
   oAct:Do( "EnableOffice2007Frame", .T. )
   oAct:Do( "VisualTheme", .T. )

   // ToolTipContext - Richard          
   oToolTipContext := TOleAuto():New( ActXPdisp( oAct:hActiveX ) )
   oToolTipContext := oToolTipContext:ToolTipContext()
   oToolTipContext:Style = 5  && xtpToolTipOffice2007
   oToolTipContext:ShowTitleAndDescription( .T., 0 )
   oToolTipContext:ShowImage( .T., 10000 )
   oToolTipContext:SetMargin( 2, 2, 2, 2 )
   oToolTipContext:MaxTipWidth = 180
   // StatusBar-Richard
   oStatusBar := TOleAuto():New( ActXPdisp( oAct:hActiveX ) )
   oStatusBar:StatusBar:Visible = .T.

   oStatusBar:StatusBar:AddPane( 0 )
   oStatusBar:StatusBar:AddPane( 59137 )
   oStatusBar:StatusBar:AddPane( 59138 )
   oStatusBar:StatusBar:AddPane( 59139 )  
   oStatusBar:StatusBar:IdleText = "FWH support Codejock RibbonBar"      
   oIcons := oAct:Do( "icons" )
   oIcons:AddBitmap( oBmp1:hBitmap,1,xtpImageNormal,.f. )
   oIcons:AddBitmap( oBmp2:hBitmap,2,xtpImageNormal,.f. )
   oIcons:AddBitmap( oBmp3:hBitmap,3,xtpImageNormal,.t. ) // 4th param, Bool to Alpha Channel Support
   oIcons:LoadBitmap( "c:\fivewin\ver903\fwh\bitmaps\32x32\edit.bmp",4, xtpImageNormal)

   oRb = oAct:Do( "AddRibbonBar", "fwh" )
// QuickAccess 
   oQBtn1 := oRb:QuickAccessControls:Add( xtpControlButton,1,"" )
   oQBtn2 := oRb:QuickAccessControls:Add( xtpControlButton,2,"" )
   oQBtn3 := oRb:QuickAccessControls:Add( xtpControlButton,3,"" )

   // Sysbutton - Lailton
   Sbutton:IconId( 2 )
   nCmb       := Sbutton:Commandbar
   Controls   := nCmb:Controls
   Controls:Add(1,1,"Menu item 1",1)  
   Controls:Add(1,1,"Menu item 2",1)  

   oTabFiles = oRb:InsertTab( 0, "&Files" )  
   oTabEdit  = oRb:InsertTab( 1, "&Edit" )  
   oTabBuild = oRb:InsertTab( 2, "&Build" )  
   oGroup1 = oTabFiles:Groups:AddGroup( "Test 1", 0 )
   oGroup1:ShowOptionButton = .T.
   oGroup2 = oTabFiles:Groups:AddGroup( "Test 2", 1 )  

   oButton1 = oGroup1:Add( xtpControlButton, 2, "First" )
   oButton2 = oGroup1:Add( xtpControlButton, 1, "Second" )
   oButton3 = oGroup2:Add( xtpControlButton, 4, NIL )
   oButton4 = oGroup2:Add( xtpControlButton, 3, NIL )
   oButton4:SetIconSize( 64,64 )
   oButton4:Width = 70
   oButton4:Height = 70

   AAdd( aButtons, oButton1 )
   AAdd( aButtons, oButton2 )
   AADD( aButtons, oQBtn1 )
   AADD( aButtons, oQBtn2 )
   AADD( aButtons, oQBtn3 )      

   oButton1:Caption = "FiveWin power!"
   oButton1:TooltipText = "Ribbonbar for FWH"
return nil

function RibbonBarEvent( cEvent, aParams, pParams, aButtons )

   do case
      case cEvent == "Execute" .and. Len( aButtons ) > 0
           do case
              case aButtons[ 1 ]:hObj == aParams[ 1 ]
                   MsgInfo( "Button 1" )
              case aButtons[ 2 ]:hObj == aParams[ 1 ]
                   MsgInfo( "Button 2" )

              case aButtons[ 3 ]:hObj == aParams[ 1 ]
                   MsgInfo( "From Quick Access Button 1" )

              case aButtons[ 4 ]:hObj == aParams[ 1 ]
                   MsgInfo( "From Quick Access Button 2" + CRLF + "FIVEWIN SHARING POWER" )

              case aButtons[ 5 ]:hObj == aParams[ 1 ]
                   MsgInfo( "From Quick Access Button 3" )
return nil 

Re: Codejock RibbonBar primeras pruebas

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 8:28 am
by Antonio Linares

Excelente :-)


