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session object

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2019 6:38 am
by Otto
When I programmed with ASP we use the session object to swap data between the different web sides.What are the disadvantages of using the javascript session object instead of the post method.

Thank you in advance

Re: session object

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2019 7:26 am
by Massimo Linossi
Hi Otto.
I simulate the way PHP use sessions with a file. You can create a cookie with the name of the user and a string with the name of the file.
This file is a dbf placed in a folder with some columns a one row for every string you want to use and its value.
With some functions you can create a session, write it, read it, control if is alive and delete it if is a lot of time that is not used or closed
by a logout from the program.
There is some code to write but is working in the same way PHP does.

Re: session object

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2019 8:11 am
by Otto
Hello Massimo,
I am using javascript session object and this is working perfectly.
Only - as nobody seems to use it - I do not know if I will face problems with these objects.
Development is much easier as with the post method and also speed is better.
Best regards

Re: session object

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2019 8:40 am
by Otto
I found good documentation for this here:

The limit is 2mb+, depends on the browser.
Best regards,

Re: session object

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2019 4:50 pm
by Otto
session object is working perfectly.
Save Javascript objects in sessionStorage ... ionstorage

calling web page:

Code: Select all

   var name =  Object.create(null);
    name.FirstName= "Otto";
    name.LastName = "Mustermann"
    name.Age ="25"

     sessionStorage.setItem('example', JSON.stringify(name));
request page

Code: Select all

var temp = sessionStorage.getItem('example');
var viewName = $.parseJSON(temp);
var div = '<div>' + viewName.FirstName + ' ' + viewName.LastName + ' ' + viewName.strasse + ' is ' + viewName.Age + ' years old.' + '</div>';