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Sip handler

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 11:43 pm
by Silvio
for show the sip we must call showkeyboard() function
for hide the sip we must call hidekeyboard() function

When I use hidekeyboard() the keyboard not i showed but on my smathphone the wm 6.1 or 5.0 put an icon on botton buttonbar at the right

can we erase this icon ?

on Microsoft site I found many sip function ( core.dll )

This function enumerates the currently available input methods (IMs).

This application–defined callback function is used with the SipEnumIM function to enumerate the currently available input methods.

This function returns the class identifier (CLSID) of the current input method (IM).

This function receives information including the state of the software-based input panel, the area of the desktop that is not obscured by the software-based input panel, the screen coordinates of the software-based input panel, and information about the input method (IM) that the software-based input panel is currently using.

This function registers a window, which then receives software-based input panel notifications related to the current input method (IM).

This function sets the class identifier (CLSID) for the current input method (IM).

This function sets the default size and position of the software-based input panel window.

This function sets information including the state of the software–based input panel, the area of the desktop that is not obscured by the software–based input panel, the screen coordinates of the software-based input panel, and application-defined information about the input method (IM) that the software–based input panel is currently using.

This function shows or hides the currently active software–based input panel window. An application must call this function to display the software–based input panel and its current input method.

This function is called by an application to determine if the software-based input panel environment is loaded. With this information, an application can decide whether to continue interacting with the software-based input panel environment.


I found there is the possibilty to put the key board on up and down

but I not Know How make it