Re: Codejock RibbonBar primeras pruebas

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 2:29 pm
by richard-service
Hi All,


Add Tab Group ToolTip+bitmap

Show Button ToolTip+bitmap

Change Tab Color

Change Interface Color - Black

Change Interface Color - Silver

Change Interface Color - Aqua

Code: Select all

// FWH ActiveX Call Codejock Ocx Sample //
// Richard                              //

#include ""

#define xtpControlError              0
#define xtpControlButton             1
#define xtpControlPopup              2
#define xtpControlButtonPopup        3
#define xtpControlSplitButtonPopup   4
#define xtpControlComboBox           5
#define xtpControlEdit               6
#define xtpControlCustom             7
#define xtpControlLabel              8
#define xtpControlCheckBox           9
#define xtpControlGallery           10
#define xtpControlRadioButton       11

#define xtpImageNormal               0
#define xtpImageDisabled             1
#define xtpImageHot                  2
#define xtpImageChecked              3
#define xtpImagePressed              4

function Main()  
   local oWnd, oAct 
   local oRb
   local oQA, oQBtn1, oQBtn2, oQBtn3 
   local oSysButton, oControl, oPopupBar  
   local oStatusBar, oToolTipContext, oIcons
   local oTabFiles, oGroup1
   local oTabEdit, oGroup2
   local oTabBuild
   local aButtons := {} 
   local oButton1, oButton2, oButton3, oButton4
   local oExitBtn, oExitBtn2
   local oBmp1, oBmp2, oBmp3, obmp4, obmp5, obmp6, obmp7, obmp8, obmp9
   DEFINE WINDOW oWnd TITLE "FWH Support Codejock ActiveX"
   oBmp1 := TBitmap():Define( , "..\bitmaps\16x16\new2.bmp", oWnd )
   oBmp2 := TBitmap():Define( , "..\bitmaps\16x16\open2.bmp", oWnd ) 
   oBmp3 := TBitmap():Define( , "..\bitmaps\alphabmp\explorer.bmp", oWnd )     
   oBmp4 := TBitmap():Define( , "..\bitmaps\32x32\open.bmp", oWnd ) 
   oBmp5 := TBitmap():Define( , "..\bitmaps\32x32\people.bmp", oWnd ) 
   oBmp6 := TBitmap():Define( , "..\bitmaps\32x32\keys.bmp", oWnd ) 
   oBmp7 := TBitmap():Define( , "..\bitmaps\32x32\quit.bmp", oWnd ) 
   oBmp8 := TBitmap():Define( , "..\bitmaps\16x16\copy.bmp", oWnd )
   oBmp9 := TBitmap():Define( , "..\bitmaps\16x16\info.bmp", oWnd )
   oAct := TActiveX():New( oWnd, "Codejock.CommandBarsFrame.12.1.1", 0, 0, 0, 0 )  
   //@ 0, 0 ACTIVEX oAct PROGID "Codejock.CommandBarsFrame.12.1.1" OF oWnd

   oAct:bOnEvent = { | cEvent, aParams, pParams | RibbonBarEvent( cEvent, aParams, pParams, aButtons, oWnd ) }

   oAct:Do( "AttachToWindow", oWnd:hWnd )
   oAct:Do( "EnableOffice2007Frame", .T. )
   oAct:Do( "VisualTheme", .T. )

   // ToolTipContext - Richard          
   oToolTipContext := TOleAuto():New( ActXPdisp( oAct:hActiveX ) )
   oToolTipContext := oToolTipContext:ToolTipContext()
   oToolTipContext:Style = 5  && xtpToolTipOffice2007
   oToolTipContext:ShowTitleAndDescription( .T., 0 )
   oToolTipContext:ShowImage( .T., 0 )
   oToolTipContext:SetMargin( 2, 2, 2, 2 )
   oToolTipContext:MaxTipWidth = 180
   // StatusBar-Richard
   oStatusBar := TOleAuto():New( ActXPdisp( oAct:hActiveX ) )
   oStatusBar:StatusBar:Visible = .T.

