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Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2019 2:29 am
by cnavarro
Good night
I have created a SLACK in which I have attached the initial documentation about BEACON.
It is an introduction and 10 initial examples so that you can get an idea of ​​the technique that is used, but I am willing to answer any questions that arise, and even when it is time to take advantage of any of the conferences we do to detail some aspects that They have become unclear.
Do not expect, in these examples, to see wonderful screens since my intention is that the document being built also serves as a manual that covers all the aspects that may be needed for its correct use and installation. Also, as I said on occasion, I hope that before publishing more code we will see other publications that we are waiting for as "May water".
I had the idea of ​​putting it in the forum, but there is so much information that I have to organize that it has been more comfortable to do it in a slack, although the idea is that when I have definitive versions of the document that I am doing, I will pass it on to the forum. And, as you can imagine and understand when you see the document, it would not be feasible to put it in a channel of this slack.
To receive the entry invitation, contact me privately in the Mod-Harbor slack or by mail with your mail and the username you want to use and I will send it to you. At the moment I will not publish a generic invitation (little by little).
Greetings, and I hope to see you there, and above all that what little you see you like and you have a million questions and suggestions.