Hello Antonio,
Here is a sample program on how I use the MacAdress to protect my program. The only thing I can't get to work is to calculate the days since the program is first opened. Normally I could calculate this by puting the first date in the registration key and when the program is opened again, get DATE()-Firstdate. The number that comes out of this calculation is not what I expect, it is a long number instead of the number of days.
Code: Select all
#include "FiveMac.ch"
#define CR_LF Chr(13) + Chr(10)
With this example we can build a protected program. The user must enter a registration key the first time he uses the program
This key is based on the MacAdres of the computer, every computer has at least one unique MacAdres
When the user gives his program to someone else, the key given is not working anymore
PUBLIC oWnd && the main window
PUBLIC cPath := ResPath()
PUBLIC cRegKey := ''
PUBLIC nVersion := 0
PUBLIC lContinue := .F.
PUBLIC nDays := 0
cVarFile := cPath + '/registration.plist'
lContinue := RK_CheckKey()
DEFINE WINDOW oWnd TITLE 'testing registration' ;
FROM 0, 0 TO 600, 600
IF lContinue
@ 400, 20 BUTTON 'Success, version: ' + ALLTRIM(STR(nVersion)) OF oWnd
@ 500, 20 BUTTON 'Register, days to go: ' + ALLTRIM(STR(nDays)) OF oWnd ;
ACTION RK_Register() SIZE 200, 25
FUNCTION RK_LoadVariables()
*all variables are saved in a .plist file
*date: 13-11-2016
LOCAL oPList := TPList():New( cVarFile )
cRegKey := oPList:GetItemByName( 'RegistrationKey' )
FUNCTION RK_SaveVariables()
*all variables are saved in a .plist file
*date: 13-11-2016
LOCAL oPList := TPList():New( cVarFile )
oPList:SetItemByName( 'RegistrationKey', cRegKey, .T. )
*to check the registration key
*date: 15-11-2016
LOCAL cMacAdres
LOCAL cCode1 := '', cCode2 := '', dDate
LOCAL nVersion := 0
IF LEN(cRegKey) == 0 && if there is not a registration yet
cRegKey := '#'+DtoC(Date()) + '1'
ELSEIF SUBSTR(cRegKey,1,1) == '#' && if first opening is more than 30 days ago, this is not working correct....
dDate := CToD(SUBSTR(cRegKey, 2, 8))
nDays := nDays-(DATE()-dDate)
ELSE && check if the key is correct
cMacAdres := GetMacAddress()
cCode1 := SUBSTR(cMacAdres, 1, 2) + SUBSTR(cMacAdres, 4, 2)
cCode2 := SUBSTR(cMacAdres, 7, 2) + SUBSTR(cMacAdres,10, 2)
cRegKode1 := SUBSTR(cRegKey, 1,1) + SUBSTR(cRegKey, 3,1) + SUBSTR(cRegKey, 5,1) + SUBSTR(cRegKey, 7,1)
cRegKode2 := SUBSTR(cRegKey, 9,1) + SUBSTR(cRegKey, 11,1) + SUBSTR(cRegKey, 13,1) + SUBSTR(cRegKey, 15,1)
nVersion := VAL(SUBSTR(cRegKey,16,1))
cRegKode7 := CHR(ASC(SUBSTR(cRegKey, 2, 1))- nVersion) + ;
CHR(ASC(SUBSTR(cRegKey, 4, 1))+ nVersion) + ;
CHR(ASC(SUBSTR(cRegKey, 6, 1))- nVersion-nVersion) + ;
CHR(ASC(SUBSTR(cRegKey, 8, 1))+ nVersion+nVersion)
cRegKode8 := CHR(ASC(SUBSTR(cRegKey, 10, 1))- nVersion) + ;
CHR(ASC(SUBSTR(cRegKey, 12, 1))+ nVersion) + ;
CHR(ASC(SUBSTR(cRegKey, 14, 1))- nVersion-nVersion)
IF hb_HexToNum(cCode1)+hb_HexToNum(cRegKode1) == 65535 .AND. hb_HexToNum(cCode2)+hb_HexToNum(cRegKode2) == 65535 .AND. cRegKode7 + cRegKode8 == 'PLANTEN'