   oStatusBar:StatusBar:AddPane( 0 )
   oStatusBar:StatusBar:AddPane( 59137 )
   oStatusBar:StatusBar:AddPane( 59138 )
   oStatusBar:StatusBar:AddPane( 59139 )  
   oStatusBar:StatusBar:IdleText = "FWH support Codejock RibbonBar"       
   oIcons := oAct:Do( "icons" )  
   oIcons:AddBitmap( oBmp1:hBitmap,1,xtpImageNormal,.f. ) 
   oIcons:AddBitmap( oBmp2:hBitmap,2,xtpImageNormal,.f. ) 
   oIcons:AddBitmap( oBmp3:hBitmap,3,xtpImageNormal,.t. ) // 4th param, Bool to Alpha Channel Support   
   oIcons:AddBitmap( oBmp4:hBitmap,4,xtpImageNormal,.f. )
   oIcons:AddBitmap( oBmp5:hBitmap,5,xtpImageNormal,.f. )
   oIcons:AddBitmap( oBmp6:hBitmap,6,xtpImageNormal,.f. )
   oIcons:AddBitmap( oBmp7:hBitmap,7,xtpImageNormal,.f. )
   oIcons:AddBitmap( oBmp8:hBitmap,8,xtpImageNormal,.f. )
   oIcons:AddBitmap( oBmp9:hBitmap,9,xtpImageNormal,.f. )
   oIcons:LoadBitmap( "..\bitmaps\32x32\edit.bmp",4, xtpImageNormal) 

   // RibbonBar - Richard
   oRb = oAct:Do( "AddRibbonBar", "Ribbon Bar" )
   // QuickAccess - Richard   
   oQA:= oRb:QuickAccessControls() 
   oQBtn1 := oQA:Add( 1, 1, "&New"         )
   oQBtn2 := oQA:Add( 1, 2, "&Save"        )
   oQBtn3 := oQA:Add( 1, 8, "&copy"        )
   oQA:Add( 1, 9, "&info"        )
   // Add SysButton - Richard
   oSysButton := oRb:AddSystemButton()
   oSysButton:IconId( 5 )
   oSysButton:CommandBar:Controls:Add( 1, 4, "&New"         )
   oSysbutton:CommandBar:Controls:Add( 1, 5, "&Open..."     )
   oSysbutton:CommandBar:Controls:Add( 1, 6, "&Save"        )
   oSysbutton:CommandBar:Controls:Add( 1, 6, "Save &As..."  )
   oControl := oSysButton:CommandBar:Controls:Add( 4, 5, "&Print")
   oControl:BeginGroup = .T.
   oPopupBar := TOleAuto():New( ActXPdisp( oAct:hActiveX ) )
          oPopupBar := oPopupBar:CreateCommandBar("CXTPRibbonSystemPopupBarPage")

          oControl:CommandBar = oPopupBar
          oControl := oPopupBar:Controls:Add( 8, 0, "Preview and print the document")
          oControl:Width = 296
          oControl:DefaultItem = .T.
          oControl:Style = 1  && xtpButtonCaption
          oPopupBar:DefaultButtonStyle = 5  && xtpButtonCaptionAndDescription
          oPopupBar:SetIconSize( 32, 32 )
          oPopupBar:ShowGripper = .F.

             oPopupBar:Controls:Add( 1, 4, "Print Pre&view" )
          oPrnSetup = oPopupBar:Controls:Add( 1, 5, "Pr&int Setup..." )
             oPopupBar:Controls:Add( 1, 6, "Print Pre&view" )
   oSysbutton:CommandBar:Controls:Add( 1, 1230, "Prepare" )
   oSysbutton:CommandBar:Controls:Add( 1, 1235, "Send" )
   oSysbutton:CommandBar:Controls:Add( 1, 1230, "Publish" )
   oExitBtn2 = oSysbutton:CommandBar:Controls:Add( 1, 7, "Close" )
   oSysbutton:CommandBar:SetIconSize( 32, 32 )    
   // RibbonBar Table - Richard   
   oTabFiles = oRb:InsertTab( 0, "&Files" ) 
   oTabFiles_Grp1 = oTabFiles:Groups:AddGroup("&Clipboard", 0)
   oTabFiles_Grp1:ShowOptionButton = .T.
   // TabFiles Group ToolTip - Richard
   oTabFiles_Grp1:ControlGroupOption:Id = 1000
   oTabFiles_Grp1:ControlGroupOption:ToolTipText = "Clipboard"
   oTabFiles_Grp1:ControlGroupOption:DescriptionText = "Show clipboard dialog"
   oPaste := oTabFiles_Grp1:Add( 4, 1, "&Paste")
    oPaste:CommandBar:Controls:Add( 1, 1, "&Paste" )
    oPaste:CommandBar:Controls:Add( 1, 2, "&Paste Special" )
   oButton1 = oTabFiles_Grp1:Add( xtpControlButton, 2, "&Cut" )
   oButton2 = oTabFiles_Grp1:Add( xtpControlButton, 3, "&Copy" )
   oBtn1 := oTabFiles_Grp1:Add(  1, 9, "Format")
   oBtn1:Enabled = .F.
   oBtn2 := oTabFiles_Grp1:Add(  1, 8, "Delete")
   oExitBtn := oTabFiles_Grp1:Add(  xtpControlButton, 7, "Exit")
   oTabFiles_Grp2 := oTabFiles:Groups:AddGroup( "&Font", 1)
   oButton3 = oTabFiles_Grp2:Add( xtpControlButton, 4, NIL )
   oButton4 = oTabfiles_Grp2:Add( xtpControlButton, 3, "" )
   oButton4:SetIconSize( 64,64 )
   oButton4:Width = 70
   oButton4:Height = 70
   oTabEdit  = oRb:InsertTab( 1, "&Edit" )  
   oTabBuild = oRb:InsertTab( 2, "&Build" ) 
   oTabBuild:Color = 5   
   oTable_Grp := oTabBuild:Groups:AddGroup( "&Show/Hide", 5025)
   oTable_Grp:Add( 9, 2807, "Ruler" )
   oTable_Grp:Add( 9, 2808, "GridLines" )
   oTable_Grp:Add( 9, 2809, "Properties" )
   oTable_Grp:Add( 9, 2810, "Document Map" )
   oTable_Grp:Add( 9, 2811, "Thumbnails" )
   oTable_Grp:Add( 9, 2812, "Document Action Bar" )
   oControlOptions := oRb:Controls:Add( 2, 0, "Options")
   oControlOptions:Flags = 1  && xtpFlagRightAlign

