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Bluetooth Activated

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 2:14 pm
by pablovidal

FWPCC a way that can be activated from the bluetooth if this is off

Code: Select all

public class BlueTooth


private enum BluetoothMode : int


Off = 0, //Turn off the Bluetooth radio.

Connectable = 1, //Turn on the Bluetooth radio, and make it connectable.

Discoverable = 2 //Turn on the Bluetooth radio, and make it both connectable and discoverable.



private static extern int BthSetMode(BluetoothMode mode);

public static bool EnableBT()


return (BthSetMode(BluetoothMode.Connectable) == 0);


public static bool DisableBT()


return (BthSetMode(BluetoothMode.Off) == 0);



Re: Bluetooth Activated

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 1:14 am
by pablovidal

Re: Bluetooth Activated

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 11:17 am
by Otto
Hello Pablo,

thank you for the code.
Maybe you also have a soltion for WiFi ON/OFF.

Thanks in advance,