MsgInfo('The registration code you have entered is not correct,'+CR_LF+'Please inform us'+CR_LF+ 'You can do this via info@plantenkennis.com.', 'error')
FUNCTION RK_Register()
LOCAL oDlg, oGet1, oGet2, cGet3:='', cGet4:='', cGet5:='', cGet6:= ''
LOCAL cMacAdres := GetMacAddress()
LOCAL cCode1 := SUBSTR(cMacAdres, 1, 2) + SUBSTR(cMacAdres, 4, 2)
LOCAL cCode2 := SUBSTR(cMacAdres, 7, 2) + SUBSTR(cMacAdres,10, 2)
DEFINE DIALOG oDlg TITLE "registration code" PANELED FROM 0, 0 TO 300, 400
@ 200, 100 GET oGet1 VAR cCode1 of oDlg SIZE 75, 25
@ 200, 200 GET oGet2 VAR cCode2 of oDlg SIZE 75, 25
@ 100, 10 GET oGet3 VAR cGet3 of oDlg SIZE 75, 25
@ 100, 90 GET oGet4 VAR cGet4 of oDlg SIZE 75, 25
@ 100, 170 GET oGet5 VAR cGet5 of oDlg SIZE 75, 25
@ 100, 250 GET oGet6 VAR cGet6 of oDlg SIZE 75, 25
@ 23, 20 BUTTON "OK" OF oDlg ACTION (cRegKey := cGet3+cGet4+cGet5+cGet6, IF(RK_CheckKey(), MsgInfo('The entered key is correct, close program to continue'), MsgInfo('Wrong key')))
VALID RK_SaveVariables()
return nil
To use this protection the buyer of the program must ask a registration key by me. I have a small program to calculate the registration key. Here is the code for that.
Code: Select all
#include "FiveMac.ch"
This function is to make a registration code that users can put in there app, so it functions well.
use this sample together with the registration_test.prg.
The radiobuttons I use for different versions of the program, PRO has more options than Standard.....
Created by René Koot, 15-11-2016
function Main()
local oWnd, oRad, nRad := 2
local cGet1 := '', cGet2 := '', cGet3 := ''
DEFINE WINDOW oWnd TITLE "creating registration code" PANELED FROM 0, 0 TO 400, 400
@ 300, 100 GET cGet1 of oWnd SIZE 75, 25
@ 300, 200 GET cGet2 of oWnd SIZE 75, 25
@ 250, 130 RADIO oRad VAR nRad ITEMS { "Standard", "PRO", "PRO[+]" } OF oWnd
@ 100, 10 GET oGet3 VAR cGet3 of oWnd SIZE 300, 25
@ 23, 20 BUTTON "Create" OF oWnd ACTION RK_MakeRegistrationCode( cGet1, cGet2, nRad )
@ 23, 120 BUTTON "Cancel" OF oWnd ACTION oWnd:End()
return nil
FUNCTION RK_MakeRegistrationCode(cCode1, cCode2, nRad)
*for creating the registration code
*date: 15-11-2016
LOCAL aLet := {'P', 'L', 'A', 'N', 'T', 'E', 'N'} &&you can change this array, but use the same array in your program
LOCAL cRegKode1 := hb_NumToHex(65535 - hb_HexToNum(cCode1))
LOCAL cRegKode2 := hb_NumToHex(65535 - hb_HexToNum(cCode2))
LOCAL cRegKode3 := ''
LOCAL cRegKode4 := ''
LOCAL cRegKode5 := ''
LOCAL cRegKode6 := ''
IF LEN(cRegkode1) == 3
cRegkode1 := '0' + cRegkode1
IF LEN(cRegkode2) == 3
cRegkode2 := '0' + cRegkode2
cRegKode3 := SUBSTR(cRegKode1, 1, 1) + CHR(ASC(aLet[1])+ nRad) + SUBSTR(cRegKode1, 2, 1) + CHR(ASC(aLet[2])- nRad)
cRegKode4 := SUBSTR(cRegKode1, 3, 1) + CHR(ASC(aLet[3])+ nRad+nRad) + SUBSTR(cRegKode1, 4, 1) + CHR(ASC(aLet[4])- nRad-nRad)
cRegKode5 := SUBSTR(cRegKode2, 1, 1) + CHR(ASC(aLet[5])+ nRad) + SUBSTR(cRegKode2, 2, 1) + CHR(ASC(aLet[6])- nRad)
cRegKode6 := SUBSTR(cRegKode2, 3, 1) + CHR(ASC(aLet[7])+ nRad+nRad) + SUBSTR(cRegKode2, 4, 1) + ALLTRIM(STR(nRad))
oGet3:SetText(cRegKode3 + ' ' + cRegKode4 + ' ' + cRegKode5 + ' ' + cRegKode6)
I hope this code is useful