   oControl := oControlOptions:CommandBar:Controls:Add( 2, 0, "Styles")
   oControl:CommandBar:Controls:Add( 1, 3000, "Blue"   )
   oControl:CommandBar:Controls:Add( 1, 3001, "Black"  )
   oControl:CommandBar:Controls:Add( 1, 3003, "Silver" )
   oControl:CommandBar:Controls:Add( 1, 3002, "Aqua"   )

   oControlPopup := oControlOptions:CommandBar:Controls:Add( 2, 0, "Font", -1, .F.)
   oControlPopup:CommandBar:Controls:Add( 11, 32883, "System Default", -1, .F.)

   oControl := oControlPopup:CommandBar:Controls:Add( 11, 32884, "Normal", -1, .F.)
   oControl:BeginGroup = .T.
   oControlPopup:CommandBar:Controls:Add( 11, 32885, "Large", -1, .F.)
   oControlPopup:CommandBar:Controls:Add( 11, 32886, "Extra Large", -1, .F.)

   oControl := oControlPopup:CommandBar:Controls:Add( 1, 32887, "Auto Resize Icons", -1, .F.)
   oControl:BeginGroup = .T.

   oControlOptions:CommandBar:Controls:Add( 1, 3004, "Right To Left" )
   oControlOptions:CommandBar:Controls:Add( 1, 3005, "Animation" )

   oControlAbout := oRb:Controls:Add( 1, 4000, "&About")
   oControlAbout&#058;Flags = 1  && xtpFlagRightAlign
   AAdd( aButtons, oButton1 )
   AAdd( aButtons, oButton2 )
   AADD( aButtons, oQBtn1 )
   AADD( aButtons, oQBtn2 )
   AADD( aButtons, oQBtn3 )   
   AADD( aButtons, oExitBtn ) 
   AADD( aButtons, oExitBtn2 )
   AADD( aButtons, oControlAbout )
   AADD( aButtons, oPrnSetup ) 
   oButton1:Caption = "FiveWin power!"
   oButton1:TooltipText = "Ribbonbar for FWH"
return nil

function RibbonBarEvent( cEvent, aParams, pParams, aButtons, oWnd )

   do case
      case cEvent == "Execute" .and. Len( aButtons ) > 0
           do case
              case aButtons[ 1 ]:hObj == aParams[ 1 ]
                   MsgInfo( "Button 1" )
              case aButtons[ 2 ]:hObj == aParams[ 1 ]
                   MsgInfo( "Button 2" )

              case aButtons[ 3 ]:hObj == aParams[ 1 ]
                   MsgInfo( "From Quick Access Button 1" )

              case aButtons[ 4 ]:hObj == aParams[ 1 ]
                   MsgInfo( "From Quick Access Button 2" + CRLF + "FIVEWIN SHARING POWER" )

              case aButtons[ 5 ]:hObj == aParams[ 1 ]
                   MsgInfo( "From Quick Access Button 3" )
              case aButtons[ 6 ]:hObj == aParams[ 1 ]
              case aButtons[ 7 ]:hObj == aParams[ 1 ]
              case aButtons[ 8 ]:hObj == aParams[ 1 ]
                   MsgInfo( "FWH's ActiveX Power support Codejock", "About Codejock" )       
              case aButtons[ 9 ]:hObj == aParams[ 1 ]
return nil 